Finally someone that knows what they're talking about! Great post, I knew you'd post something in here. :p and Umek is awesome, your Slovenian techno god! :D
Well if it's really anything goes then I'll post some music from good old Berlin, Germany. It's no techno, but I'm generally really bad when it comes to electronical genres I'd just call the first two electro, and the third one is almost trip-hopish but they're all beautiful songs
On January 27 2010 05:58 7mk wrote: Well if it's really anything goes then I'll post some music from good old Berlin, Germany. It's no techno, but I'm generally really bad when it comes to electronical genres I'd just call the first two electro, and the third one is almost trip-hopish but they're all beautiful songs
what's cool about this remix is that it was a fan made mix posted on youtube, Liam heard it, liked it, remade it himself and started playing it on the live gigs.
Haha, the old "Vocal Trance" thread is still my bookmark thread into TeamLiquid. Always enter through it.
Great initiative and I'll be sure to check this out a lot the upcoming weekend. Tons to do right now though, but will be sure to add some own tips later on.