On June 08 2011 05:19 Vain wrote:Omg i just had a fort with 80 dwarves when i accountered LOADS OF FUN. I didnt had a good military yet and was sieged. Long story short goblins running around my fortress and killing everything  Edit: i just found out my militairy is sleeping:| btw what is a good measure to prevent your other dwarves running all over the place? in the previous version i could just order them inside but that dissapeared for some reason:\ The devestation: + Show Spoiler +
Replaced by http://df.magmawiki.com/index.php/DF2010:Burrow which are more flexible.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Thanks for help again guys! Relocated my workshops underground, got new immigrants and trying to find some orer and doing fantastic. But I have a problem with butchering: my hunter drags the kill to butchery, but if I try to order "butcher dead animal", it says that there is no butcherable dead body avaliable... Any ideas why this might happen?
The butcher shop, as well as some others will "auto-do-that"
Hunter drags body into butcher shop - the shop auto-adds "butcher animal" - He butchers it. I THINK that's how it works.
Tannerys will auto-tan hides, clothier's will auto...gather? webs. I think that's the only three that have that sort of function.
Oh, kitchens will auto-rend fat too.
o-r-o maybe.
Dwarves will ignore refuse, like corpses, that are outside by default. Hunters bring back their kills, but I dunno, is the workshop outside? Where is the corpse located now? Use t to see what's in the workshop. Maybe it's rotted already or has already been butchered.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Oh, apparently, all of my hunter kills (there were a big number of them) are rabbits, and rabbits don't provide food and as such aren't butchered... And there aren't any other wild animals other than rabbits in sight, I guess I can get a lof of skulls though, even though I would prefer hide and food.
On June 08 2011 08:21 Logo wrote: o-r-o maybe.
Dwarves will ignore refuse, like corpses, that are outside by default. Hunters bring back their kills, but I dunno, is the workshop outside? Where is the corpse located now? Use t to see what's in the workshop. Maybe it's rotted already or has already been butchered. Any way to change that?
My outdoor-only human imitation fortress is gonna get pretty gross if every goblin I kill just lies in the streets for eternity.
I've selected "dump" on all of the goblin corpses, but no one ever drags them away t.t;
o-r-o is the way to fix that, Haemonculus.
o is "orders" r is "refuse" and I'm assuming o is the button for "gather refuse that is outside"
o-r- something will help you out though.
Alright, the human-imitation fort has been founded!
And our embarking site is PERFECT! A river, allowing for a natural defense to build the main wall next to, and FLAT. Going to be able to set up my city walls wonderfully, yay!
Let's just hope nothing comes to murder us before we've got some sort of walls up, lol.
I always log on TL before playing SC, but often time reading this thread makes me player DF instead... My ladder ranking has declined because of this, but my fortress is thriving!
Edit: then I ignore my urge and lose 5 in a row then go play DF T_T
On June 08 2011 10:50 Ulfsark wrote: I always log on TL before playing SC, but often time reading this thread makes me player DF instead... My ladder ranking has declined because of this, but my fortress is thriving!
Haha, same deal. I've considered putting up a "Trapped in my Dwarf Fortress" broadcast on my sc2 account for friends =D. I'd like to add another recommendation for the DwarfTherapist utility which has been mentioned a couple times now. It really helps manage professions, and now I have a better idea about happiness levels around the fortress.
I play DF like every day now. I played it a long time ago when it was 20.?? and I lost interest cause I was like
TL rekindled my love. <3
So my blog fortress...I might put up an update tonight, however I really need to create more fun. I think I'm going to start butchering merchants :p
The game is also making my blog writing incredibly difficult. 26 person migration wave the season after my 15ish person wave that I JUST finished writing up a notepad version about?
Sooo.... I'm thinking my 2nd fortress is doomed.
The first one was over pretty fast - the first ~10 goblins attacked me and overwhelmed my 3 military dwarfes who had no training (beside sparring) since I only had 2 traps.
Journal of Vucar Shaligceral, mayor of Flarehelm (I'll basically write while I play): + Show Spoiler + 20th, Opal 253 Blasted goblins again! Our scouts count a good dozen of this vile creatures. And it seems they figured our trap system and brought crossbows with them this time. Seems like they will set up camp right at our entrance.
21st, Opal 253 The first charge across the trap-filled, straight (-_-) corridor to break out failed. We lost 4 dwarves before we retreated. But our militia commander, Rigoth Bomrekmosus Limulkamuk Gishdist (yes, that's the fucking name!), suggested we could sneak out of our backdoor and ambush the goblins from behind. I agreed and they could overwhelm the goblins from behind without further losses. But we still need new recruits for our military to fill our ranks again.
19th, Obsidian 253 I cannot believe this. Only two months have passed since the last attack and our scouts report another big army marching in our direction. Over 50 goblins and 10 trolls - I immediately ordered to seal our fort - but not before I sent messengers to our allies, the humans, elves and dwarves asking for help. But I fear help - if any comes - will arive too late.
25th, Obsidian 253 Over a week has passed and still no sign of help. Maybe the messengers couldnt make it past the enemy. We still have some supplies left to last for a while, though I started to work on some "special" surprises if we have to attack.
4th, Granite 254 We opened our backdoor to our farm and as soon as the enemy was near us, we unlocked the floodgates. I think we managed to kill 3 slow trolls and 7 clumsy goblins this way before the trolls smashed the floodgates blocking their retreat. But even a small victory is a victory!
1st, Slate 254 Moral is low. Still no sign of our allies and food & water is running low. I have ordered that everyone is getting some basic combat training & equipment. Maybe I should've given that order as soon as the siege started?
4th, Slate 254 The gods really seem to have their fun with us. A cyclops appeared - surely to break down our frontgate so that the hordes of goblin scum could flood into our halls. But something happened no one expected. At the sight of the cyclops the goblins started to attack him. The cyclops fought bravely but couldnt even manage to kill one goblin. So we're basically back to square one - a goblin siege at our front and no way to escape.
And now: It crashed! Just BAM "Dwarf Fortress.exe stopped working". Last "save" is from when the goblin siege started..... I can live with fighting a lost fight ... but gklsndfaslökdfn I'm honestly pissed
Hey, at least your whole fortress region didnt delete itself like mine! ;p
So a forgotten beast appeared and spread fire, then some migrants arrived... They ran RIGHT through the flames and almost all of them died...
Made for a funny sight.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/FAAyc.jpg)
Screen shot may seem a bit odd, I have 2 monitors so I had to cut it.
My hand seems to be developing a repetitive stress injury from a combination of finals week and dwarf fortress.
Anyone have anything to say about the mac version? I think it'd be good to know how it is before looking into learning such a complicated game.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
Oh wow, goblins are stronger than I anticipated... The just go through a layer of 20 rock traps and don't suffer even a bruise. No metal for making weapons until after the first goblin raid didn't help either. Sigh, this game is so fun
^^ start off with cage traps :-) they catch em easy even if they're only made out of wood. Then you can dispose of them in fun ways !
I'm having some trouble : (
I have about 15 goblin prisoners in my stockpile, I've stripped them of all their weapons and equipment just fine but now I want to let them out to get butchered by my military and no matter what I do (short of assigning a lever to every cage) I just cant seem to get them out of the cage, can anyone run me through how to do this?
I toss them all down a pit with no exits. Let them fight over who gets to starve to death last, ^.^