On April 12 2007 08:22 Ghin wrote:This is dedicated in memory of my friend Erik because I convinced him to play this game and he died at flash man. Twice. I blame myself.
Many noobs nowadays have never experience the earlier generations of gaming. Megaman 2 is a classic of gaming history, so I wanted to share it with those who have never played it (and refresh the memories of those who have). If you've never played it maybe you'll see this and try it out.
What makes it different from castlevania or mario is that when you beat one of the robot masters, you can then use a bastardized, less useful version of his weapon in the next levels. Also, you get to decide the order you go to the levels. Honestly it doesn't make too much of a difference, but each boss is weak to certain weapons so theoretically it could matter.
The robot masters are one of the best things in the game. Quickman's level is a vertical tunnel filled with giant death lasers.
He must be from australia because he has a big boomerang pasted to his head and jumps around the room like a kangaroo while tossing boomerangs.
You've got wood man, who summons a shield of razor-sharp metal leaves around himself, and then rains them down from the ceiling. If you think that sounds cool then you're a fucking idiot because this is what wood man looks like:
To even get to the robot masters, you have to navigate a maze of themed death traps. Some of them are fairly standard, like ceiling spikes or giant robot dogs who can breathe streams of liquid fire. Then there are some that force me to salute the evil genius of Dr. Wily.
You gotta give it to the man... this is probably the best and cheapest way to design an evil fortress.
Uhhh... what am I supposed to do here? If someone like master vampire hunter Simon Belmont can't fucking swim, how is a robot in a diaper and a helmet going to do it?
WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS. You ride the red thing on the white track while the floaty things try to ram themselves into you. Yeah, dont pick this stage first on your virgin megaman experience. The stage you should pick to be rid of your megaman virginity is flashman's.
This guy is the wussiest boss ever. I don't know how to even describe how terribly pathetic he is. He has robot paunch for christ's sake. When you plow through his pathetically easy stage and blast down the door to his room, you are greeted by flashman's fearsome and slightly transparent face.
He shuffles across the uneven floor of his subterranean lair towards you, and then holds out his hand. What is the object he holds? It looks something like a stopwatch. WRONG. It is the power of the FLASH CANNON. The flash cannon gives out an immobilizing burst of light, and then fires a spray of bullets. Most of the time he'll miss you and even if it does hit you, it does very little damage. He does more damage if he runs into you.
Great, so you beat flash man. Now you get the sweet spray gun right? Nope. You get a pink outfit and can make the air sparkle.
I felt I had to at least mention heatman, if only briefly. I feel sorry for heatman. His only form of attack involves lighting himself on fire and hurling himself at you.
There's a lot more stuff in the game than what I've mentioned. I suggest you try it out. You can buy the megaman anniversary collection for (i think) ps2, xbox, and gc. The sound is a bit fucked up on it, but it's still the same game. You can also download it for free, but that would be piracy yaaarrrr.
I thought I'd share since I haven't really seen any threads with topics I like in a while. Maybe there will be discussion about other classic games (doubtful folks since u all noobs neck snap u ez).
Also, it's absolutely baffling to me that someone in grad school can't figure out how to fucking beat flashman.