Let me re-do the original thread with more updated info.
What is it?
It's a free online browser game. There are of course features you get for paying a small fee (completely optional and not subscription based, payable with SMS, paypal or credit card). After you create your first account and complete the tutorial you get 14 days of VIP account for free to check it out and see if you need it or not (I'm only depositing by SMS when I really need to work on my tactics, besides that it's not really that useful).
CSM is a Counter-Strike manager game where you will be responsible for a whole team of CS players, staff members and weekly expenses and income.
It is your job to find the perfect balance of your attention and make sure to be swift at discovering which part of your clan that needs to be worked on. Through different sections you can manage your players, finances, staff, tactics, matches and so much more!
Will you be on top of the game and advance to higher divisions or are the other clans too much of a challenge so you are forced to relegate to a lower division and try to work your way up again?
This all depends on you, as the manager of your own professional CS team and everything that comes along with it!
Which countries are supported?
This has been a problem before, when only few countries (mostly Europe) got access to the game. Right now the list is as follows:
CSM Country (all members from countries not in the list)
United Kingdom
United States
the Netherlands
More info
Starter tips by Manit0u
In the beginning it is pretty tough, what you should be focusing on is getting your players right and setting up a nice income.
Get 5 of them, no more, no less. All you don't need you sell immediately, even for 1csm (in-game money).
There are basically 3 ways you can start your players:
a) balanced young, long term
b) balanced old, short term
c) mixed
You might get lucky and just get all your initial players awesome, but it's unlikely. What different tactics do:
Ad. a) You get 5 players aged 17-18 with decent limits (limits is all what players are about) and at least 3 talent. Ideally, you'd want your players to be 13 but they cost so much that only people from higher divisions can afford them and their training.
Ad. b) You get all your players around 25 years of age, already trained. They will be more expensive to buy and sustain but they might win you some lower divisions for extra cash and you don't need to throw money at them to train them.
Ad. c) You get 1 or 2 highly skilled players to carry the rest who are training.
Personally, I like to go for option #1. In the beginning you won't be highly successful with it, but as your players train it just keeps getting better and better and you get nice and steady cash flow. I'm in Division 4 now and my players can take games from clans in Division 1 at times.
Obviously, you don't want to buy players with high limits in less important skills or waste time and money training those. Top 6 skills, in order of importance, are:
Awareness > Quickness > Aim > Determination > Handling > Playing IQ
Good limits are 90+ but with your first team you can do with ~80-85.
The long term tactic is to get your initial players trained to the level where you can hold your ground in higher divisions, which net you nice cash. Then, as your players grow old and start to lose skills you go into the eco mode, you just wait out a couple seasons minimizing expenses and most likely dropping a couple divisions down. Then you buy 5 youngsters and start training them with the huge amount of cash you have saved. 13 yo guy that you train properly will be better at age 18 than most 25 yos people have.
You need 3 of them:
Medic with max analyze to check your player limits (other medic stats are unimportant at start). When you have analyzed all of your players, fire his ass.
PR Manager with max sponsor and marketing (events aren't that important).
Coach with maxed 1 field. If you're earning a lot/week then get a second one with maxed 1 field (and preferably minimum in other fields, he can only train your players in 1 thing at the time and his stats are directly tied to his salary).
Buy first upgrade and max HLTV slots you can with it. It'll be your main source of income.
For starters the best sponsors are those that give you a set amount of money/week. If you're doing very well in your leage you can get one that pays you for game or round won.
Those I'll disclose later on if there will be any people interested in the game.
Since the new season starts tomorrow and there's still a few days before first games start I thought it'd be nice to post this.