On October 04 2013 21:58 DCRed wrote: Seems there's awfully lot of misinformation about several things in MoP with people.
With new talent system you actually have to change your talents on different bosses as well as some of them changing a bit how your spec plays out.
LFR is pointless for everyone except those who play like few hours every now and then(and the odd trinket if you got screw'd by rng last tier), I honestly don't know why people get mad over lfr.
Timeless gear is bad, doesn't really matter which ilvl piece it is unless your stat scaling is akin to warrior and you happen get ring with crit only. Flex is the most awesome thing ever and actually a real substitute to gearing your alts to be raid ready without having to create second raid comp with your alts.
Most of the MoP lore is setup for next expansion and connecting it to existing one. Capturing Garrosh explains a bit why Varian decided to march into Org with full force.
I have a weird question for you good sir.
What is LFR and what is flex ?
At level 90 you can do Looking for Raid, which is a very easy version of the raids that have been released at max level.
Flex raiding, is a lot harder but not as hard as normal mode still, where better gear drops (so to gear your alts) and is for raid numbers from 10players to 25, and any amounts in between, for example 13 people or 18. You can then raid all the bosses in the raids to get gear which is better ilevel than LFR.
On October 04 2013 22:11 FFW_Rude wrote: I have a weird question for you good sir. What is LFR and what is flex ?
LFR is looking for raid, similar to the lfd version for finding groups to dungeon. Bosses are much, much easier there compared to normal mode and mechanics might be changed to easier in some fights. Bosses usually have same drops as their normal versions have but sometimes there's exceptions for some items, the items obviously are lower item level as well compared to normal. This lets you see the raid and the content without having to be in a raid guild and time investment is very low, reason why most people do it.
Flex aka ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ as in flexible raid is new(added in 5.4) raid mode which scales depending on how many players are in your raid. You don't need to have 10 or 25 players, you can go with 13 people or 22! Difficulty is still below normal but higher than LFR and the ilvl for items is such as well. Flex is really nice as you can bring your friends and who you like without having to worry and thinking about raid comps and such.
So in total there's now LFR, Flex, N and HC versions of the raid now. They are all on separate lock out, except normal and heroic, so in total you could do the raid 3 times.
On October 04 2013 21:58 DCRed wrote: Seems there's awfully lot of misinformation about several things in MoP with people.
With new talent system you actually have to change your talents on different bosses as well as some of them changing a bit how your spec plays out.
LFR is pointless for everyone except those who play like few hours every now and then(and the odd trinket if you got screw'd by rng last tier), I honestly don't know why people get mad over lfr.
Timeless gear is bad, doesn't really matter which ilvl piece it is unless your stat scaling is akin to warrior and you happen get ring with crit only. Flex is the most awesome thing ever and actually a real substitute to gearing your alts to be raid ready without having to create second raid comp with your alts.
Most of the MoP lore is setup for next expansion and connecting it to existing one. Capturing Garrosh explains a bit why Varian decided to march into Org with full force.
I have a weird question for you good sir.
What is LFR and what is flex ?
Two new raid difficulties both of which are easier than, and award lesser quality loot than Normal mode raids.
Here's the rundown. The ilvl values are for Siege of Orgrimmar raid tier.
1. Looking for Raid (LFR): Awards 528 ilvl gear. 25 man raid, entry requires a 496 ilvl and matchmaking is done via the LFR match maker. Cross realm compatible. Raid content is extremely easy to compensate for the fact that the group is randomly matched. I personally don't find this version of raiding fun at all due to how forgiving the mechanics of it are, normal mode Mechanics are often not present such as tank taunt offs on Sha of Pride as an example.
2. Flexible Difficulty: (Flex) Awards 540 ilvl gear. Can be played with 10-25 players assembled via real id from cross realm or through traditional realm groups. The health and damage of the mobs and bosses scales depending on the number of people in the group. All normal mode boss mechanics are present although usually tuned to be more forgiving than Normal mode.
This is currently my much preferred method over LFR for gearing my alts that don't do Normal mode raids.
3. Normal Mode Raids: Awards 553 ilvl. Can be played with 10 or 25 players. Not cross realm accessible. Loot is distributed in the traditional manner. Boss mechanics are less forgiving than Flex.
4. Heroic Mode Raids: Awards 572 ilvl. Can be played with 10 or 25 players. Not cross realm accessible. Loot is distributed in the traditional manner. Bosses usually contain at least 1 extra mechanic over normal and is the least forgiving difficulty.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Well... Beiing a healer as always been like that for 5men instances. Especially when playing chaman heal. But i like the low difficulty because with proper play (or not) i can solo dungeons that are kind like my level because you know... players are almost all assholes and no guild + no friends does that too :p.
People say that you could play cross server with real ID but can you do it cross ocean ? I mean can i play with US players ? Could be some TLers that would agree to do stuff together.
On October 04 2013 22:50 Redox wrote: In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Heroic dungeons are there to gear yourself up at the start of expansion, not something you'd find yourself doing often at the end of expansion. Have you done heroic scenarios? If not you'll quickly find out what your other healing spells are for. Also there's the challenge modes where you will need optimized gear and have to know your class pretty well to be able to hit the gold time. The timeless isle gear is hardly god mode raid gear, current LFR provides you with better gear.
I agree I loved the BC 5mans, Magister's Terrace is still one of my favourites and Wotlk ones were quite nice as well.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
5man heroics and szenarios are for valorpoint farming, which everyone has to do to upgrade items. If they were as hard and long as classic/tbc 5mans id fucking puke every single week. If you want a challenge do the challenge modes. There is TONS of things to do, just because youre ignorant of them doesnt mean theyre not there. Just a few pages ago:
On September 30 2013 02:51 waferjuice wrote: So lets say after years of not going into WoW but still reading WoW news, i would like to ask, what are the many different types of end game content summarized in their most basic form?
End Game Content 1. Dailies in pandaria which there are TONS of.. 2. BG 3. Raids. 4. LFR Raids for those who cant get into any good guild. 5. Heroics. 6. Heroic Raids- Is VC in here? im not too sure. 7. Flexi Raids <-- Qn, what are they? 8. Arenas 9. Challenge mode? What is challenge mode? 10. Trials or proving grounds or osmething? Single Player WoW? 11. Anymore? These are all i can think of at the moment. 12. Farming world boss Sha. 13. ?? anymore?
Can someone help me out with this. I would like to get back into WoW but i do not want to get information overload especially once i hit the pandaria land.
between 2 and 3 there should also be ratedBG, which is like BG and arena combined. You have to have a full group and you get rated. 6. what do you mean by VC? 7. Flex raids allows you to raid with anyone and between 10 and 25 people. the difficulty is tied to how many people you have in the group. 9. heroics are super easy these days. so they implemented Challange modes, which are basically the 5man dungeons that you play for timed runs. They are difficult because your gear gets scaled down to the same level, no matter how good it is. Also every boss is harder, more hp etc etc. You get absolutely no loot though. But there are leaderboards online. 10. Yeah, basically you get waves of mobs and you play either as healer tank or dd and it gets tricky at later waves. On top of that there is also the BrawlGar arena, where you solo pve against encounters with abilities etc.Example, and my favortie one: 11. pokemon! err, pet battles yeah. gotta catch em all.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Download that add on, and use it to help find yourself a Flex group, or find a traditional trade chat PuG yourself.
Flex raids are commonly pugged and the cross realm compatibility means you can use an add on like the one I just linked you to find a group assembled from various realms. Flex raids require less time investment vs normals due to the way they carved up into wings, yet have all normal mode boss mechanics which means they aren't faceroll like LFR.
As far as the gutting of 5 man heroics, they definitely didn't do that to "appease the hardcore" they did that in Cataclysm to appease the casual whiners that complained that Cataclysm Heroics (which were awesome btw pre-nerf) were too hard to do in 5 man LFD groups where people refused to do basic shit like CC trash mobs and not stand in fire.
You don't get to sit here and accuse the game of catering to the Hardcore while in the same breath criticize it for being easy, that's a contradictory statement.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Well... Beiing a healer as always been like that for 5men instances. Especially when playing chaman heal. But i like the low difficulty because with proper play (or not) i can solo dungeons that are kind like my level because you know... players are almost all assholes and no guild + no friends does that too :p.
People say that you could play cross server with real ID but can you do it cross ocean ? I mean can i play with US players ? Could be some TLers that would agree to do stuff together.
If you're on any North American realm you can do stuff cross realm with any other North American realm. Ditto with European realms.
It all depends on what region you're playing in, faction too obviously.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Well... Beiing a healer as always been like that for 5men instances. Especially when playing chaman heal. But i like the low difficulty because with proper play (or not) i can solo dungeons that are kind like my level because you know... players are almost all assholes and no guild + no friends does that too :p.
People say that you could play cross server with real ID but can you do it cross ocean ? I mean can i play with US players ? Could be some TLers that would agree to do stuff together.
If you're on any North American realm you can do stuff cross realm with any other North American realm. Ditto with European realms.
It all depends on what region you're playing in, faction too obviously.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Well... Beiing a healer as always been like that for 5men instances. Especially when playing chaman heal. But i like the low difficulty because with proper play (or not) i can solo dungeons that are kind like my level because you know... players are almost all assholes and no guild + no friends does that too :p.
People say that you could play cross server with real ID but can you do it cross ocean ? I mean can i play with US players ? Could be some TLers that would agree to do stuff together.
If you're on any North American realm you can do stuff cross realm with any other North American realm. Ditto with European realms.
It all depends on what region you're playing in, faction too obviously.
So no EU/US ? (that was in fact my question)
Unfortunately no. Region locks are still in place.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Well... Beiing a healer as always been like that for 5men instances. Especially when playing chaman heal. But i like the low difficulty because with proper play (or not) i can solo dungeons that are kind like my level because you know... players are almost all assholes and no guild + no friends does that too :p.
People say that you could play cross server with real ID but can you do it cross ocean ? I mean can i play with US players ? Could be some TLers that would agree to do stuff together.
If you're on any North American realm you can do stuff cross realm with any other North American realm. Ditto with European realms.
It all depends on what region you're playing in, faction too obviously.
So no EU/US ? (that was in fact my question)
Unfortunately no. Region locks are still in place.
Oh that's too bad. Well i'm in EU (France (i say France for the time not for the language. I don't mind writing in english)) so if some Tlers (alliance) want to do stupid thing like doing all old dungeons (especially MC,BWL and stuff like that) i would love to. It's too hard for just one player.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
Well... Beiing a healer as always been like that for 5men instances. Especially when playing chaman heal. But i like the low difficulty because with proper play (or not) i can solo dungeons that are kind like my level because you know... players are almost all assholes and no guild + no friends does that too :p.
People say that you could play cross server with real ID but can you do it cross ocean ? I mean can i play with US players ? Could be some TLers that would agree to do stuff together.
If you're on any North American realm you can do stuff cross realm with any other North American realm. Ditto with European realms.
It all depends on what region you're playing in, faction too obviously.
So no EU/US ? (that was in fact my question)
Unfortunately no. Region locks are still in place.
Oh that's too bad. Well i'm in EU (France (i say France for the time not for the language. I don't mind writing in english)) so if some Tlers (alliance) want to do stupid thing like doing all old dungeons (especially MC,BWL and stuff like that) i would love to. It's too hard for just one player.
haha, I find it funny that you felt the need to write out in English on TL (an English speaking site) that you don't mind writing in English.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
As far as the gutting of 5 man heroics, they definitely didn't do that to "appease the hardcore" they did that in Cataclysm to appease the casual whiners that complained that Cataclysm Heroics (which were awesome btw pre-nerf) were too hard to do in 5 man LFD groups where people refused to do basic shit like CC trash mobs and not stand in fire.
Somewhat strange statement, because that gutting happened with Wotlk. Of course people refused to CC trash mobs, because the last time it was necessary to CC anything was during BC. This is probably because of the LFG tool which came out then. CC spells not needed anymore outside of PvP is another huge loss in the game.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
As far as the gutting of 5 man heroics, they definitely didn't do that to "appease the hardcore" they did that in Cataclysm to appease the casual whiners that complained that Cataclysm Heroics (which were awesome btw pre-nerf) were too hard to do in 5 man LFD groups where people refused to do basic shit like CC trash mobs and not stand in fire.
Somewhat strange statement, because that gutting happened with Wotlk. Of course people refused to CC trash mobs, because the last time it was necessary to CC anything was during BC. This is probably because of the LFG tool which came out then. CC spells not needed anymore outside of PvP is another huge loss in the game.
It isn't a strange statement at all, you just need to know your history.
Cataclysm Heroics before they were nerfed were 3-4x more difficult than any Wrath of the Lich King dungeon with the exception perhaps of Halls of Reflection Heroic.
Wrath dungeons were easier than BC ones, but there wasn't a large scale nerfing of them the way there was with Cataclysm heroics.
Pre-nerf Cataclysm Heroics were actually somewhat challenging even for an experienced player. I loved it.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
You don't get to sit here and accuse the game of catering to the Hardcore while in the same breath criticize it for being easy, that's a contradictory statement.
See this is the one big misconception hardcore players and Blizzard themselves have when it comes to so-called casual players. Casual player = bad player, which is just total nonsense. While it is more about being a player with less time, just not being interested in 25 man raids or being unwilling or unable to submit yourself to a raid guild schedule. And that surely does not mean that you want god mode for the part of the game you are playing.
Back then in BC when I was most active I encountered plenty of über-equipped raid players in 5 man heroics that I never took with me again because they were just terribad. From my experience the correlation of raid player with good player or non-raid player with bad player is very low.
No, our perception is accurate of a majority of casuals.
The ones that are actually capable players with a small amount of time are a very small minority. For them Flex is a valid option as it doesn't require an actual schedule, or guild level coordination to do.
If raiding is not your thing, MoP has provided more side content than has ever existed in the game. Brawler's Guild, Challenge Modes, Pet battling, Arena that no longer requires set teams, old school rep grinds like Emperor ShaoHao, daily quests, Rare mobs to hunt for Achievement metas etc.
On October 04 2013 21:17 Warri wrote: Holy shit you guys, stop with the LFR arguments already, dont talk about it at all. Its there and it has absolutely 0 fucking influence on normal or heroic raiding. And no, "people are content with lfr and dont bother with normal" is not an argument, you wouldnt want to raid normal with those people anyway. There are very rare cases that a new tier lfrs item is better than the previous tiers normal/hc and those cases are limited to trinkets and set boni, so while you theoretically can "catch up" with someone who did hc on last tier, who the fuck cares? Are you raiding to impress others with items? Also, ilvl goes up to 580 by now, compare that to the 535(543) you get on the isle or 528(536) of lfr. Its not even close. Heres a rough comparison of DPS by classes, just click through the ilvls. http://www.noxxic.com/wow/dps-rankings/maximum#BiS
Sorry, but it does have quite a significant impact.
When I join a guild, I'm expected to do these LFR-Raids to get gear, so I have to have a really frustrating, boring and time-consuming experience ahead of me. I don't want to something I don't enjoy for several hours a week in order to not gimp myself.
If you're raiding since the last tier and have decent gear already, that's nice. If you're new, the experience of gearing up is nothing short of horrid.
There's so much great content now, but the LFR really is the reason I only bought one month since Pandaria (and one in Cataclysm).
Since when has catching up to current raid gear NOT sucked?
In BC it did not suck. Actually, for me doing the BC 5 man heroics was more fun (and partly even more challenging) than doing raids.
What I see in MoP now is just so boring in comparison. Some call it "catering to casuals", but for me as a casual it is more "catering to hardcore players". They still have all their challenging and probably fun raids. And with all the pre raid gear thrown around they can catch up to their raid guild easily after taking a break or whatever. But what is there for people without a raid guild? Daily quests? Are you kidding me?
I just restarted playing WoW, leveling a monk healer. And all I do in instances is running after the group, sometimes casually pressing the HOT key. I guess I have like 8 heal spells or something, but no idea what I would need those for. If I really felt like casting my small heal once, it heals more than my max hp. The big one heals 3 times my max hp. The biggest challenge is trying to not fall asleep, because that is literally the only way anyone could die ever.
No idea why blizz felt it is a good idea to give everyone who is not in high end raids god mode, but it is boring as fuck. Because of this, WOW does not even feel like playing a game anymore. It is more like watching an interactive movie, holding down the W key to walk through it.
As far as the gutting of 5 man heroics, they definitely didn't do that to "appease the hardcore" they did that in Cataclysm to appease the casual whiners that complained that Cataclysm Heroics (which were awesome btw pre-nerf) were too hard to do in 5 man LFD groups where people refused to do basic shit like CC trash mobs and not stand in fire.
Somewhat strange statement, because that gutting happened with Wotlk. Of course people refused to CC trash mobs, because the last time it was necessary to CC anything was during BC. This is probably because of the LFG tool which came out then. CC spells not needed anymore outside of PvP is another huge loss in the game.
It isn't a strange statement at all, you just need to know your history.
Cataclysm Heroics before they were nerfed were 3-4x more difficult than any Wrath of the Lich King dungeon with the exception perhaps of Halls of Reflection Heroic.
Wrath dungeons were easier than BC ones, but there wasn't a large scale nerfing of them the way there was with Cataclysm heroics.
Pre-nerf Cataclysm Heroics were actually somewhat challenging even for an experienced player. I loved it.
Yeah, I need to know my history lol. I actually bought Cataclysm and played it for like 1 month after release specifically because I had heared that they would make challenging 5 man heroics again. Needless to say I was disappointed. It was still absolutely unneccesary to cc anything, or to mark targets or whatever. The fact alone that tanking had been made so easy that aggro as a factor had become virtually obsolete made things incredibly more boring and less challenging as a dd and as a tank.
Yes some LFG groups might have had some problems, but what else is there to expect. If a LFG group would be able to do it without any communication, it would be way too easy by default for any non-LFG group. And again the same mistake of confusing LFG problems with casual player problems is being made.
tldr, 2 essential things have been taken from the game: aggro and cc.
I'd put Heroic Stonecore up next to any BC Heroic and I think it would stand up to it. Magister's Terrace might come out slightly ahead, slightly.
What it lacks in terms of threat mechanics it gains in far more colorful boss Mechanics. Sure in BC you had to deal with threat but none of the bosses actually ever did anything you had to watch out for. A frontal cleave or a whirlwind was about the worst of it; the trash packs were by and large where the difficulty of the dungeons came from.
And that's true of almost everything in WoW now. The difficulty isn't in threat anymore it's in more complicated boss mechanics that if threat were still an issue would be impossible to actually do.
The difficulty in raiding hasn't been lowered it's just been changed. Same is true in dungeons. Don't believe me? Go do some Challenge Modes.
EDIT: Oh on that note. Try doing Challenge Modes without CC and tell me how far you get. If you can make it past the first set of trash in Scarlet Monastery I'll be impressed.