So im finally settled here (Québec) and i'm looking for a us version of wow.
The stores i've found only sell eu version of the game (looks like most people here play on the french servers) and battle.net dont want to accept my visa card. So basically i'm screwed.
So is there a Québequois who could tell me where to find that in the city please?
On March 10 2010 07:07 Groslouser wrote: So im finally settled here (Québec) and i'm looking for a us version of wow.
The stores i've found only sell eu version of the game (looks like most people here play on the french servers) and battle.net dont want to accept my visa card. So basically i'm screwed.
So is there a Québequois who could tell me where to find that in the city please?
There's this little store I've heard of. They sell their stuff on the internet.
Click me
I can't speak for WotLK, but prior to that I always thought Kael'thas of The Eye was one of the tougher fights, so I think it's weird nobody mentioned it. I remember having a hell of a time with that one... I think they patched it and made it easier though?
can you believe that shit, i just got hacked cancel my name in the guild someone has access to my account. ill pm when its fixed.
Ooh...this sounds fun (:
My main server is Whisperwind US...and I only have two 80s, neither of which I could really transfer :\
One of these days I'll poke my head in and look around on Bloodscalp, though (:
How many TL people have you guys managed to round up and such?
3861 Posts
We have about 65 accounts but I'd say around 15-20 active members
I haven't been on much, unfortunately. The toon I had planned to xfer over has been getting a lot of play recently to fill in the spot of a druid who recently quit. And now that I just got King Slayer on it, I have a feeling it'll be getting even more use for the time being. If things settle down I hope to send him or another toon on over still.
Woooo i'm getting my account back soon. Let a friend have it after i quit and it's been hard to get in touch with him but I'm talking to him right now. yet another distraction for school.
On March 06 2010 14:01 Niton wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2010 03:01 Jibba wrote:IMO, KT/Gothik were technically more difficult fights than 4HM/Sapph, but those two were gateway fights that were rough because of artificial restrictions like gear, class comp and shamans. In terms of satisfaction, I've heard that C'thun, Naxx and M'uru are at the top of the list for best encounters, with really only Mimi making it from WotLK, but again, I haven't talked to anyone that was one of the first to do Naxx and one of the first to do Ulduar. There's no doubt it's a better overall game now and I do believe people that say Yogg0 was harder than C'thun for them, I just don't know if they did them at their hardest state. I used to raid with a bunch of people who met that criteria, and i've tanked Sunwell, Lol80Naxx/Maly/Sarth, and Ulduar (including Yogg+0) when they were the 'progression' content. Originally a lot of them believed that the newer content wasn't as hard as it used to be, through M'uru changed a few peoples' minds, and by the end of Ulduar, most of them agreed that the newer content was much tighter tuned than C'thun/Naxx. As I had it put to me once, "I used to hate 25-mans, but really, they're just 40-mans except without the 15 idiots we used to carry". Back in Naxx, you could literally kill a boss with a group of players dead in the corner if you had to - there's no way you could 22-man the 'hard-mode' bosses of today for your first kill. A big part of the change is that there is a larger percentage of the playerbase who simply "gets" how to play their class. I hear tales from all of the people I know who raided in early vanilla about their retarded players - the ones who were relegated to out of combat rez duty, or died 5 times on one C'thun kill, or simply couldn't figure out how to not dispel themselves on a fight like Grobbulus. These players would never cut it in today's raiding environment. Yogg is the most technical fight i've ever done.. but he's not the hardest. He was all about perfect organization, with any sort of variance among the 12 or so "important" players causing a wipe. Once we had our strategy down and people knew how they had to go about things though, we killed him fairly comfortably, nerves aside. Tanking that fight was ridiculous, and i'd really love to see fights where DPS are challenged in that way. The hardest fight i've ever done without a doubt was M'uru v1.1, the version without spell pushback. That fight, if anyone died and they weren't up within 5 seconds, you wiped unless you were 80 seconds into Phase 2 already. The coordination required was decently behind what Yogg's was, but still quite heavy, and the benchmarks for every single player in the raid were incredibly high. By all accounts i've heard, C'thun was not particularly difficult once you knew the fight - the same people would always die to the same things, but you'd kill him anyways once he was on farm. Until M'uru got nerfed, he required near-perfect play out of your entire raid every week. I really think WoW has made great strides forward in raw encounter difficulty, but I don't think they could legitimately design another fight at his level because of the sheer optimization required to beat him.
No fight is particularly difficult once you know the fight. Mu'ru 1.1 was retarded in the fact that no amount of gear you gained from killing him actually helped you kill him the week later. The dps requirement was so tight that on several occasions you could wipe because one or two of your rogues were having bad luck critting. Mu'ru was a boss you could have a perfect performance from every raid member and STILL wipe to, even if you've killed him 4-5 weeks in a row. He was fun no doubt, but his tuning was whacked out.
Gothik was one of the most complex and difficult fights in this game, it ranks in the same area of C'thun...BUT it was rather easy once you knew the fight. Yogg I found to be like every other fight in this game. You pick your 15 *good* people and they do the shit that's actually important while everyone else spams something else.
Healing took actual thought in TBC/Vanilla. The increase in mana regen and buffs and the subsequent removal of downranking absolutely killed healing for me. I played a Priest from beta until I quit April 2009. That Priest has seen World 2nds on several occasions in Naxx 60 (Lolatheb being my favorite -.- You don't know consumable farming until you've done that one) and I really really enjoyed healing back then. I had to watch my mana, dance the 5sr, and use the appropriate heal for the situation or risk being very wasteful.
Blizzard started to piss me off when they messed with CoH. It was perfectly fine being contained in the group and every priest and their mother knew that making it jump party lines would over power the hell out of it. So what does blizzard do...make it jump party lines. Then they nerfed priests and then buffed them somewhat and then nerfed them again and BLAH BLAH BLAH.
It was a damn mess. Then they removed downranking and that was the beginning of the end of my WoW experience. Fights that used to take thought now were just relegated to 1 button spam fests. I didn't roll a DPS class for that EXACT reason and then they went and made healing completely and totally mindless.
Now most raid encounters don't even require any intuitive movement by the majority of the raid. Everyone can sit still for a grand majority of them (besides the occasional lol ice shards on the head) and just spam away.
That's all WoW is now. They make the enrage timers tight or they make you do the fight inefficiently to make it "hard" and then attempt to reward you for it...then someone who turns in some heroic badges gets just about the same thing because numbers are so damn high now that that 40 healing difference or whatever is negligible now.
Mana doesn't matter anymore and WoW healing is more like played FF10...where any hard boss just immediately one shots your tank on multiple lol occasions...and that's taken as hard.
I do not regret quitting. A lot of old school razor edge tier raiders don't regret quitting either. I miss the days where you actually had to brain storm outside of the game on how to beat a boss because the immediate answer just isn't there. WoW bosses just aren't intuitive anymore...that and testing is the whole instance nowadays.
I didn't mind the drop from 40-25 much but man did they destroy the metagame to go more casual friendly.
I wish we could someday have a wow thread that DIDNT degenerate into this same discussion.
stop talking about this vanilla/tbc/wotlk raiding is better shit god damn it's making my head hurt it's over shut up already it derailed this thread so hard -______-
On the other hand everyone should play with us ^.^
On March 10 2010 07:07 Groslouser wrote: So im finally settled here (Québec) and i'm looking for a us version of wow.
The stores i've found only sell eu version of the game (looks like most people here play on the french servers) and battle.net dont want to accept my visa card. So basically i'm screwed.
So is there a Québequois who could tell me where to find that in the city please?
I live in Quebec and english copies are everywhere, have you tried EBgames?
On March 13 2010 06:08 iSiN wrote: stop talking about this vanilla/tbc/wotlk raiding is better shit god damn it's making my head hurt it's over shut up already it derailed this thread so hard -______-
On the other hand everyone should play with us ^.^
This. The game is different for sure, but whether for the better or worse is up to the players on an individual basis, so play it...at your own risk.
United States47024 Posts
3 of us are going to try getting started during spring break:
Emrys, Tammuz, and CowGoPoo
Damn, I missed WOW. I started play from the open beta untill the late stage of WOW Vanilla. Was one of the top shaman(Rank 1 healing in MC and BWL and Onyxia all the time) in my server. My guild back then was a monster guild, always in the first three guild to beat bosses in WOW Vanilla, but you guys would have guessed, to archive that, most of us have to give up a lot of time. To a point I cant stand the time that I need to consume anymore. I quited. I've been both regret and happy about that decision. I love the Warcraft lore so much that i read every damn Warcraft novels out there. Man, I miss this game. Wish you guys alot of luck though, try to have fun together ^^
On March 13 2010 04:58 Jayme wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2010 14:01 Niton wrote:On March 06 2010 03:01 Jibba wrote:IMO, KT/Gothik were technically more difficult fights than 4HM/Sapph, but those two were gateway fights that were rough because of artificial restrictions like gear, class comp and shamans. In terms of satisfaction, I've heard that C'thun, Naxx and M'uru are at the top of the list for best encounters, with really only Mimi making it from WotLK, but again, I haven't talked to anyone that was one of the first to do Naxx and one of the first to do Ulduar. There's no doubt it's a better overall game now and I do believe people that say Yogg0 was harder than C'thun for them, I just don't know if they did them at their hardest state. I used to raid with a bunch of people who met that criteria, and i've tanked Sunwell, Lol80Naxx/Maly/Sarth, and Ulduar (including Yogg+0) when they were the 'progression' content. Originally a lot of them believed that the newer content wasn't as hard as it used to be, through M'uru changed a few peoples' minds, and by the end of Ulduar, most of them agreed that the newer content was much tighter tuned than C'thun/Naxx. As I had it put to me once, "I used to hate 25-mans, but really, they're just 40-mans except without the 15 idiots we used to carry". Back in Naxx, you could literally kill a boss with a group of players dead in the corner if you had to - there's no way you could 22-man the 'hard-mode' bosses of today for your first kill. A big part of the change is that there is a larger percentage of the playerbase who simply "gets" how to play their class. I hear tales from all of the people I know who raided in early vanilla about their retarded players - the ones who were relegated to out of combat rez duty, or died 5 times on one C'thun kill, or simply couldn't figure out how to not dispel themselves on a fight like Grobbulus. These players would never cut it in today's raiding environment. Yogg is the most technical fight i've ever done.. but he's not the hardest. He was all about perfect organization, with any sort of variance among the 12 or so "important" players causing a wipe. Once we had our strategy down and people knew how they had to go about things though, we killed him fairly comfortably, nerves aside. Tanking that fight was ridiculous, and i'd really love to see fights where DPS are challenged in that way. The hardest fight i've ever done without a doubt was M'uru v1.1, the version without spell pushback. That fight, if anyone died and they weren't up within 5 seconds, you wiped unless you were 80 seconds into Phase 2 already. The coordination required was decently behind what Yogg's was, but still quite heavy, and the benchmarks for every single player in the raid were incredibly high. By all accounts i've heard, C'thun was not particularly difficult once you knew the fight - the same people would always die to the same things, but you'd kill him anyways once he was on farm. Until M'uru got nerfed, he required near-perfect play out of your entire raid every week. I really think WoW has made great strides forward in raw encounter difficulty, but I don't think they could legitimately design another fight at his level because of the sheer optimization required to beat him. No fight is particularly difficult once you know the fight. Mu'ru 1.1 was retarded in the fact that no amount of gear you gained from killing him actually helped you kill him the week later. The dps requirement was so tight that on several occasions you could wipe because one or two of your rogues were having bad luck critting. Mu'ru was a boss you could have a perfect performance from every raid member and STILL wipe to, even if you've killed him 4-5 weeks in a row. He was fun no doubt, but his tuning was whacked out. Gothik was one of the most complex and difficult fights in this game, it ranks in the same area of C'thun...BUT it was rather easy once you knew the fight. Yogg I found to be like every other fight in this game. You pick your 15 *good* people and they do the shit that's actually important while everyone else spams something else. Healing took actual thought in TBC/Vanilla. The increase in mana regen and buffs and the subsequent removal of downranking absolutely killed healing for me. I played a Priest from beta until I quit April 2009. That Priest has seen World 2nds on several occasions in Naxx 60 (Lolatheb being my favorite -.- You don't know consumable farming until you've done that one) and I really really enjoyed healing back then. I had to watch my mana, dance the 5sr, and use the appropriate heal for the situation or risk being very wasteful. Blizzard started to piss me off when they messed with CoH. It was perfectly fine being contained in the group and every priest and their mother knew that making it jump party lines would over power the hell out of it. So what does blizzard do...make it jump party lines. Then they nerfed priests and then buffed them somewhat and then nerfed them again and BLAH BLAH BLAH. It was a damn mess. Then they removed downranking and that was the beginning of the end of my WoW experience. Fights that used to take thought now were just relegated to 1 button spam fests. I didn't roll a DPS class for that EXACT reason and then they went and made healing completely and totally mindless. Now most raid encounters don't even require any intuitive movement by the majority of the raid. Everyone can sit still for a grand majority of them (besides the occasional lol ice shards on the head) and just spam away. That's all WoW is now. They make the enrage timers tight or they make you do the fight inefficiently to make it "hard" and then attempt to reward you for it...then someone who turns in some heroic badges gets just about the same thing because numbers are so damn high now that that 40 healing difference or whatever is negligible now. Mana doesn't matter anymore and WoW healing is more like played FF10...where any hard boss just immediately one shots your tank on multiple lol occasions...and that's taken as hard. I do not regret quitting. A lot of old school razor edge tier raiders don't regret quitting either. I miss the days where you actually had to brain storm outside of the game on how to beat a boss because the immediate answer just isn't there. WoW bosses just aren't intuitive anymore...that and testing is the whole instance nowadays. I didn't mind the drop from 40-25 much but man did they destroy the metagame to go more casual friendly.
Cant agree more. A game in change all the time is doomed to get destroyed one way or another to please whiners
I'm probably out for a while. Dad opened up a new shop, and I help out a lot
So sad
level 65 UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH 15 long fucking levels to go. I'll be 80 before the expansion after cata I swear.