I actually was looking at some of his old vods on tlpd when he was known as ipxzerg. You can write a book on just his tactics alone. For example in this game from 2005 http://www.teamliquid.net/tlpd/korean/games/1754_Rhythm_vs_sAviOr/vod at 40:20, Savior sees rhythm move out so he sends his mutas to rhythm's main to catch his attention and has stop lurkers on the path rhythm will take. At the moment rhythm's attention is on the mutas in his base, Savior attacks with his stop lurkers making sure rhythm's reaction was slower than if he didn't send his mutas. You can see just how well he timed it in the game. Its the little things like this Savior always did which threw his opponents off.
Savior's games are really what helped me approach and look at the game in another way.
On May 26 2011 03:14 mastalampe wrote: good read life sentence for matchfixing is way to harsh i think. Considering how young that guy is a five year ban would be more than sufficient.
five year ban is as bad as a life sentence because 24-25 years is the like the most old u can get as a progamer (and u usually start to really suck at about 23). And savior was already close to that age iirc.
Also Koreans said that it is the matter of principle for them.
my friend started playing broodwar competitively on iccup a couple months back; he plays zerg, and sometimes we watch old savior VODs together.. and we always wonder
you were so good savior, so good. why'd you throw it all away?
Tho i know the name, i didnt know much about the man. A good read. And in my personal opinion id love to see him in SC2 and i dont care the least about his past.
I was privileged enough to meet Savior at Blizzcon a few years ago, along with Effort and Skyhigh. He was a big part of why my interest in Brood War was rekindled. Even though his downfall was of his own design, I do feel bad that he will never again compete.
Very much like Pete Rose in baseball. Epic talent overshadowed by bad decisions.
On May 25 2011 20:42 Highways wrote: Awesome article.
I remember downloading every sAviOr ZvT win during his peak. My favourite move from him was that double mind trick stop lurkers, where he only used stop lurkers below the ramp and placed two lurkers above the ramp. His opponent sent a scouting marine and saw two lurkers above the ramp and assumed it was safe and went into the hold lurkers below the ramp. It was vs an unknown player, cant remember who.
Also agree T>>>>>>>>>Z
My god that was brilliant <3 It's okay though I've replaced you in my heart with Nestea!
even though i didnt like zerg and i still dont like zerg, i have never learnt as much about BW zerg play as from reading only half of this article. a goddamn great writeup. reminds me of the firebathero article, which turned me into a FBH fan. not that this one could turn me to the swarm, but i definetly like them creepflingers more now that i am starting to get a grasp of what it is about.
I liked majaeyoon more than broodwar im pretty sure lol still do too. i think its stupid that people hate him now and think that he owed them something.. :S
My favourite game from him was vs nada on arkanoid [game 2 cj superfight 3]
Greatest article of all times. Man i remember when zulu posted saviors 3 hatch build. I immiedietly adapated it. I had guardians and defilers, before the terran could even blink. But i still barely won because my defiler control sucked so much
When i saw a game of savior vs someone, i didnt think," Is he going to win or lose?", i always thought "How is he going to rape his opponent this time?".
Also his run through OSL was sooooooOO awesome. Facing terran after terran on these disgusting maps. Greatest feat in history