On August 27 2016 10:27 nanaoei wrote: any examples of what ppd has said or done to arteezy or other teammates which would lead you to say he's toxic, etc?
EG may continue to exist in some form as a logo, though nobody can guess whether or not it'll be a place that attracts good talent when it's organizers (who serve as it's biggest cheerleaders) are out of the picture.
That's why you root for players and not for orgs. RIP, respect to Fear and PPD.
1. QO and Febby are best friends. Febby is Canadian 2. They speak English and seem ready to travel. 3. HUGE tax advantage of moving to the US 4. QO tweet 3a1k1c
PPD's brother said on stream "I wish i could tell ya (EG lineup). It's not what people except. It's different. I'm excited for new EG chapter."
AFter seeing RTZ friend list, and possibly gettting a: 1. RTZ 2. Sumail 3. Zai 4. Cr1t 5. Fear type of lineup
Maybe we also get a 1/2 QO 1/2 ? 3. Universe 4. Febby 5. PPD
On September 03 2016 13:22 common_cider wrote: 1. QO and Febby are best friends. Febby is Canadian 2. They speak English and seem ready to travel. 3. HUGE tax advantage of moving to the US 4. QO tweet 3a1k1c
PPD's brother said on stream "I wish i could tell ya (EG lineup). It's not what people except. It's different. I'm excited for new EG chapter."
AFter seeing RTZ friend list, and possibly gettting a: 1. RTZ 2. Sumail 3. Zai 4. Cr1t 5. Fear type of lineup
Maybe we also get a 1/2 QO 1/2 ? 3. Universe 4. Febby 5. PPD
As a big fan of QO and EG that would actually be a dream scenario for me, however I'm not sure if QO would get along with ppd, as QO seems to be quiet clowny at times and his hyper aggressive playstyle can backfire quiet a lot. In addition QO is an extremly greedy mid kinda like Arteezy so they would need a Carry like Fear who is willing to make sacrifices.
I'm still really excited for the new EG/The Boys lineup, there are so many great players linked to both teams, that I really can't wait til they finally announce it. Anyway would love it if QO ends up on one of those teams, but we'll see what the future holds soon enough.
On September 04 2016 14:31 etherealfall wrote: so there's no one left in EG... when will they tell us!!!!
I think "excessive amounts of trolling" is happening. Though things might have been up in the air for a bit.
I still get this odd sense that it's still going to be Fear, Sumail, Universe, ppd + 1, it's just that Zai would be joining the RTZ stack and that *both* are going to be under the EG label. So EG.RTZ-stack and EG.SADBOYS.
On September 06 2016 02:56 Atoissen wrote: No much it seems, only seen this today: PPD " who said i left eg " imgur.com Kinda indicates PPD atleast is not gone from EG, rly good news imo.
Would have been really weird to have been at PAX West in full EG get-up while not being on EG.
Charlie obviously knows what is going on, and I think the point about teams wanting to do a proper roll-out is important. They've just decided to add some trolling on top.
It could also be that the roster drop rules are weird and they cant just simply rebrand the team? like what if the team name will be TwitchEG.playername?
On September 06 2016 04:50 Evopanda wrote: It could also be that the roster drop rules are weird and they cant just simply rebrand the team? like what if the team name will be TwitchEG.playername?
I don't think thats a problem, synderens team registered under No Diggity and later changed it to Escape. Dunno what to expect, seems like Sadboys 2.0, with all the talk about the Boys and peters father owning the domain ect. But still you have 7 players in Arteezy, zai, Cr1t-, Fear, SumaiL, Universe and ppd and only 5 spots on the roster, so theres at least two guys out. Seems like SumaiL is the first one which makes me really sad cuz the kid is so god damn talented and I fear without the leadership of ppd he won't reach his full potential and I'd be really surprised if ppd considers Arteezy more valuable than SumaiL. At least SumaiL and ppd worked out over a long period of time, but we'll see.
On September 06 2016 02:56 Atoissen wrote: No much it seems, only seen this today: PPD " who said i left eg " imgur.com Kinda indicates PPD atleast is not gone from EG, rly good news imo.
"I was kicked" can also be deducted from that. I hope not.
On September 06 2016 02:56 Atoissen wrote: No much it seems, only seen this today: PPD " who said i left eg " imgur.com Kinda indicates PPD atleast is not gone from EG, rly good news imo.
"I was kicked" can also be deducted from that. I hope not.
Or the already given explanation, that he is not on the team, but stays on with the brand.
On September 06 2016 02:56 Atoissen wrote: No much it seems, only seen this today: PPD " who said i left eg " imgur.com Kinda indicates PPD atleast is not gone from EG, rly good news imo.
"I was kicked" can also be deducted from that. I hope not.