Poll: Diablo 3 release?Still looking forward to release. (buying game) (331) 43% I'm still super hyped!! (buying game) (235) 31% Not excited, looking forward to other major release (low chance of buying) (73) 9% We'll see where this goes (indicisive) (63) 8% Cool genre, not really excited but will try out (buying game) (35) 5% I've had it with Diablo3. (22) 3% Maybe of a Sale! (indicisive) (10) 1% 769 total votes Your vote: Diablo 3 release? (Vote): I'm still super hyped!! (buying game) (Vote): Still looking forward to release. (buying game) (Vote): Cool genre, not really excited but will try out (buying game) (Vote): We'll see where this goes (indicisive) (Vote): Maybe of a Sale! (indicisive) (Vote): Not excited, looking forward to other major release (low chance of buying) (Vote): I've had it with Diablo3.
I'm kind of losing the hype for D3. I've played quite some D2 to kill some time, along with sc2, bw and a lot of classic online RTS (dune2, redalert 1, warcraft 2). After a while the gameplay of diablo becomes a bit redundant, I guess. I find myself playing something else after that.
Often you'll find yourself looking at a character that looks shiny whilst thinking of what area you're going to farm next. Still fun though. I was hoping there would be more news and more sneak peaks That will get me excited about the game again.
*edit* On the other hand, the game is so rich in possibilities and will definitely entertain when in parties :-)
Poll: How many of your real life friends will play D3 at some pointLot's :) (224) 55% 0 (52) 13% 2 (40) 10% 1 (36) 9% 3 (28) 7% 4 (15) 4% 5 (14) 3% 409 total votes Your vote: How many of your real life friends will play D3 at some point (Vote): 0 (Vote): 1 (Vote): 2 (Vote): 3 (Vote): 4 (Vote): 5 (Vote): Lot's :)
Single player also ofcourse Let's not forget what DIablo game play stands out in.
What are your thoughts about this?
No. Too much hush hush. Not enough to get hyped about before actually playing the game. Also, Diablo is too braindead mashing for me anyway. Might be fun at lan but nothing more for me.
Still super hyped for it, and once it comes out I'm sure I'll play it nonstop until I've beaten inferno mode at least once. After that, though, I have no idea yet whether it'll be my game of choice or not.
On December 02 2011 07:02 dibbaN wrote: No. Too much hush hush. Not enough to get hyped about before actually playing the game. Also, Diablo is too brain-dead for me anyway. Might be fun at lan but nothing more for me. X_x imo its only "braindead" if you dont challenge yourself. Me for example, i pretty much only play HC and try to run things ironman style where you dont get anything from your older chars so you actually have to play attention.. but hey to each their own i guess.
On topic: im still hyped for it, i am even upgrading my comp to be able to play it when it comes out :D
On December 02 2011 07:18 sc14s wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 07:02 dibbaN wrote: No. Too much hush hush. Not enough to get hyped about before actually playing the game. Also, Diablo is too brain-dead for me anyway. Might be fun at lan but nothing more for me. X_x imo its only "braindead" if you dont challenge yourself. Me for example, i pretty much only play HC and try to run things ironman style where you dont get anything from your older chars so you actually have to play attention.. but hey to each their own i guess. On topic: im still hyped for it, i am even upgrading my comp to be able to play it when it comes out :D
Awesome. I just got me a new mid range PC
I was 'little-school-girl excited' when they announced it but now that's gone down a loooooot. A few days before release I'll be insanely hyped though.
On December 02 2011 07:39 MaReK wrote: I was 'little-school-girl excited' when they announced it but now that's gone down a loooooot. A few days before release I'll be insanely hyped though.
Basically this.
At the moment i don't really care much, but when we get closer to the release i'll probably get all hyped up again.
I'll still buy it, but not very excited. Blizzard really should have held off on the beta until the game was closer to release.
I'm still going to buy it but my hype is at an all time low. With Skyrim, Dota 2 beta and Starcraft 2, I don't really have that itch for diablo 3 anymore. If skyrim wasn't released and I wasn't invited into dota 2, I may still be hyped. I think it's mostly due to the lack of beta access that killed my hype and the poor manner in which they handled the entire beta so far. INVITES GUYS GET READY! Sends 3 F&F invites out. =.=. FACEBOOK GIVEAWAY HOLY SHIT!! Invites 100 people a week, millions in giveaway...blergh.
I was losing interest until I got a chance to play my cousins beta copy and its going to be well-worth the wait, trust me.
Hpyed :D Looking forward to enjoy the lore in single player and have some fun with friends messing around in co-op.
yes, very hyped, this is going to be epic
They killed any hype for me when they announced you'd always have to be online even if I just want to play by myself, so I'm going to pass.
The poll needs simpler options. I'm not hyped for D3, but I can't answer with no because other major releases don't concern me either. In the end I know I will play it longer than just trying, but I'm not looking forward to it's release date in particular.
I haven't gotten to play the beta yet, but from the gameplay videos I've seen the game doesn't look all that interesting to me.
I'll probably get more excited about it as release approaches, and buy it anyway, just because I loved Diablo and D2.
Absolutely! Playing Skyrim on the side just wets my appetite for these fantasy themed games. Can't wait to play Diablo 3 with friends when it gets released.
What kind of a stupid rhetoric question is that? No, I've been waiting for the game for 10 years, now I feel like I lost my hype.
No, i don't get hyped. I will buy it, but i was stoked before the first waves went out -- watched, read and discussed about anything and everything. Now i'm barely checking/reading any news or discussions.
Also, i really don't care if i get into beta or not anymore.
I was hyped, back when beta was announced... and then beta did not start... and then the game was delayed. So it is at the point where I am excited for me, can't wait to play it (purchased the Collectors Edition). But I ran out of "hyped-ness".
On December 02 2011 17:12 Grettin wrote: No, i don't get hyped. I will buy it, but i was stoked before the first waves went out -- watched, read and discussed about anything and everything. Now i'm barely checking/reading any news or discussions.
Also, i really don't care if i get into beta or not anymore.
Pretty much this, except I played through the beta recently and now I am super hyped :/
On December 02 2011 20:13 kuresuti wrote:Show nested quote +On December 02 2011 17:12 Grettin wrote: No, i don't get hyped. I will buy it, but i was stoked before the first waves went out -- watched, read and discussed about anything and everything. Now i'm barely checking/reading any news or discussions.
Also, i really don't care if i get into beta or not anymore. Pretty much this, except I played through the beta recently and now I am super hyped :/
Lucky bastard ^6
I actually had the idea of making a similar thread. I was more hyped throughout the time where there wasn't even a community site or the beta, just going into the forums checking if anything new had been posted, the unveiling of the chars etc.
Now my hype is at an all time low, I would really like if they would tell us a lot more on what specifically they are working, even if they can't show anything ("I just finished the boss fight for act 4, it will be awesome", "Artists just finished 5 new sets, item database slowly becoming full") stuff like that.
I just realized I haven't checked the Diablo 3 site since 2 weeks or something, I used to check it daily. Lets see if there is anything new.
I was super stoked and had been for ages until the whole beta debacle, that is.
I am very hyped, but probably not as much as I was few months ago. Still looking for D3 info 5x times an hour and watching every video and preordered CE. I just hope it comes in Feb or March. I have never looked forward to anything in my life than D3. Damn, I am addicted and the game is not even out yet.
I decided not to watch any streams, or read about the game since the beta started, so I don't get anything spoiled, and to keep everything brand new.
So yeah, I still can't wait for this game to be released, but at least now I can play Skyrim while waiting for the release!
Not really. I play SWTOR and will see what happens with D3. Maybe I'll buy it, maybe not.
Not too much. Blizzard has lost my interest with all the time they're taking. Besides, why would I be hyped when there's Dota2 and Skyrim to play?
I'm not particularly hyped for the game... I don't drool over every little piece of info that gets released, I haven't followed any beta streams or poured over the D3 sites.
That said, I'm looking forward to playing the game and having a blast with it. To get crazily hyped for something when it's still so early feels like setting yourself up for disappointment...
Super Hyped... I have played through the beta hundreds of times, still going strong, reset today, so I get to make even more characters and get new equipment again, woho!
although swtor and d3 are two different games, the fact is that playing one will not give me much time to play the other... I was hyped about diablo3, but since i was picked for swtor beta (and loved it) and not for d3 beta, the interest was lost...
I will probably play diablo3 (my brother is going to pick it up), but i won't get it on my account at least not at launch!
swotr is a MMO, not an action RPG :=)
Sounds like fun though
Honestly, its like some people don't understand that hype is something that a company can control very easily. There hasn't been any inew interesting information about Diablo 3 in a while. When the game is soon to come out there will be a lot more nnouncements about new features, boss fights, and all the cool stuff you can do with Runes.
What do you think it would take to get you back interested in it? More information about the new secret cow level or some awesome new environments, or maybe information about PvP ladder or something? It's called psychographics. They will find out a way to get your interested, and they will find a way to revive the hype before release. Consider that we've probably seen less than 1% of the total in-game content, and don't know what later patches might bring in terms of new items and economic practices. This game is their baby and will be good and they want to see as many people get a chance to play it as possible.
On December 02 2011 23:33 Comprissent wrote: Not too much. Blizzard has lost my interest with all the time they're taking. Besides, why would I be hyped when there's Dota2 and Skyrim to play? My thoughts exactly. For a time I was checking my battle.net account multiple times a day and entering every key giveaway that was out there. Now I'm just burned out on it, and don't care any more...but...
On December 03 2011 02:39 SirKibbleX wrote: They will find out a way to get your interested, and they will find a way to revive the hype before release. ...I think you are right, I expect it too.
My hype has definitely dies down a lot because it's taken so fucking long, but I'll still buy the game
Well, on 10th December, on VGA Awards they are releasing new cinematics and because there will be Mike Morhaime and many people watching (will be live-streamed for first time), many speculate that they will announce the release date and start the hype again. Hype that wont stop till release
right now, I am pretty 'meh', possibly because I picked up playing a D2 mod this year, and it's sooo nice, so I'm disappointed in retrospect what blizzard did not do with D2.
plus, I'm hating on some of the features that blizzard is forcing down our throats.
and I'm really looking forward to Torchlight II
I'm still looking forward to the game, but the 'drool' sensation kind of wore off since the public streams of the game on beta release. I was super-hyped for every tidbit of info, then I watched Trump stream every character's run through of the beta. I haven't felt the need to check up on the development since then.
A release date will definitely get me pumped back up though.
It's hard to be excited about a game announced four years ago that still doesn't have a release date... The beta has been going on for a while now and frankly I don't give a rats ass about it or blizzard for that matter (or HOTS)...
hype definitely died down for me. will still buy and play it heaps, but haven't followed it religiously since the first week of beta.
like others said, i don't even care about getting into beta any more, finish skyrim into dota2 into diablo 3 release for me.
D3 did exactly the opposite thing SWTOR did. SWTOR had a NDA for really long time of Beta and this produced a huge hype! D3 released a 30min Beta with no NDA, so everyone knows the Game and this and absolutly no news destroyed the hype D3 had before the Beta.
On December 03 2011 09:35 Rikke wrote: D3 did exactly the opposite thing SWTOR did. SWTOR had a NDA for really long time of Beta and this produced a huge hype! D3 released a 30min Beta with no NDA, so everyone knows the Game and this and absolutly no news destroyed the hype D3 had before the Beta.
If they don't at least follow the last step and let nearly everyone into the beta before release I probably won't even buy the game.
well i played the swtor and now im in the d3 beta as well and diablo3 will be a super hit. swtor feels boring and old. d3 NEVER bores me.will be my game for 2012 love it so ye im still hyped about this game
On December 03 2011 13:26 claash wrote: well i played the swtor and now im in the d3 beta as well and diablo3 will be a super hit. swtor feels boring and old. d3 NEVER bores me.will be my game for 2012 love it so ye im still hyped about this game
Well, the games just handled their marketing and hype differently. That's what we were discussing. Whichever game is better is irrelevant and remains to be seen.
On December 03 2011 13:26 claash wrote: well i played the swtor and now im in the d3 beta as well and diablo3 will be a super hit. swtor feels boring and old. d3 NEVER bores me.will be my game for 2012 love it so ye im still hyped about this game I've played both betas and I came to the exact opposite conclusion (I played D1 and never tried WoW though).
I'm disappointed with my Diablo 3 beta experience. It lagged horribly on my new and very capable PC, so I had to play it on my Mac (where it ran very well). I was really hoping for another D1: a gruesome and brooding game that terrified and captivated me. Instead, I can't take D3 nearly as seriously because it feels cartoonish and bland (though that might be because I'm now much older than I was when I played D1).
By contrast, my swtor experience on a friend's computer was brief, but it felt majestic and interesting (I love voiced dialogue and any cheesy story ever). Again, this can be chalked up to our different backgrounds and personal experiences, but the bottom line is that for me personally, if you compare how I feel about the two games now to how I felt 6 months ago, my excitement has plummeted for D3 and jumped up quite a bit for swtor. I'll try D3 again once it's released because I still don't want to give up on it though. After how much I loved D1 it would be unreasonable to write off a new Diablo game simply because an early beta did not meet my high expectations.
d3 arenas ; game will probably be nothing like d2.. no ty blizzard. understand that other people are hyped tho :>
Still super duper hyped, haven't lost 1 bit of excitement. Blizzcon got me a lot more hyped with the panel of the ingame Auction House and design process. Still considering buying the collectors edition though.
On December 03 2011 15:53 thedirtyleg wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2011 13:26 claash wrote: well i played the swtor and now im in the d3 beta as well and diablo3 will be a super hit. swtor feels boring and old. d3 NEVER bores me.will be my game for 2012 love it so ye im still hyped about this game I've played both betas and I came to the exact opposite conclusion (I played D1 and never tried WoW though). I'm disappointed with my Diablo 3 beta experience. It lagged horribly on my new and very capable PC, so I had to play it on my Mac (where it ran very well). I was really hoping for another D1: a gruesome and brooding game that terrified and captivated me. Instead, I can't take D3 nearly as seriously because it feels cartoonish and bland (though that might be because I'm now much older than I was when I played D1). By contrast, my swtor experience on a friend's computer was brief, but it felt majestic and interesting (I love voiced dialogue and any cheesy story ever). Again, this can be chalked up to our different backgrounds and personal experiences, but the bottom line is that for me personally, if you compare how I feel about the two games now to how I felt 6 months ago, my excitement has plummeted for D3 and jumped up quite a bit for swtor. I'll try D3 again once it's released because I still don't want to give up on it though. After how much I loved D1 it would be unreasonable to write off a new Diablo game simply because an early beta did not meet my high expectations.
SWTOR beta is absolutely horrible... it's understandable as MMO beta's are very shaky, but it's probably one of the most unpolished /underdeveloped gameplay experiences i've had as of late.
I'm honestly not sure what expectations you had for the Beta. They never intended on having the Beta a full Act and huge amounts of gameplay, but rather just as a very small amount of Act 1 to give players a taste of what to expect.
People just expected the full game out of the beta. Then they blame Blizzard for "destroying the hype", when they destroyed it for themselves by thinking the beta was a lot more than just a beta.
I'm hyped as hell, D3 is gonna be awesome.
On December 03 2011 20:53 mordk wrote: People just expected the full game out of the beta. Then they blame Blizzard for "destroying the hype", when they destroyed it for themselves by thinking the beta was a lot more than just a beta.
I'm hyped as hell, D3 is gonna be awesome. On point!
I just wish it would be released TODAY! :D
On December 03 2011 11:00 justinpal wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2011 09:35 Rikke wrote: D3 did exactly the opposite thing SWTOR did. SWTOR had a NDA for really long time of Beta and this produced a huge hype! D3 released a 30min Beta with no NDA, so everyone knows the Game and this and absolutly no news destroyed the hype D3 had before the Beta. If they don't at least follow the last step and let nearly everyone into the beta before release I probably won't even buy the game.
Isn't that a bold statement? Lemme in or I will not buy!!1111!!!
Not interested at all, Bought SC2 and i stoped playing it about 5 months ago, probably permanently.
Becouse of this i dont plan to buy D3 (saw many streams and i like more D2, Guid Wars...). Ofc i might change my mind eventually, but so far, 0 interest.
Still extremely hyped, my friends have offered to let me play on their beta accounts but I refuse because I'm sure it'll be all I do for the next month ^_^
On December 03 2011 23:12 d(O.o)a wrote: Still extremely hyped, my friends have offered to let me play on their beta accounts but I refuse because I'm sure it'll be all I do for the next month ^_^
Hai! could you do me a favor and ask your friends if IIIII can play on their acc''s? 
On December 03 2011 20:53 mordk wrote: People just expected the full game out of the beta. Then they blame Blizzard for "destroying the hype", when they destroyed it for themselves by thinking the beta was a lot more than just a beta.
I'm hyped as hell, D3 is gonna be awesome. Well, it's so close to release that you CAN expect almost the full game out of it. It won't be changed much for the release at this point, they're 98% done. Considering how long they've been working on the game.
I'm very hyped after reading about the skills on the site. Definitely buying. I spent thousands of hours on D2, no beta though. ;(
Poll: How many of your real life friends will play D3 at some point Lot's
If by Lot's you mean all of them, otherwise they wouldn't be my friends!
On December 04 2011 02:07 Reggiegigas wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2011 20:53 mordk wrote: People just expected the full game out of the beta. Then they blame Blizzard for "destroying the hype", when they destroyed it for themselves by thinking the beta was a lot more than just a beta.
I'm hyped as hell, D3 is gonna be awesome. Well, it's so close to release that you CAN expect almost the full game out of it. It won't be changed much for the release at this point, they're 98% done. Considering how long they've been working on the game. I'm very hyped after reading about the skills on the site. Definitely buying. I spent thousands of hours on D2, no beta though. ;( Except you can't, because it's a beta of a game with a heavy single player/story component, which they obviously won't want to reveal.
A beta in a game like this is pretty much the equivalent of a Demo, but with the invites.
im going to play this shit all day every day
Still super hyped. Will continue to be so until the game is released. Ahhhhhh as long as my head doesn't explode first.
at this moment I haven't seen enough improvements from start of beta to justify buying it over say POE or Torchlight2
On December 04 2011 02:37 mordk wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2011 02:07 Reggiegigas wrote:On December 03 2011 20:53 mordk wrote: People just expected the full game out of the beta. Then they blame Blizzard for "destroying the hype", when they destroyed it for themselves by thinking the beta was a lot more than just a beta.
I'm hyped as hell, D3 is gonna be awesome. Well, it's so close to release that you CAN expect almost the full game out of it. It won't be changed much for the release at this point, they're 98% done. Considering how long they've been working on the game. I'm very hyped after reading about the skills on the site. Definitely buying. I spent thousands of hours on D2, no beta though. ;( Except you can't, because it's a beta of a game with a heavy single player/story component, which they obviously won't want to reveal. A beta in a game like this is pretty much the equivalent of a Demo, but with the invites. I disagree. The story was never important in Diablo games For me anyway ^^ The appeal is in the awesome, addictive gameplay, and butchering tons of demons with bros!
Story spoiler: Demons, demons everywhere. You must kill them, then in the end you kind of don't win anyway. Same in every Diablo game
Time + Skyrim has made my hype die down to an absolute low pretty much.
I guess it will come back when it comes out, but Blizzard released too much too quickly unfortunately.
On December 02 2011 08:03 ShadowDrgn wrote: I'll still buy it, but not very excited. Blizzard really should have held off on the beta until the game was closer to release.
That's what I was thinking. Or at least give me a darn key (although I've probably seen enough streams to not really care too much one way or another since its' so short and capped at 13)
On December 04 2011 05:55 Kurr wrote: Time + Skyrim has made my hype die down to an absolute low pretty much.
I guess it will come back when it comes out, but Blizzard released too much too quickly unfortunately.
I got the reverse.. Skyrim got me a little excited for a RPG again, a genre I hadn't played in years. Skyrim however sucks in the details.. Leveling system sucks, perks are imbalanced, combat is repetetive and the game is way too easy in general. Made me think back to diablo 2 (the last RPG i had played) and how much better it could have been.
Then i realized d3 was coming out soon and I checked some of the possible builds and characters and i'm pretty excited.. I probably won't play it very long because RPG's do get boring after a while (once you figure out the cool builds for me) as I don't like grinding for long and I don't like online play much in RPG's. I'm very excited to finish the game with 1 maybe 2 characters though.. especially on a nice difficulty setting (and I know I won't finish on the highest).
Not having the 3d experience of skyrim does suck though. Wish there was a good game coming that mixed the best of both worlds: awesome 3d and huge world with the great skills and combat.
Cant affort to be actively interested, watching news every day etc., when it ATM seems like it can be released in middle of next year - but Im still going to buy CE day it is finally released.
Not as hyped as when the beta / skill calculator came out, but will still buy the game at midnight and take a day off to play
I'm super hyped but I have to tone it back sometimes or I won't make it to release.
Canada5565 Posts
On December 04 2011 05:55 Kurr wrote: Time + Skyrim has made my hype die down to an absolute low pretty much.
I guess it will come back when it comes out, but Blizzard released too much too quickly unfortunately.
Time + Skyrim has dampened my hype as well. I think watching beta streams ruined some of it, too. But when the release date gets near I will start freaking out
I'm not really hyped for it at all, but ill still play it of/c.
disappointed thus far.. Probably will still buy er
have to admit, my hypeness is at an all time low, letting around 10 ppl play the beta while seeping through some low-excitement information made me stop bothering to check d3 fan sites.
On December 04 2011 09:29 Xxio wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2011 05:55 Kurr wrote: Time + Skyrim has made my hype die down to an absolute low pretty much.
I guess it will come back when it comes out, but Blizzard released too much too quickly unfortunately. Time + Skyrim has dampened my hype as well. I think watching beta streams ruined some of it, too. But when the release date gets near I will start freaking out 
I think skyrim has spoiled me. While they are two very different RPGs: skyrim has set a very high expectation for me in terms of world design, art, character flexibility, etc.
I totally forgot about the game.... I just play skyrim and maybe will be happy if it suddenly release one day... out of the blue, But I don't feel the need to play it ... maybe will change when it comes out. But it is not the same as with starcraft 2
I am super duper hyped! The only bad thing about D3 is that i won't have time to play SC2
Canada1046 Posts
i dont get hyped for blizz games anymore cuz they always push back the release date 12 times and im tired of getting my hope up
I'll buy it, even pre-order it, but I am not really hyped for it anymore. Like many others here, I found Skyrim to be the wine to all gaming related thirst.
On December 04 2011 04:56 Reggiegigas wrote:Show nested quote +On December 04 2011 02:37 mordk wrote:On December 04 2011 02:07 Reggiegigas wrote:On December 03 2011 20:53 mordk wrote: People just expected the full game out of the beta. Then they blame Blizzard for "destroying the hype", when they destroyed it for themselves by thinking the beta was a lot more than just a beta.
I'm hyped as hell, D3 is gonna be awesome. Well, it's so close to release that you CAN expect almost the full game out of it. It won't be changed much for the release at this point, they're 98% done. Considering how long they've been working on the game. I'm very hyped after reading about the skills on the site. Definitely buying. I spent thousands of hours on D2, no beta though. ;( Except you can't, because it's a beta of a game with a heavy single player/story component, which they obviously won't want to reveal. A beta in a game like this is pretty much the equivalent of a Demo, but with the invites. I disagree. The story was never important in Diablo games  For me anyway ^^ The appeal is in the awesome, addictive gameplay, and butchering tons of demons with bros! Story spoiler: Demons, demons everywhere. You must kill them, then in the end you kind of don't win anyway. Same in every Diablo game  Doesn't matter if it's not important to you, it matters that it's important for Blizzard to keep it hidden. This is the reason the beta is so short. It's different in SC2's case, in that you can test with multiplayer games without revealing anything else. In Diablo, the multi and singleplayer game are the same thing, but with different users playing, they can't be separated.
I disagree with this story thing, literally everyone I known in D2 played for story once and then just kept rushing and eventually even forget that stuff like Khalims Flail exist ^^
However D3 Beta really is useless - because what makes Diablo real Diablo is leveling, questing, farming, trading, gearing and stuff like that. Farming, trading, gearing and leveling is not avaiable in beta at all and questing just to a degree that it actually only spoils game. Beta has almost nothing in common with final game, Id not even call it a demo.
I was hyped when they annonced it, now not really.
Day9 playing the beta killed it for me. Seriously, how can a game be so easy and still be fun to play? I don't see the fun of going into a cave and spam'clicking.
If the rest of the game is WAY harder, i'll try it. I don't want to have to clear the game the game 4 times before actually having fun in the last difficulty.
On December 02 2011 08:03 ShadowDrgn wrote: I'll still buy it, but not very excited. Blizzard really should have held off on the beta until the game was closer to release.
i really hate how people think that a beta's primary function is to be a demo/marketing device. while a lot of companies have been using betas for those things it is not the reason they do betas. the point of beta is to get the game closer to release. all the best game companies rely hugely on play testing to make their games great. public betas are a form of play testing.
i'm really hyped for the game, the beta was way better then i had expected! bought skyrim, played for an hour, realized it wasn't as fun as d3's beta and went back to being hyped
atm im not hyped. since its so long still left untill release. but once its 1 week away. ill get hyped like shit.
On December 03 2011 15:53 thedirtyleg wrote:Show nested quote +On December 03 2011 13:26 claash wrote: well i played the swtor and now im in the d3 beta as well and diablo3 will be a super hit. swtor feels boring and old. d3 NEVER bores me.will be my game for 2012 love it so ye im still hyped about this game I've played both betas and I came to the exact opposite conclusion (I played D1 and never tried WoW though). I'm disappointed with my Diablo 3 beta experience. It lagged horribly on my new and very capable PC, so I had to play it on my Mac (where it ran very well). I was really hoping for another D1: a gruesome and brooding game that terrified and captivated me. Instead, I can't take D3 nearly as seriously because it feels cartoonish and bland (though that might be because I'm now much older than I was when I played D1). By contrast, my swtor experience on a friend's computer was brief, but it felt majestic and interesting (I love voiced dialogue and any cheesy story ever). Again, this can be chalked up to our different backgrounds and personal experiences, but the bottom line is that for me personally, if you compare how I feel about the two games now to how I felt 6 months ago, my excitement has plummeted for D3 and jumped up quite a bit for swtor. I'll try D3 again once it's released because I still don't want to give up on it though. After how much I loved D1 it would be unreasonable to write off a new Diablo game simply because an early beta did not meet my high expectations.
play swtor to 50(like me) and then you will clearly see how extremely dissapointing that game is. of course the voiced dialogues were great but its a MMO and i need more than a singleplayer-RPG) the gameplay of diablo 3 is way WAY more exciting
Things have gone quiet on D3. I was hyped for a bit when Beta popped but I've cooled down on it since. I still love SC2.
i've been waiting since 2008, what's another few months?
i was hyped maybe a year ago. Now i could care less but i am still going to play it.
The game itself seems kind of repetitive. Kind of like a never-ending Gauntlet game but with better playability and graphics. I have the beta and am not too impressed as it seems like my 5 year old can play it with no problem. I think there's not much skill involved and it's cool to kill time with friends, but I think that's all it's going to be good for.
For me the hype was gone until i got my hands on a beta acc.
I can't wait either. Why can't I warp time as I please?
Not hyped at all. The only time I was legitimately hyped was when they announced D3 at the event in France a few years ago. Then it slowed down and died out. And then the "No SP, no LAN, always have to logged in <<experience>> killed all the emotions I had for this game. I'm going to buy it because I know I'll get a lot of fun out of it for 60$, but I just don't care when it comes out anymore. Could be tomorrow or in 2 years. No change in my attitude.
When viewing the poll results please don't forget about the dramatic effect that is caused by the fact, that almost exclusively people will even click on this topic, that are interested in the game anyways.
I love Diablo, always have, always will
Yea i think i can fit in an hour or 2 inbetween my sc2 practise ^_^
this game has been anticipated by me for 6 years now <.< SO CLOSE - so maybe it will be epic, or maybe the diablo universe is bet left in the wonderful memories from the childhood -> only one way to find out
On December 05 2011 21:21 TigerKarl wrote: When viewing the poll results please don't forget about the dramatic effect that is caused by the fact, that almost exclusively people will even click on this topic, that are interested in the game anyways.
Obviously the people that enter this thread are biased 
However I was wondering what their level of excitement is at this point.
Ever since Dota 2 beta, my craving for D3 has been declining.. just don't give much of a shit anymore. I think it has to do with my mmo years as well. Kinda killed the grind in me.
D3 Beta was too short for my taste, but I am still hyped enough to assure myself that I will buy the game upon its release.
Looking forward to buying it. I have not watched any pictures, guides, items or anything about it besides watching the recent trailer. Can't wait.
You can't sustain hype for the duration of three years... Blizz really did a rude move by announcing this stuff last decade. So right now, my insane hype has gone down to totally-don't-care level, but when the game is out I'll probably just jizz my pants.
Should be an option : I will buy when it´s ready, but aint looking forward for it ...
I'm not feeling too hyped, seems so distant and unavailable still. I will have between 2-4 of my close real life friends who will be playing, which definitely will make it worth a purchase.
On December 02 2011 08:05 crms wrote: I'm still going to buy it but my hype is at an all time low. With Skyrim, Dota 2 beta and Starcraft 2, I don't really have that itch for diablo 3 anymore. If skyrim wasn't released and I wasn't invited into dota 2, I may still be hyped. I think it's mostly due to the lack of beta access that killed my hype and the poor manner in which they handled the entire beta so far. INVITES GUYS GET READY! Sends 3 F&F invites out. =.=. FACEBOOK GIVEAWAY HOLY SHIT!! Invites 100 people a week, millions in giveaway...blergh.
This sums up me and everyone I know fairly accurately.
Unless they show something awesome I'll be apathetic to anything but a huge reveal of info/video until release.
Not hyped, but still will be getting it, because most of my friends are gonna get it too.
I'm hyped bout it, but the trick is to not watch the beta and not do silly stuff like plan character builds etc...
not too hype about the game but got hype about the AH
i am making this poll sorry
Poll: how much can u earn in AH per month?10 +/- (6) 60% >$1000 (2) 20% 50 +/- (1) 10% 100+ (1) 10% 10 total votes Your vote: how much can u earn in AH per month? (Vote): >$1000 (Vote): 10 +/- (Vote): 50 +/- (Vote): 100+
You don't need to be "hyped".
I'm not going to follow it or care about anything other than release. But I'll buy it no matter what.
@poster above me, shoulda put a $0 in there. I don't play games to make money, if i use the RM auctions it'll be to get money to buy other people's stuff.
ur poll makes no sense (sorry no offense) How can I know what I could make potentially? I don't understand!
I envy every single person in this thread who is either not hyped or excited in any containable way. I am beyond hyped and have issues not reading up on the game daily and/or daydreaming about the epicness that is about to come.
WTB a distraction until the game is released.
*edit* for the how much u can earn AH poll, 100+ is clearly the answer. But it obviously all depends on how much you want to put into it. I see no reason why you couldnt earn more than 100 per month regardless of drop luck, if you put in the time to do so. 1,000+ per month seems "possible" int he early months after release, but unlikely for most, would take quite a few lucky drop streaks.
I'm going to buy some collector's editions, because I don't really have the time to play games anymore. Good thing that this game isn't all too competitive or dependent on other people like a MMO. I need a new game for me to play at my own pace.
Never had, never will be. Diablo has never been my cup of tea.
On December 07 2011 20:20 Dreamer.T wrote: Never had, never will be. Diablo has never been my cup of tea. Makes one wonder why you're in this thread.
I was very slightly hyped until I played the beta, now I doubt I will be buying it.
just got in, finished it in ~2 hours with a witch doctor, was kinda bored even that time. my hype sure went down quite a bit.
I'd be more hyped if I had a beta key
EH I saw Trumps stream and after i learned so much about the game i was just like EH but once I get a job i'll probably buy it because friends are playing it and friends are fun. For now very low hype.
I voted super hyped, but in reality, my hype is in hibernation.
On December 07 2011 21:08 Hier wrote:Show nested quote +On December 07 2011 20:20 Dreamer.T wrote: Never had, never will be. Diablo has never been my cup of tea. Makes one wonder why you're in this thread.
To state my opinion. And most importantly to answer the OP's question. Did you see an insult anywhere? Such defensive fan boys.
I get excited...watch a few videos...get depressed cause blizz takes forever...lose intrest....then I repeat this process. It happens around 10 times before the actual game gets released. I did the same thing with SC2
Yes hyped. This is the only PC game that is launched since Starcraft 2. Everything else has just been disappointing console rehash. Blizzard development cycles are far in advance of any other developer on the planet. If D3 was in anyone elses hands it would have been booted out the door by now.
I have the beta, and the experience is simply smooth as butter.
Russian Federation114 Posts
I often hear stuff about the game not being competitive since one can acquire everything with money. But then, I remember the secret pony level, Blizz may take some bad design decision, but they still care more about us than any other non-indie company. I am still hyped
The game will still be competitive however Blizzard will not be behind it as an esport. I am certain that there will be a PvP scene of some sorts but Blizzard has come right out and said that PvP is not the primary focus.
As with all Blizzard games there will be nerfs and buffs to make sure the game doesnt get too wonky of course.
The acquiring everything with money has always been a staple with every video game, Diablo 3 just makes it easy to not get ripped off.
Nope not hyped about diablo 3.
Super hyped for heart of the swarm though.
On December 08 2011 11:36 Dreamer.T wrote:Show nested quote +On December 07 2011 21:08 Hier wrote:On December 07 2011 20:20 Dreamer.T wrote: Never had, never will be. Diablo has never been my cup of tea. Makes one wonder why you're in this thread. To state my opinion. And most importantly to answer the OP's question. Did you see an insult anywhere? Such defensive fan boys.
Yeah I agree :D Sure you can come into my thread and say: I don't like Diablo and never will. That's fine. That's the whole purpose of this thread to indicate how much people feel for this game 
Thanks for your input!
Blizzard is killing the hype for me.
I was so expecting a release date before christmas to have something to get really excited about. But now it's like they will give a release date after new years eve on a completely random day instead of the VGA awards or any of the other opportunities they've had.
I was ultra hyped until I learned there is no perma-death/loot collecting pvp in hc.. now I'm just hyped.
On December 13 2011 21:27 papaz wrote: Blizzard is killing the hype for me.
I was so expecting a release date before christmas to have something to get really excited about. But now it's like they will give a release date after new years eve on a completely random day instead of the VGA awards or any of the other opportunities they've had.
I agree. This takes just too long.... It's getting annoying now...
Im not really hyped, i used to play Diable a couple of years ago that´s it. But i am a gamer, so of course i will keep a close eye on the game, and i will almost certanly buy it (:
Dude diablo is Siccccckkkk. Can't lose the hype if you never let yourself get hyped up tho. I just know its coming one day, and that day is going to be a beautiful one.
On December 13 2011 22:44 frontliner2 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 13 2011 21:27 papaz wrote: Blizzard is killing the hype for me.
I was so expecting a release date before christmas to have something to get really excited about. But now it's like they will give a release date after new years eve on a completely random day instead of the VGA awards or any of the other opportunities they've had.
I agree. This takes just too long.... It's getting annoying now...
It's the right move to be honest. Why compete with huge releases like Skyrim etc. when you can just get the whole market to yourself a few months later.
It could also be that the game isn't ready but whatever...
I was hyped when beta actually launched but it has really decayed since then. I get frustrated with Blizzard because I'm back in school for engineering project management and I can't help but think that they are mismanaging their business to one degree or another (from the interviews I've read it sounds like they have a lot of process in place). I'm also involved with research in the construction industry so I understand the stochastic nature of scheduling large projects, but this just seems ridiculous.
i was extremely hyped for this game, but after playing in the beta for some time the reality has set in. these games get tedious real quick for me. i'm going to pick it up when it comes out and probably have a go at inferno if the nightmare/hell runs don't get overly boring. i think diablo is perfect as a casual game to just get on and beat stuff up for a half hour, and i'm hoping the campaign is fun the first time through. so, mildly hyped, will buy within the first month at least.
also, i'm not saying 'beta is boring/repetitive after a while therefor d3 is boring', but it just brought back memories of mindnumbing d2 sessions.
I was quite hyped when they announced they are working on it, soon after I just partially forgot it as there wasn't too much news about it. Right now I'm thinking "it'll come out some day, I'll get it and play with my friends", there's so many other games and lots of other stuff to do right now with the holidays approaching and all.
Blizzard Quote:
Just a few counter points to some of the discussions this has raised:
Simple tooltips benefit almost everyone. Just because they may not benefit you, they’ll indirectly benefit you by helping non-gamers get into the game. Right now most of us are only thinking about when we play the game, but when the game is released, or quite possibly years down the road, you may want to be able to teach your dad, your daughter, your significant other to play. Simplified tooltips will certainly help when you walk away and they’re trying to learn to play for themselves. And we can always hope they put stuff up on the auction house for way less than its worth! Mwahahahaa.
The in-game reference guide/book idea for skill and game information has a number of UI issues, but as a player of the game it’s not a great solution because:
You’re not always in-game. More often than not when you’re dissecting a skill at a massive level of detail you’re on a website/forum discussing things, or you’ve got an excel spreadsheet open. Or you’re getting in some extra Diablo time while at a friend’s place. Or you’re at work on your lunch break. A web page lets us present far more organized detail than an in-game book would allow (without ceasing to look like a web browser embedded in a book which would just look silly). You want tick rates, scaling formulas, proc interactoins, etc. A web site allows us to provide the most timely information. If questions come up on the forums, we make a hotfix, we find errors, or come across more information we’d like to pass along, we can get that information out to players immediately. If it was in-game it would require a patch.
I'm actually baffled as to how someone could provide such a reasoning for the change of tooltips...do they not even care anymore to at least half-ass it? This is just embarrasing, 2 years they were talking how they don't want players alt-tabing to check Arreat Summit info page, and now they want exactly that? And I will like this game because it's easier for my grandmother to play it? What?
God I hope this game tanks.
On December 13 2011 21:27 papaz wrote: Blizzard is killing the hype for me.
I was so expecting a release date before christmas to have something to get really excited about. But now it's like they will give a release date after new years eve on a completely random day instead of the VGA awards or any of the other opportunities they've had.
If you really thought it was coming out before Christmas...
sorry, you must be new to Blizzard...
Still feeling a march release. Later would be really disapointing, earlier would be a pleasant surprise.
On December 14 2011 03:45 Odoakar wrote:Show nested quote +Blizzard Quote:
Just a few counter points to some of the discussions this has raised:
Simple tooltips benefit almost everyone. Just because they may not benefit you, they’ll indirectly benefit you by helping non-gamers get into the game. Right now most of us are only thinking about when we play the game, but when the game is released, or quite possibly years down the road, you may want to be able to teach your dad, your daughter, your significant other to play. Simplified tooltips will certainly help when you walk away and they’re trying to learn to play for themselves. And we can always hope they put stuff up on the auction house for way less than its worth! Mwahahahaa.
The in-game reference guide/book idea for skill and game information has a number of UI issues, but as a player of the game it’s not a great solution because:
You’re not always in-game. More often than not when you’re dissecting a skill at a massive level of detail you’re on a website/forum discussing things, or you’ve got an excel spreadsheet open. Or you’re getting in some extra Diablo time while at a friend’s place. Or you’re at work on your lunch break. A web page lets us present far more organized detail than an in-game book would allow (without ceasing to look like a web browser embedded in a book which would just look silly). You want tick rates, scaling formulas, proc interactoins, etc. A web site allows us to provide the most timely information. If questions come up on the forums, we make a hotfix, we find errors, or come across more information we’d like to pass along, we can get that information out to players immediately. If it was in-game it would require a patch. I'm actually baffled as to how someone could provide such a reasoning for the change of tooltips...do they not even care anymore to at least half-ass it? This is just embarrasing, 2 years they were talking how they don't want players alt-tabing to check Arreat Summit info page, and now they want exactly that? And I will like this game because it's easier for my grandmother to play it? What? God I hope this game tanks.
2 years ago they also tried that with WoW and it did not go so well. The community is too good at presenting this information faster and better than Blizzard, and the community tends to also dive into the math more thoroughly as well. A website is easy to change and edit, a game requires patching.
Diablo3 will be my first collectors edition.
I played hundres of hours of Diablo2, but I quitted almost entirely for SC2 (I played a few games since then). But I will play a lot of D3, I'm sure about that :D
I'll be so sad if this game come out in March or later...
I'm a seasonal worker you see, (Roofer) and I get a nice 4.5 month break from end of Oct - early Apr.
I better at least get a solid 2 weeks in before I go back to work... C'mon Blizzard I know you can do it!