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Q. How do you feel after advancing to the final?
A. I'm still a little stunned since this is my first time in the finals. I think I'll gradually get happier on my way home.
Q. You had to beat a teammate in IMNesTea. Do you think this will affect your relationship with him?
A. Frankly, I was concerned about this. However, NesTea-hyung told me before the match that we should just play our games and end on good terms regardless of who came out on top.
Q. How did you practice for the series?
A. Instead of practicing in the team-house, we split up and prepared seperately.
Q. Who do you want to face next?
A. I think either player will be fine. I'm personally close with MarineKingPrime.WE though, so if I say Jinro that would mean I want MKP to lose. I'll say MKP because of that.
Q. You lost the first set. Were you shaken in any way?
A. I could only think 'Wow, that's NesTea-hyung for you'. It didn't necessarily shake me though.
Q. You were at quite a disadvantage in the second set.
A. Yeah, there were many situations where I was behind. However, I knew from experience that I could still win if I focused on one area of his defense. I wasn't completely pushed back in the final engagement so I knew I had a great shot at taking the set.
Q. Your bunker-in failed in the third set.
A. When he held it off, I thought to myself 'how did he defend so well?' I finally realised why so many other terrans were having trouble with NesTea-hyung. Still, I didn't think I would lose from that point.
Q. Why did you think you wouldn't lose?
A. If I started to think the opposite, I thought that it would affect me negatively in subsequent games so I just relaxed and remained calm.
Q. Your prediction from the last interview came true (3-1 victory). You seem to have a feel for this.
A. It's just that I knew my opponent so well. If it had been someone I was more comfortable against, I would've went for the 4-0.
Q. The final will be another TvT. What chance do you give yourself and any prediction on the score?
A. I think I'm going to win 4-2 in the final. The other two players are good terrans but I am confident that I will prepare well. If everything goes my way, I think I can definitely win 4-2.
Q. Finally a terran player will win the GSL. What do you think about the growing opinion that terran is OP?
A. Rather than the race being imbalanced, I just think there are terran favoured maps in the ladder pool. I personally think changing the maps instead of patching the game will make the other races more playable. I think the reason why terrans have done well in the past also comes down to that.
Q. Any final words?
A. I would like to thank my practice partners MVP_Monster, SlayerS_Sleep and dongraeguProS (Park Soo Ho). Also, it was my friend Shin Won Jae's birthday yesterday so I'd like to say happy birthday. I also want to thank the fans who came to cheer for me.
Source: PlayXP
Winner of LiquidJinro vs MarineKingPrime.WE
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Q. First of all, how do you feel after advancing to the final?
A. I'm very happy that I am the first player to reach two finals. It doesn't feel real yet.
Q. Your opponent in the final is IMMvp who some regard as your rival.
A. I think he is the best and most talented progamer right now. I feel like I'm not at his level yet but with the remaining time before the final, I want to go past him by practicing hard.
Q. In which areas do you think you are lacking compared to IMMvp?
A. I think he is pretty much the perfect player. Through ladder games, you get the sense that he is just rock solid.
Q. You dominated your opponent LiquidJinro with bio.
A. If I represent the bio terrans, Jinro is the same for mech so I didn't know exactly how things were going to pan out. I just did what I practiced and things worked out.
Q. The series began with a loss in the first set. Were you not aware of the hellion drop?
A. I knew he would be going for that but I didn't expect the marine attack afterwards. I panicked because of that and lost the game.
Q. Did the defeat affect you in any way in the following set?
A. I was pretty confident on Steppes of War so it didn't affect me much.
Q. We saw IMMvp going into your booth. What did you talk about?
A. Mvp-hyung just asked 'why are you so good?' and said 'let's do our best in the final'.
Q. By what score do you think you will win?
A. I've played countless games against him on the ladder and it's been around 50:50. I think I'll take the final 4:2 or 4:3. Even when we practiced together, he was never an opponent you could just walk-over 4:0 or 4:1. That's why I think it's going to be a difficult victory for me.
Q. Both of your nicknames are 'king'. Who do you think is stronger in this battle of kings?
A. Well, since Mvp-hyung is just a civilian (T/N: talking about his nickname) and 'MarineKing' is a soldier, I think I have the edge.
Q. Any other words ahead of the final?
A. Since the final is a TvT, we finally have a terran winner. Even though there are many strong terran players, no one has triumphed yet so regardless of whoever wins between me and Mvp-hyung, I'm glad we're going to have a terran champion.
Q. You seem to favour quicker games. Is there a reason?
A. Using siege tanks and vikings often induces slower games. Since I don't like those kinds of matches, I often utilise a very mobile bio army. After a while, I naturally gained enough know-how to be successful with that style which is how I got this far.
Q. Any last words?
A. After team Prime signed a sponsorship deal with SabaSabaChicken (T/N: Restaurant chain. The deal was announced at the end of december), we're ashamed that it's been so quiet for us. However, I think the team is relieved that I at least made it to the final. Also, I made a promise with LiquidJinro before the match that whoever wins today, should go ahead and beat IMMvp in the finals. I want to keep that promise. Finally, I want to wish a happy birthday to Jo Guk, a clanmate of mine.
Source: PlayXP