On January 12 2011 12:37 HunterStarcraft wrote: I applied.
This is my VOD application:
'ww' doesn't mean 'well won'... (use search function to find out)
also your camera is a little bit too shaky, you should work on that imo (although if you're to cast the GSL you won't have to worry about it I guess)
and you should also put more enthusiasm into the cast. We already have Tastosis with its forced enthusiasm (most of the time at least) so we need someone who's more lively imo.
Overall not so bad, definitely better than some of the guys I've heard recently.
P.S. Concerning the game I think that Blizz should take a look at the Warp Prism mechanism (like adding a short delay when beaming units up) since it's imba
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twjYKD19-9g Though I may try with my standard american-english commentary, but I feel I would need to get better at the game. I don't think playing random diamonds til I hit 1k counts.
I believe Jason Lee is a good choice. He has a good voice and does also seem to understand/speak some Korean. For me, a good voice that fires you up and keeps you interested is better than deep understanding of the game.
On January 12 2011 17:54 thehitman wrote: Also 1 cent per 1 viewer makes 1 dollar per 100 viewers. 1000 views = 10 dollars 10.000 views = 100 dollars 100.000 views = 1000 dollars 200.000 views = 2000 dollars and not 20.000 dollars
So your math is firstly wrong, second your assumptions is probably wrong. For example google ads averagely pay 1-3$ dollars per 1000 pageviews so I'd assume youtube partners program pays pretty much the same and possibly even lower.
Not to digress too much from the OP...but I didn't use the 20,000 figure you said I did and I did use 1% and .3% calculation (although I see you are using periods instead of commas which is regional and might mean you are used to seeing these figures separately). If the posted Yahoo answer was correct, then Husky is earning a 6 figure paycheck as I earlier indicated and I don't see the source of our disagreement.
Obviously Day 9 would be the ideal choice, but we know he won't. I'd say PsyStarcraft could commentate pretty well, as well as iccuptv's Raelcun. Both these guys know/understand the game and have great personalities for the GSL. (imho) Raelcun is definitely underrated for this thread.
i havent been on tl forums for a while now and i found a link to this thread on reddit, that's a sad story about tb, but i'm glad you are getting throught it, much love to you and husky, gl
1. financially viable to sustain yourself in korea on this said salary??? 2. who can afford the plane ticket over? 3. who has the contacts that the current casting archon has, to provide the knowledge?
Interesting potpourri of topics here. Straying away from "hypotheticals" and "potential" gross estimate of Youtube Partnership Program, making US$800 per 1 million views a month is true reality. Don't use YouTube mega stars as a gauge for standard earnings, they have additional bonuses and credits from Ad clicks that are NOT applied for majority of partnership members. There is a single corporate entity that most, if not all, of these stars are contracted to is the one making the real obscene revenues.
In regards to casting in GSL group A, ALL the mentioned casters qualify in my opinion. That is with personal preference set aside. Our wants and needs have very little to do with the real selection. The caster(s) who have the guts and motivation to travel to Korea will be the one. I doubt someone living in Korea will be selected for this position. Good luck and best wishes to those who apply.
On January 11 2011 16:56 photomuse wrote: As a loyal GOM viewer, my 2 cents: +1 for DJ Wheat +1 for Husky (we need a SC II Dick Vitale, plus he could bring a lot of eyes) 0 for Day[9] (+1 if he changes his style a bit to be a tad less preachy (to the the Tastetosis level)) -1 for Jason Lee (My likelihood of watching the code A matches, which already low, would probably move to 0 in this case). -1 for HD (He has a great voice, seems like a great guy, but I cant watch him because I don't trust what he says.)
Haven't heard a lot of casting by some of the other names being thrown around. I hope whoever it is brings some nice variety to the team. I love Tastetosis, but there isn't a lot compelling me to tune into the code A matches right now.
'ww' doesn't mean 'well won'... (use search function to find out)
also your camera is a little bit too shaky, you should work on that imo (although if you're to cast the GSL you won't have to worry about it I guess)
and you should also put more enthusiasm into the cast. We already have Tastosis with its forced enthusiasm (most of the time at least) so we need someone who's more lively imo.
Overall not so bad, definitely better than some of the guys I've heard recently.
P.S. Concerning the game I think that Blizz should take a look at the Warp Prism mechanism (like adding a short delay when beaming units up) since it's imba
So does that mean Overlords and Dropships should also take time to load units? (Because they don't)
I really wish Diggity would go, but since he just got married, its unlikey. Unless he can convince his new wife to come with him?! Come on Diggity! Just start hinting at it to her and maybe she will agree.