[WoW] Battle for Azeroth - Page 97
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BfA Community Links: GP : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/KKMpKPSlgd?region=EU&faction=Horde TLEUH : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/v9x5bAF3jD?region=EU&faction=Horde TLEUA : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/ALwgJnC5Wo?region=EU&faction=Alliance TLNAH : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/vPrmjJxiVnJ?region=US&faction=Horde TLNAA : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/YeZj7P0SXLn?region=US&faction=Alliance Bnet: Bnet - https://blizzard.com/invite/amvLM0EubJv On November 03 2016 06:57 GTR wrote: I've created a Google Form/Spreadsheet for people to help add eachother. Hopefully this will makes things easier for us to find people for Mythic+ runs and what not as opposed to sifting through 150+ pages of discussion. Form Spreadsheet If a moderator could add this as a moderator note at the top it'd be appreciated. | ||
United States4135 Posts
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8748 Posts
On September 04 2016 09:04 Cyro wrote: Legion has 20 raid bosses coming in the ~4 months plus a new special 5-man with like 8 bosses. They'll also likely add 2-3 more 5-mans between tier 2 and 3 or with tier 3 and some world content too a couple less dungeons and one zone less might have been worth shipping 3-4 months earlier.. but i find it hard to disagree with blizzard's idea that the WOD ship had sunk and there was no point trying to balance or add content any more. Unsub for 6-9 months into this wasn't all that bad getting legion out sooner wasn't even a benefit i was factoring into my preference. im purely saying that i'd prefer to have a more even distribution of dungeons throughout an expansion. for example, having only 6 available to me now and delaying 2 of the current ones would give me a better experience. 8+ is too many for me at once and it seems like there's always a drought of content at some point so a distributed release provides two benefits to me. the only extra work they'd have to do is tuning dungeons more often. but since they're already planning to release dungeons throughout, it actually shouldnt be too much extra work. | ||
Finland8662 Posts
Still, I enjoyed the zones and suramar city is amazing. I hate everything garrison related, especially the stupid time gating behind the mission table, which doesn't seem at all equal between classes. In my guild the only ones even close to unlocking 3rd artifact relic are all druids, 2 of which have already unlocked it, while I'm staring at a 12 hour mission X 5 in a row to get to that point (currently doing the first one of them..) which you basicly have to complete one after another. Tried disc healing, pretty damn hard in 5mans at times. Feel like I have no way to bring people who got chunked back up, and if more than 1 got chunked at the same time, then it's freaking sweaty times for the next 30 seconds. Much more comfortable with holy. Though overtime once people learn the mechanics and avoid them better, the extra dps a disc brings to a 5man grp is nice. Managed to end a few bosses at 110k dps done as disc. | ||
Germany24794 Posts
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United Kingdom20275 Posts
@ order hall stuff - there's definately some variance - looks like druids finish maybe even more than 24 hours earlier than DH's - but everyone will have them within the first weekly reset. Many people didn't keep up with the quests perfectly anyway as some people of my own class are 24-48 hours behind me. On September 04 2016 10:50 NonY wrote: getting legion out sooner wasn't even a benefit i was factoring into my preference. im purely saying that i'd prefer to have a more even distribution of dungeons throughout an expansion. for example, having only 6 available to me now and delaying 2 of the current ones would give me a better experience. 8+ is too many for me at once and it seems like there's always a drought of content at some point so a distributed release provides two benefits to me. the only extra work they'd have to do is tuning dungeons more often. but since they're already planning to release dungeons throughout, it actually shouldnt be too much extra work. I think 6 would be too few, especially with one super cheap one (VH) There are a lot of incentives to spam dungeons in the first month, it's the go-to thing to do. I also think that it's better to lean towards too much content on expansion release rather than too little as long as you can follow up afterwards - by the time we're tired of 10 dungeons + a superdungeon + 20 raid bosses there'll easily be a second tier done with ideas for a third and some more dungeons + world content.. or at least that's the plan. If they had gated off content for future release we'd be able to have a more steady stream but there would be a bigger feeling of "what now" ^ experienced by the players. Which dungeons were added to TBC? I don't remember anything aside from MGT which was the 16'th! dungeon. The standard so far has been having all dungeons shipped at release, then once raids start dungeons become obsolete and almost all content released with patches is raids (exception tbc which was awesome). You mean the WOD standard? WOTLK added four dungeons in content patches post-launch, several of which are among my favourites of all time. Warlords was a huge regression for WoW IMO! | ||
United States10638 Posts
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United States18818 Posts
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Netherlands21359 Posts
On September 04 2016 20:24 farvacola wrote: Thank God I'm not the only with some issues in 5 mans as disc; like daemir said, if someone gets hit hard, getting them back up can be very tough sometimes. Its been known Disc would be bad in 5mans for a long time. You simply don't have the toolkit for it. Id seriously recommend doing them as Holy. | ||
United States18818 Posts
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Netherlands45349 Posts
Also most of Disc problems seem to me that when the dps is retarded you fall behind on healng so its muc harder to compensate then with others. | ||
Finland8662 Posts
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United Kingdom20275 Posts
After we got some gear, friends and I are running pally tank + 4 DPS (two of them balance druid, resto affinity as offhealers) sometimes. We can also mass-pull HC's with single resto druid | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
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France1915 Posts
I was leveling as shadow until 83 then I realized disc was faster... My plan was always to switch back to disc at 110 but oh well x) I tried disc healing in dungeons it's tough as you guys mentioned. Holy is fun so I don't mind switching just for dungeons. But my plan was to play disc for PvP and after a long session today, I am pretty disappointed. BGs are alright, disc heals good, you can help killing people, and with some peeling you're almost unkillable. But arenas is another story, at least 3v3s. Whenever you're the target, you'd better not make a single mistake else you're just going to get burst down. It's a good thing we have 2 magic schools for healing, but if you get one locked then CCd on the hard casts that follow, you have to pop all your CDs directly. When you face teams that can cleave, it's soooo hard, same issue as with dungeons. Your 2 teammates losing HP at the same time is the worst thing that can happen to you. And if you get CCd, then good luck bringing them both back to 100%. I feel the only viable teammates for disc are heavy control classes like rogue/mage/warlock. New expansion always means heavy burst in PvP for the first few months, and I think it ruins the gameplay for disc. All of our abilities and even our artifact are made for us to deal damage to heal people. But there's no way right now to keep people alive with atonement ![]() | ||
Denmark14978 Posts
i've had so many people who are annoyed that i'm skinning in a good farming spot so they just tag my mobs and don't loot them and suddenly i can't skin them and they've effectively wasted my time and prevented me from getting my mats this is so fucking annoying | ||
8748 Posts
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Finland435 Posts
And no disc isn't bad. I don't have single relic or even traits in my disc wep yet but I can carry even the worst scrubs in 5mans as long as I've mana to spend. On September 04 2016 21:15 daemir wrote: Well that and some encounters where things become unattackable, so your only healing option left is shadowmending someone. Like the beholder boss going into his eyebeam phase with 99% dmg reduction and then aoeing the room. Fun times. Disc does full damage to bosses with damage reduction so they can heal and if boss takes bonus damage that doesn't count for disc either so it wont be op. | ||
Germany24794 Posts
On September 04 2016 11:38 Cyro wrote: Many people didn't keep up with the quests perfectly anyway as some people of my own class are 24-48 hours behind me. I think it is a serious problem that people can not know how important these quests are if they did not read it online. Keep in mind you guys are really serious WoW gamers who keep themselves informed . The average player has probably no idea about this. Many dont bother doing these garrison missions at all and will only start wondering whats up once they notice others have 3 relics in their weapon. | ||
Germany24794 Posts
On September 04 2016 08:24 NonY wrote: mythics pretty hard at 810-815. healing is stressful as hell without stacking haste. these 2 second cast time heals when someone is about to die are stressful. i really ought to be playing WW probably since WW is really good for dungeons. my first mythic group, i was the only one willing to heal. MW can definitely handle it but some pulls are really tough. it sucks not having any mana potions too, which should be giving like +30% mana but i can't make any yet and havent seen any drop. i've geared up some more to 830 since my last mythic so im gonna try some more at higher gear level. still comes down to knowing the mechanics though so people who study guides and played beta are having a much easier time of it. as dps players get better at minimizing damage taken, and get higher dps, it'll make healing a lot easier though. This reminds me that I really wish the MW artifact ability did not take so insanely long to charge. I mean it is exactly what the MW needs, a fast and strong single target heal. But it takes 2 min of being in fight to get it to max stacks. At this point it feels more like a glorified flash heal with the cd of a major raid cooldown. Honestly if it would charge twice as fast it would still not be op. The artifact spells of other classes/specs I have seen feel more important. Regarding the mythics I feel like they are tuned a little low. I mean its 840+ loot and you can do them with 820 pug groups of average players. Guild groups on ts probably can do it way lower, especially if they bother to use enchants, consumables and stuff. | ||
Sweden3427 Posts
On September 04 2016 01:55 Cyro wrote: You can ding 110 without touching the fourth zone, bonus objectives give a lot of exp and resources Iam 109 and have around half to 110. Did all zones except stormheim. Got the achievement on all three. I did all bonus objectives, around 15 total or maybe more. I didnt count at all. I think i got alteast one whole level purely through my rested exp. Thats 650 kills roughly. Note, i play panda, they get double amount of rested exp. Did 2 or 3 dungeons with respective end quest at respective zone. I did all class hall quests available, even a few with "get exp" from missions. Perhaps stormheim gives most exp than any other but still, i dont see this being true. Which is really sad. | ||
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