[WoW] Battle for Azeroth - Page 102
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BfA Community Links: GP : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/KKMpKPSlgd?region=EU&faction=Horde TLEUH : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/v9x5bAF3jD?region=EU&faction=Horde TLEUA : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/ALwgJnC5Wo?region=EU&faction=Alliance TLNAH : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/vPrmjJxiVnJ?region=US&faction=Horde TLNAA : https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/YeZj7P0SXLn?region=US&faction=Alliance Bnet: Bnet - https://blizzard.com/invite/amvLM0EubJv On November 03 2016 06:57 GTR wrote: I've created a Google Form/Spreadsheet for people to help add eachother. Hopefully this will makes things easier for us to find people for Mythic+ runs and what not as opposed to sifting through 150+ pages of discussion. Form Spreadsheet If a moderator could add this as a moderator note at the top it'd be appreciated. | ||
11696 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
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Denmark14978 Posts
the quest that requires obliterum takes all the obliterum that you have despite only needing 1 -_- i just lost so much obliterum, just sent a bug report + opened a ticket like 30% of all my gold was in that obliterum, was going to sell it | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
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Germany3208 Posts
Oh and the class hall is absolute garbage too, you have to port to dalaran and then run for like 2 minutes through the corridors, meanwhile druids have a seperate tp directly to the hall and even get portals to all over the world from there. So i started leveling hunter and oh boy did they get gutted on the abilities, but the damage is absolutely bonkers anyway. Press 2 buttons, top dps meter lululul. Also dislike how much artefact power discourages you from 2nd speccing :/ | ||
United States4135 Posts
On September 06 2016 22:06 Laurens wrote: So when is the world first race starting? And is it still Method vs Paragon? Paragon is death. I think core people from Method went and made their own guild called Serenity? Method vs Serenity probably, but who knows? Method's been gutted, but by how much? And their biggest competition is dead so it's up in the air. On September 06 2016 23:00 Gorsameth wrote: No idea why you want Warden rep Nothing special from them http://www.wowhead.com/faction=1894/the-wardens just some 820 boots and a shoulder enchant that gives a chance to loot Blood of Sargeras but I have had 0 trouble getting enough of those. http://www.wowhead.com/guides/broken-isles-pathfinder-how-to-unlock-flying-in-legion You need Warden rep for that. On September 06 2016 21:33 Foxxan wrote: Wotlk was by far the best pvp experience hands down. From what i remember the burst WAS LOWER, in a semi-big way. Felt like you could use skills in combat there over a longer period before you were dead/opponent dead. Blizzard has said they will patch the game this time around, that it wont take long if a class is OP to get tuned down. A class is UP to get tuned up. Hopefully they look at general things to such as burst etc. But i doubt they will actually make this a pvp experience for me to say "oh, now its actually good". They REALLY suck at balance/and design.. REALLY REALLY SUCK. Not just in WOW but in every fucking game out there. Na, you had spell cleave and beast cleave which was stupid bursty. 2 lava bursts back to back with incinerate conflag, shit was intense. | ||
Denmark14978 Posts
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Spain10109 Posts
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Netherlands21362 Posts
On September 07 2016 04:54 lestye wrote: http://www.wowhead.com/guides/broken-isles-pathfinder-how-to-unlock-flying-in-legion You need Warden rep for that. That is hardly a reason to focus them since we are probably a year or more away from it being relevant. | ||
Sweden3427 Posts
Iam 100% core pvper in my blood but i will probably just go pve.. LoL... I need to kill some time thats why i dont just quit this garbage game. | ||
Germany9118 Posts
even now you can get to around 1 golden trait witout losing much of anytthing for your main spec. the higher your are ahead of the intended curve from blizzard, the more you have to work for smaller and smaller rewards. Farm a day and get half a level to 18 or something or get the first 12 or so levels for another weapon. | ||
Netherlands45349 Posts
I hate that stat. | ||
Netherlands21362 Posts
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4713 Posts
On September 07 2016 04:54 lestye wrote: Paragon is death. I think core people from Method went and made their own guild called Serenity? Method vs Serenity probably, but who knows? Method's been gutted, but by how much? And their biggest competition is dead so it's up in the air. http://www.wowhead.com/guides/broken-isles-pathfinder-how-to-unlock-flying-in-legion You need Warden rep for that. Na, you had spell cleave and beast cleave which was stupid bursty. 2 lava bursts back to back with incinerate conflag, shit was intense. Hello, can you by any chance tell me what happened to Paragon? I'm sort of asking because they moved to my realm, Lightning's Blade back in early WoTLK and forever dethroned us as the top server guild (and most other world guilds ^^). After living in their shadow for so long, looking up to them, I sort of want to know what became of them. | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
On September 07 2016 04:55 Godwrath wrote: It's so fucking satisfying to screw stealth scheme shenanigans with DH. The class plays quite differently to the rest, more wildstar-esque, which makes it more enjoyable than anything else. That it does ------ On September 07 2016 05:15 Gorsameth wrote: the normal number thrown around is 13 traits in your off specs since the 14th is where the costs begin to increase exponentially and the 14th costs more then the previous 13 combined. Rank 1-25 costs 71x more than rank 1-13 does. The exponential scaling is so harsh that you can keep your main artifact 1-2 ranks down and have a second one almost as good. The people that it really makes-or-breaks are already long-since abusing the infinite sources of artifact power like dungeonspam to make up for any lost ranks | ||
United States33802 Posts
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United Kingdom20275 Posts
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Germany3208 Posts
On September 07 2016 06:26 Cyro wrote: When singlular traits on your main artifact cost >100k AP each by rank 20 the 6.5k on an offspec is practically irrelevant. I already paid double that for a respec and i'm still beating some friends who have been negligent with the AP world quests Well yes, in months time. Im talking about now. When you need to reach the second golden trait asap for raids, 6k on an offspec is still 6k that you miss on the main spec, which is probably at least a day worth of farm if not more. | ||
Netherlands21362 Posts
On September 07 2016 06:24 Requizen wrote: So then do you think it's more worthwhile to get two artifacts to 13 or just keep focusing on one? If you dont use them there is no point. you can easilly fill it up later if something changes. If its a healer/tank offspec that you use for dungeons I would certainly get atleast 13 points in it. | ||
United Kingdom20275 Posts
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