Another showmatch in collaboration with RotterdaM! Nestea vs hendralisk
BEST OF 7 + 1 single offrace gameSeptember 23, 2014 22:00 EDT | 19:00 PDT | Sept 24, 2014 11:00 KSTSponsor - meprize pool: $550 (W $400 / L $100 / offrace single game $50) LIVE STREAM: Kevin "RotterdaM" van der Kooi GG GL HF!
your Country52797 Posts
This is going to be… interesting. Rooting for NesTea.
Which idiot really wants to see that unnecessary showmatch...
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On September 18 2014 05:02 Kimb3r wrote: Which idiot really wants to see that unnecessary showmatch... really?
Henry can't lose. It's gonna be nice though.
On September 18 2014 06:17 Aelendis wrote: Henry can't lose. It's gonna be nice though.
I assume you meant Nestea can't lose?? O.o
Ah, the days when Nestea boasted a 90% winrate in what was considered a complete cointoss of a matchup
now I'm scared to watch him play because I want to remember what he once was
how many viewers do these show matches usually get? i imagine not much... good luck i guess
United States186 Posts
On September 18 2014 06:36 nkr wrote:Ah, the days when Nestea boasted a 90% winrate in what was considered a complete cointoss of a matchup now I'm scared to watch him play because I want to remember what he once was
its okay, he was smashing #1 na gm yesterday on ladder ezpz
not even putting any EU time somewhere isn't really inviting aswell
on the other hand i would have loved to see Nestea and MVP nuking it out
Why so much negativity? I don't even play this game and I feel sorry for the organizers
Just enjoy the show if you are interested, and politely decline if you are not
it's going to be a nice show! go nesteaaaaaaaaaa
Hendralisk has this no problem
On September 18 2014 07:15 robih wrote: not even putting any EU time somewhere isn't really inviting aswell
4-5am maybe?
literally 15 seconds on google will explain anything you could ever need to know about time zone conversion
I hope Hendralisk takes this. Could be interesting games with Nestea playing! He always has something tricky.
On September 18 2014 10:41 ElhayM wrote: Hendralisk has this no problem
NesTea is the fucking man... this is a problem for anyone!
thanks to xtorn for sponsoring