On May 01 2014 00:02 Wombat_NI wrote: Shit man, good to hear they caught it early as from recollection bowel cancer is one of the worst you can get due to it being relatively 'embarrassing' to get found before it spreads out.
Get well soon TB and props for reminding people as to the importance of getting checked. there is NOTHING embarassing between you and a doctor when it comes to things about your health. You should always get your health scanned from time to time
TB get well soon.
the bad: TB has to go through all this. gl with surgery, and hope everything goes well afterwards as well.
the good: TB manages to raise awareness of a health issue that we can all potentially face, and got multiple people that visit these forums to go make that phone call to the doctor that can potentially save lives. survivor AND lifesaver? that's a good life.
On April 30 2014 23:57 TotalBiscuit wrote: For those who don't have the time to watch the VLOG, the TL:DR is this.
It's a large mass that is either pre-cancerous or already cancerous.
It has not spread, CT shows everything else clean and the liver perfectly healthy (this is important since that's generally the first place cancer spreads to and starts to fuck shit up). Colonoscopy confirmed, no other masses or polyps anywhere else in the bowel. Surgery to remove the mass should be a complete cure, at least for the time being. I will need regular check-ups every year or so to make sure it doesn't come back, but the doctors are very confident in a complete recovery.
I encourage all of you, if you have symptoms that last more than a week, to get over the embarrassment and go and see a doctor. Colonoscopy is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be, in the US (at least at my specialist) they knock you out for it entirely so you don't feel a thing. Doctors are professionals, they have heard everything 1000 times before, they are impossible to embarrass. Do not suffer in silence, get screened.
Best of luck in a speedy and permanent recovery! ♥
People really care about you. Get well asap and don't fuck around with it. This is serious. #safeTB==safeEsports :-)
I wonder how you can get that so young, all the people i know who get these troubles are kind of elders. This sucks, get well soon and i hope this thing won't give you trouble in the future anymore.
gl TB, you seem like a tenacious dude, I am sure you will fight through this. Also, good news in a shitty situation regarding how it is relatively early and did not spread.
Ryung with that all kill, I bet the team was fired up today and fought extra hard for TB
On May 01 2014 07:59 Ornithorynquez wrote: I wonder how you can get that so young, all the people i know who get these troubles are kind of elders. This sucks, get well soon and i hope this thing won't give you trouble in the future anymore.
There's a 15 year old kid in the UK right now in the final stages of it.
The CT technician who scanned me told me a story about a 17 year old she discovered it in, far more advanced than mine.
The myth is that bowel cancer only affects old people, it's actually a huge killer of people far younger than that, who don't go to the doctor because they think it's just something that'll go away and then well... it doesn't.
http://www.bowelcanceruk.org.uk/never-too-young/ started a campaign about this. 2000 young people a year in the UK are diagnosed, far FAR more than that go untreated because they just don't know it can happen.
An Australian charity reported a 64% rise in Bowel cancer cases in people aged 20-35 vs figures 20 years ago.
This is horrible news, but im glad it was caught early. Good luck, and get well soon.
Glad to hear this was caught early. Expected much worse news when I saw the title.
Good luck, and give us a nice VoD full of champagne when you're 100% again .
I wish the best possible outcome.
Fucking cancer. I hope everything works out for him.
When I watched your video and you were calling yourself an idiot, I was calling you an idiot right along I can't believe you were stubborn to hold off on seeing a doctor despite suffering for so long!!! DDD: However, I'm biased as I'm a health sciences major going into grad school this fall haha XD
Pleaseeee please please please make sure to finish your antibiotic treatment. There's a LOT of bacteria residing in the human gut and I wouldn't want you to get an antibiotic resistant strain due to the procedure+hospital stay. Also, if any nurses or other clinical practitioners aren't being diligent with clean hands (they probably will at least Purell beforehand), you really should remind them to clean their hands via alcohol sanitizer or good ol' soap&water.
Nonetheless, I hope for a speedy recovery without any complications! It's wonderful to hear that the mass was localized.
Get well soon! I hope everything works out for you.
what are the symptoms, like when do you know you should get checked out?
On May 01 2014 10:01 ROOTFayth wrote: what are the symptoms, like when do you know you should get checked out?
For me it was unusually frequent trips to the toilet, loose stool, blood and mucus in stool, more frequent than usual stomach growling and fatigue. This does not automatically mean cancer, it can be a number of different things, some less severe than others, all at least treatable if not curable. Could just be haemmeroids, could be IBS, could be an IBD like Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis. Could be diviticulitus, though that generally doesnt last all that long. Or you could just be having something like a gluten allergy. Whatever the case, there is no harm in telling your doctor, getting some basic testing done and going from there if you have those kind of symptoms for longer than a week.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
On May 01 2014 10:01 ROOTFayth wrote: what are the symptoms, like when do you know you should get checked out? Loose stool for longer than 1 week is a pretty big warning sign. Any kind of prolonged (more than a day or so) of blood in stool is a massive warning sign. Even if it's the other way around -- such as taking longer than 3 days between stools regularly, having "rabbit poos" (small hard stools) when you take a dump are also warning signs of problems. Any time you have abnormal behavior down there lasting longer than a week you should absolutely get it checked. Invariably, the sooner any serious complication is caught the easier it is to treat.
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
Good luck bro
It's gonna take more than bowel cancer to take TB from us
Never good to hear anyone get cancer in any form. Hope you get good treatment and a good recovery.