Not the case yet but could still happen. |
Where dat snitch at?36923 Posts
NOTE: There is a huge possibility I may have mistranslated this article. For the time being, I am editing my OP.
+ Show Spoiler + State![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/I8H2VN7.jpg) Source: Daily eSportsSummary: - State's dream has come true - 2nd foreign player to join a Korean team in Proleague after MajOr - Was considering moving back to America after fOu disbanded, but was given an opportunity to stay with Prime who just so happened to live in the same apartment building as fOu. - Gerrard was quoted saying "As of right now, Ryan (State) is still lacking in skill but he is working really hard. We will make sure we do all that we can so that he can rise up to a new level like never before.
started from the bottom, now we here.
Congrats to State. It's a rare occasion when a foreigner joins a Korean team, and I hope that it suits both parties well. He's certainly not going to get worse from joining a KeSPA team.
great news go go go State
this is really cool go state!
based state is literally a god
WOOO! Go State! I like PrimeState better as a tag, but oh well. Tear it up in PL dude!
OMGOMGOMGOMG THIS IS AWESOME !! (Full caps is necessary)
Katowice25012 Posts
Pretty cool, best of luck dude!
white boy to KR! its a thing
this is so fucking rad. good for state. it'll be great to see him in PL.
good luck, hope he finds some success over there. he is going to be playing against some of the best players in the world and it won't be easy
Very nice! State has had some really great play recently and I hope he is able to show Prime how its really done
This'll be the first Prime player I cheer for. Nice one State^^
Hell yeah, man. Big congrats to you. Your dedication is inspiring. Make sure you are getting the very most you CAN be out of your opportunities in being a part of this team. All the networking and practice partners, discussion, and training toward tourny results, when you compete. GoGo!