Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: mothergoose.851 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2331976/1/mothergoose/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/2331976/mothergoose Interest: Competitive League: Platinum Other: I am making a run for masters this summer. I plan to play a lot, and I prefer practice partners to ladder. I prefer to practice with skype. Really want to do focus practice sessions with rehearsed builds, resume from replay, and other tools, ect. Feel free to add my on skype mothergoose729@gmail.com as well as in game.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Khastik.206 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/4321800/1/Khastik/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/4321800/Khastik Interest: Competitive League: Platinum Other: I want to get better at my ZvP and ZvT, my ZvZ is pretty solid. Generally on in the evenings on weekdays, and sporadically on weekends.
Server: EU & AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: tonight.498=> EU Tonight.498=>AM Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2808363/1/tonight/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/2808363/tonight Interest: Competitive League: Gold Other:Hi. I'm a high gold terran player. I hope to make plat soon. I've been playing a lot lately and I try my best to practise efficiently. I'm looking for practise in all matchups. I do like to play 1-3 games using the same builds and then analyze the replays. I can play protoss too and should be able to play normal protoss builds if needed =).
Server:EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER:chalieboy.646 Race:Terran ProfileURL:http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2212906/1/Chalieboy/ Sc2RanksURL:http://www.sc2ranks.com/eu/2212906/Chalieboy Interest:Competitive/Casual League:bronze Other:looking for someone to practice with need a bit of help i have a lot of time on my hands. and have skype.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: YeahMan.462 Race: Zerg ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3377794/1/YeahMan/ Interest: competitive League: Diamond Other: Looking for good P/t/z practice partners.
Server: AM B.Net.ID.IDENTIFER: CherryPirate.934 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1483542/1/CherryPirate/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1483542/CherryPirate Interest: Casual. League: Bronze Other: I'm listening to Day9's advice on finding SC2 buddies! <3 I have Skype and also a coach who's been in Diamond and is teaching me fairly quickly. This is mostly about fun for me, I'm on a lot, but it's all just casual fun play. I'm late into getting into the StarCraft series, but better late than never!
Russian Federation14 Posts
Hello!! I'am sorry for probably stupid question, but i cant make use of this:
The TL practice partner thread now has an official battle net channel. If you want to find someone to practice with, you may join the TLPractice channel on battlenet. To do this, log on to battle net, go to the practice channel tab, and type in TLPractice. If TLPractice is full, join TLPractice1, TLPractice2...ect. I cant find this "practice channel tab". There only one channel called "practice" and it's empty and it's closed. I'm trying to type "TLPractice" and "join TLPractice" and "/join TLPractice" but it's nothing going on.