Well I'm steeling all this from blizz forum, but I figure Everyone at this forum is "Too Into SC". So it should be better.
"I've given y'all four to start and to use as examples. Now, continue from there!"
1#- "You named your dog "Devouring One", after the Zergling hero." 2#- "You got grounded for a yera when you tried to burn down a tree with a home-made flamethrower, like the Firebats could in the Beta." 3#- "You make a topic called "1001 Ways Too Tell If Your Too Into Starcraft." 4#- "You run around with home-made cardboard Zealot Psionic Blades, shouting "En Taro Adun! There's no time to waste! I must join my brethen in combat!"
Korea (South)17174 Posts
5. This forum is in your favorites.
6. You've printed up the Unit list for quick reference. 7. Starcraft replays and vods are the biggest % of your hard disk. 8. The word 'boxer' doesn't bring to mind a boxing match. 9. You change mice and keyboards on a regular basis to see if it improves your game. 10. You've paid for starcraft lessons (*cough*).
11. you think kerrigan is hot
United States4471 Posts
12. You're an Admin on a SC/BW forum...
12. You laugh at jokes like "He went M&M vs my T!"
13. you shoot heroine thinking its a stim pack to make you play better
13]You get confused by the colors on your minimap by telling your friend yellow is yellow. 14]You hotkey your first 9 probes 1-9 15]You say your sandwich is ownage when it's really not 16]You call your mother a newbie because she doesn't understand what you are trying to tell her. 17]You had a fioght with your sister and kept telling her Good Game and no re.
On May 15 2003 21:12 LoD)FastThor wrote: 13. you shoot heroine thinking its a stim pack to make you play better
sorry but i took your 13..replaced it with something that actually makes sense HO ha!
19. saying "sorry but i took your 13..replaced it with something that actually makes sense HO ha!"
On May 15 2003 21:00 linternet wrote: 8. The word 'boxer' doesn't bring to mind a boxing match.
OmG I really do think of Boxer now when someone says boxer
me too  20. You dream About SC at night 21. You spend all of school/work thinking about strategies.
I always thing of boxer, never of boxing. And I have dreamed about SC before and I used to think of strategies during school, kinda past that phase now.
22. At Work You Sit Staring at this site constantly hitting the refresh screen to get a bit of excitment after you see the replys to your thread have gone from 0 to 2 wOOt!! -.-v
23. It Actually Pisses you off that you have been banned from a SC Forum SIte Almost to the point where you want to get a gun and shoot sum1.
24. You know what APM stands for. 25. You bought the N64 version of Starcraft. 26. You bought the game more than once becuase your CDs stopped working. 27. You've written a Starcraft battle report. 28. You've ever joined a Starcraft clan.
On May 15 2003 21:13 BosNia)_zL.99 wrote: 15]You say your sandwich is ownage when it's really not
15.1 - You say ownage to everything that is basically cool. 15.2 - You say damn I owned another beer when it's empty.
29 - You say "huk" when you don't get what someone's saying.
Dominican Republic55 Posts
You get confused by the colors on your minimap by telling your friend yellow is yellow. 14]You hotkey your first 9 probes 1-9 15]You say your sandwich is ownage when it's really not 16]You call your mother a newbie because she doesn't understand what you are trying to tell her. 17]You had a fioght with your sister and kept telling her Good Game and no re.
Dominican Republic55 Posts
oops I cant seem to quote right^^ oh well bosnia very funny^^
30. You use Gosu and Chobo while talking to some of your friends/parents/whatever.
30. Instead of a normal chair by ur computer its a toilet so you dont need to move at all + a butler who brings food
ehem...I kinda suck as on jokes -_-
Dominican Republic55 Posts
31. You don't get a haircut cause it will be lost training time
33. you drop out of highschool
34. When u obs a game or when ur playin a game and the game has ended u type "GG" and yell out loud GEEEEEEE GEEEEEEEEEEEE GEEEEEEEEEE GEEEEEEe hahahaha
I don't think anyone here but you has that problem viet ^_^.
35. you think slayers_`boxer` sounds cool
36. u have tl.net as home page =) 37. u felt betrayed when boxer changed his name
38. You wake up in the night screaming "DAMN QUICK CARRIER"
39. Your friends make fun of your because your going to a starcraft tournament.
31. you jerk of to kerrigan 32. you spend all day and night playing 33. your are mad at your parents cause they disc sc 34. you read the strategie and regular booklet inside and out
39.) You practise unit control whilst being in school
40. you think medics are the hottest humanbeings on earth. 41. you can understand a korean typing english 42. starting to say "keke" "huk" and whatever in r/l 43. run bw.exe even if your 100% sure your not gonna play it.
44. increase ur mousespeed everywhere u go to improve ur speed.
45. you only type with ur left hand.
46. you yell HAX when wife tells you to get off the comp when mid-game.
47. Your rolemodel is Tassadar 48. You call your home "The Overmind"
49. Hearing the random soundeffects from BW as you sit there..
( use to happen to me when i used ICQ alot back in the day just sitting there and thinkin you heard a "UhOh" the prompt when u get a message. )
lol this is definetly a key that u been playin to much bw
50. your name is xOxOx and you spend 10 minutes composing replys to inane forum topics
On May 15 2003 22:29 Z-SiNiStER- wrote: 49. Hearing the random soundeffects from BW as you sit there..
( use to happen to me when i used ICQ alot back in the day just sitting there and thinkin you heard a "UhOh" the prompt when u get a message. )
lol this is definetly a key that u been playin to much bw
lol true, if im really tired sometimes i imagine myself hearing the beep sound for when someone types ingame.
hahahah I'm not the only one!
51. Your computer is named 'Overmind'
52. You've missed entire family meals because you were in the middle of a game.
53. You have multiple playlists set up just for SC.
54. You go through a 2+ minute pregame stretch
55. You work for/on an SC site obsessively
yess thats me ^^ composing what is composing? ^^ and i spend like .. 5 minutes
Osaka27125 Posts
56. Instead of laughing in real life, you just say "el o el", and when your really amused, you break out the "el em a o" 57. You have stopped watching TV and sit vacently infront of your computer moniter watching live Korean TV feeds, breathlessly waiting for that ad featuring those cute little school girl outfits.....
Brb. Mani~
58. You're fucking retarded enough to misspell "you're"
60. You expect your girlfriend to learn to play. 61. Your girlfriend left you because you moan like an overlord when you fuck. 62.1 You hear Starcraft music in the car with the volume at 100%. 62.2 It makes you feel so good. 63. Your music playlist has a Starcraft sound sample between every song. 64. You call your penis your "Zergling"/"Zealot". 65. You can speak Zerg. 66. You watch replays while talking on the phone. 67. You say things like... "You wanna piece of me boy?!" 68. You just can't understand why people play games such as Age of Empires or Command and Conquer. 69. You say really stupid jokes such as "Theres an ultralisk!" when you see an elephant in the Discovery Channel. 70. After the joke you laugh your ass off.
71. You break your keyboard when you voted Xellos to win,when chojja won, in a liquibet.
72.) you jack off to infested kerrigan in the broodwar single player game screen  edited : infested kerrigan and removed a double 'in'
73.) You dont write a final english paper because you want to play broodwar
74. your personal quote "Girlfriend will leave u but SC wont" hahah for people who actually have a Gf :D
Osaka27125 Posts
On May 16 2003 00:00 SuperCod wrote: 58. You're fucking retarded enough to misspell "you're" That's a nice sentance fragment Cinderella. ** edit for sentance fragment.
MURICA15980 Posts
75. You are sponsered 76. You are a pro-gamer 77. You've been/going to WCG 78. You follow Korean pro-gaming 79. You are reading this thread.... 80. You've replied to this thread...
81. You spend all your time on the net looking at/for SC/BW stuff
82. Every time you lose in ANYTHING the opponent is IMMEDIATELY deemed a "Hacking Fag"
83) you run around with a laser pointer screaming "nuclear Launch detected"
84) You're good at this game
85. You argue with CS tards about which game is better
86. You cant come up with anymore "you know you play too much bw when...." comments cuz all the ones that have been said apply to you one way or another
87)you can play sc with yourself in your own head.
88)you can watch scenes of past games in your head
89. You see a Highway 101 North sign and think LOL North. Then speed home to post about it on a sc forum.
90. You are looking for the high templar in a thunderstorm.
92 . when you pretend to play SC as if it were star wars
93. when you write a book on how much you think testie hacks
On May 15 2003 22:26 esk0 wrote: 48. You call your home "The Overmind" LOL
United States33097 Posts
Korea is really cool.....
at school you can make SC related jokes and everyone will laugh
[QUOTE]On Everyday Waxangel wrote: Snorlax power Korea QUOTE] 94. having a pokemon as a signature . . . OOPS sc
95.If your fucking failing classes because you dont do your homework, because your playing to much SC
96. You scribble on paper to warm up for an essay 97. You do finger stretches and exercises before game
96.If you think a Valkarie Lady should be a Phone Sex operator 97.If you have nightmares about Garimnto *cough* 98.If you missed a final due to a game... 99.If you think hot brunettes should be required to play SC 100.If you can't sleep due to Nightmares about Games...
United States5007 Posts
this is great gj topic starter i like
901 to go 
On May 16 2003 00:42 (viet)TyPe_R wrote: 74. your personal quote "Girlfriend will leave u but SC wont" hahah for people who actually have a Gf :D
I've said that to myself at least... 50 times.
Said it to my friends, too.
Said it to people that don't even play bw.
101. You've spent an entire night sleepless over a bad night of SC
103. you criticize the army for having poor micro
Omg, this is depressing me
104. you play the game "risk" with a map that looks like lost temple
105. you knock someone down in a fist fight, and call them a newb and tell them to go back to diablo
106. you talk in your sleep about gay hackers and dumb newbies, and your parents want you to go to counseling
that's it j00sh. go take a shower
107. people are yelling at you to get off the computer because you can't stop playing broodwar >:[
[QUOTE]On May 15 2003 21:34 linternet wrote: 26. You bought the game more than once becuase your CDs stopped working.
my cd rom eats cd's it shatterd my BW cd i never took it out for 3 months
108. spill ketchup on your lap and shout "damn defilers!!"
31. When you whisper someone you begin your conversation by ''ac on''
109. When you hear "M&M", you're not thinking of the chocolate. 110. When you hear "heavy metal", you're not thinking of the genre. 111. When your boss calls for you, you reply "SCV good to go sir"
112. You assume everyone knows who Boxer is. 113. You regularly use "gosu" as a superlative. 114. You use "newb" as a general insult.
OMG #49 ...... 2 years ago that was happening to me
115. You take commands at your house like an Marine
116. When you hear "vulture" you think of the hover cycle, rather than the bird
117. ...You say "hover cycle" rather than "bw unit"
Most of these are directed towards non-Koreans ofcourse.
118. You can draw Lost Temple(or any map) without looking at it before. 119. You are familiar with OnGameNet or MBCGame 120. Your personal hero is Garimto/Reach 121. You consider any machine "Nada" 122. You have ever hummed any of the game music 123. You know the Sports Chosun has way more than athletics 124. You know HovZ is an asshole 125. You know OrangeTerran is a fatass 126. You think TossGirl is the epitome of beauty 127. You know what a DaumCafe is 128. You know the Desperate Terran is French 129. You think the greatest/most creative strategist plays video games for a living 130. You have typed in a "korean code" 131. You were pissed about GAMEi 132. You waited 2 years for 1.10 133. You think replays killed strategy 134. You think the community has too much drama 135. You know JinNam played in the WDT
136. When someone covers your eyes you yell "Black sheep wall!!!! 137. When a nuke goes off you think "Newb It takes Two to kill a CC" 138. When before you get into a fight you have to roll yourself in a blue carpet, and yell "Power overwhelming!!!"
139.When people say "3 o'clock / 12 o'clock etc" you think of Game reports  140.When you've drawn Ultralisks and Zerglings, and they actually look good.
141. this gotta stop now...plz stop it now...oh god y wont someone stop this....some of the reasons r just plain stupid......
142.) You know who OT and Madcow are..
142.When someone asks u a 1v1 u put ur space suit on 143.U keep ur space suit on at school 144.When you know all the armor system by heart 145.When u eat a sandwich and ur like omfg this is gosu.... 146.When you bought Lost Vikings cause:Blizzard made SC so LOST VIKINGS MUST OWNS!!!!! 147.When ur at school in the morning and teacher asks a question to student and he dosen't answer and u say:SIR!its not is fault hes lagging this mornin!!! 148.When you say to ur friends:fuck bush and saddam should settle this on a 1v1 Lost temple. 149.When u dled 10Jinnam rep,10Ilnp rep,And looked the apm for each game to see if jinnam really played for him. 150.when ur at school and someone hurts u and u say:Fuck u wouldnt be so tough in a 1v1 lt! 151.When u dled the APM bw Chart shit. 152.When u come back from school u open sc even tho u wont play
153: You rearrange letters to make Bw names 154: You spell Unit names backwards for names (Rekrul)
145. When your on Rekruls nuts.
Sweden33719 Posts
146) You curse at your parents in korean when they try to shut down the computer -____-; And #34 isn't normal? :O I shout GEEEEEEEEEGEEEEEEEE all the time....never mind that *cough*..
Regards FrozenArbiter
Frozen u should actually 156
just another i just realised going on west 157.u know hes a sclegacy fan(or went to website)when he makes Lt_ice_gamax since its the only place u can get it
158: Instead of "My bad" or "Fuck" you say "Control miss" when doing something wrong. ^O^;
159. you've watched atleast 100 replays and has atleas 300 on your winch. 160. you want reps from korean tournaments desperately 161. instead of fuck you, you say nom ssi bal or 18u!  162. 1.10 patch caused you a bad day and you cursed blizz for it
163. you kick your computer when u misclick in windows.
164.When you remove your window key from the keyboard
165. when you go on every post :p
15#: like vietnam vets, late at night in bed you hear the sounds of your comrades dying.
166]Your dad tells you to go and burrow in your bed bcuz it's to late which makes you wanna kill someone. 166]You keep going to the last year's WCG place in your city hoping it might still be there. 167]You keep telling your WCG mascot everything will be okay 'Boxer is here soon I promise BoBo. 168]You flood YelloW's mailbox with constant love letters. 169]You download Korean Text to talk to Koreans but cannot understand what they write back. 170]You desperately keep making [pG] names hoping one of them will try to notice you and maybe get a game. 171]Find yourself buying the 9th Starcraft Battle Chest on a Monday morning.
On May 16 2003 03:44 Waxangel wrote: Korea is really cool..... at school you can make SC related jokes and everyone will laugh 
hahahaha wish it was in Canada that way T.T
172]You keep trying to get laid with your korean friend who demands 2000+ gamei high but you only got 1400. 173]When your dad asks you to throw a football around outside, you tell him youd rather play lurker defense. 174]You keep alt/tabbing hoping you find out what the letter for zealot is although it says on the unit. 175]Find yourself listening to Nas-Got yourself a gun and then start to say 'got myself an scv'.
176]Find yourself buying th 10th battle chest on a tuesday morning.
177]OMG i think im addicted to posting this
178) If you actually are good enough to notice the protoss imbalance (Many think they are good enough, but just say it cause they read it).
Don't know if these have come by yet but..
179. If you have the no-cd loader/crack so you can always play, even when your cd is missing -_-; 180. If you have a BW background desktop. 181. If you're showing your grandma the latest screenshots you made.
182. You have all the in game music burned to a CD so you can listen to it in your car. When people ask you what your favorite song is, you reply "Terran 1."
182. If you dream to be rich, just to spend the whole day playing SC xD
183. If you see a dogs race and you get scared for the 6 fast zerling rush
184. If you run like hell, when you see any red point.
On May 16 2003 14:55 BosNia)_zL.99 wrote: Show nested quote +On May 16 2003 03:44 Waxangel wrote: Korea is really cool..... at school you can make SC related jokes and everyone will laugh  hahahaha wish it was in Canada that way T.T
No lets talk about pop culture and sports. Lalalalalalalalalala i hate where i live
If you ever had a dream where many people were having the same illness, and the cure was playing bw.
186. if you've woken up in a cold sweat from a bw dream
187. If you got pissed when someone woke you up from a BWs dream.
31. The only thing than you do in internet is enter to sc pages
189. Before you get into a bar fight you say, "Good Luck have fun" 190. After you get your ass pounded because your scrawny from playing BW to much, you gurgle "good game".
Just wanted to applaud the 190 points so far, some good stuff in there.
191. When you play 1v1 BW your heart rate sky rockets and your hands get cold and clamy. 192. You tell your gf Boxer makes $100,000+ per year in Korea playing BW and her response is hmmmm you play BW a lot too, why don't you quit your job and play BW and make $100k per year? You try to explain Boxer is a god athlete and she just can't seem to get it.
On May 16 2003 04:50 fuqin-suck wrote: 109. When you hear "M&M", you're not thinking of the chocolate. 110. When you hear "heavy metal", you're not thinking of the genre. 111. When your boss calls for you, you reply "SCV good to go sir"
111. Cracked me the FUCK up .....suites my tech support job so well -.-v
when you are fat american nerd with pimples who thinks he is progamer and being bm on bnet make him feel better for getting picked on in real life
was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz######112 ^^
MURICA15980 Posts
112. When you get banned from tl.net and keep coming back with names like: OrangeTerran2, 3 and 4.
Klogon 193**
194. When you're learning to speak korean just because of bw
195: When you decide to watch replays with your gf instead of going to the movies
196. On the S.A.T's you mark "Other" next to race, and write in Terran.
197. Your name is Yooper
Canada9103 Posts
198. You try to imitate korean smileys with your face.
lmao yooper I almost did that on fcat gay fcat gay florida
199. When you hear a comsat going off, or a lurker burrowing out of nowhere.
200. You don't know what your BW cd looks like, because you haven't taken it out of the drive in 5 years.
201.When u insult slow people as Reavers.
Dominican Republic55 Posts
I just realized because of a post that rekrul backwards is lurker-.- ~~
202. U say "GG" instead of "nice game" or "good match" when u and ur friends play games other then BW like basketball or football. 203. "good manner" and "bad manner" is how u describe people now...instead of "have some respect man" u say "yo man no bad manner around here..keep it good manner" hahaha
204: when u start giving nicknames of untis to ur friends
205: When your best friends are bnet geeks!
206. After dropping out of highschool for starcraft, your life depends on the World Dream Tour. because you suck ass, you get some korean progamer to play for you.
207. You dress up as General Gerard DuGalle for Halloween. 208. In crowds, you pick out people that look or sound like SC characters - hey, he looks like Durand, he sounds just like an SCV operator, she is a splitting image for kerrigan, she would make a perfect medic (*_*) 209. Watching American Football you think the players look sort of like marines 210. The term Marines makes you think of the terran unit, not a branch of the US military
Hahahahah...other than the -findin out the real identity of Mensrea, this is prolly the funniest topic where i actually viewed and read every single post even tho i knew there were 8 pages of it...lol . Most have happened to me...sad. Ii do wish i had never taken up sc tho...i would have graduated from college by now  Anyways 211. When names like Slayers boxer make alot of sense...wtf is is slayers boxer anyway? the fuckin word dont make sense..boxer slayer makes more sense, but wrong too, anyways 212. When U now know what the color teal looks like lol, or aybe its just me
lots of these points are so damn true ...
213. You never go out on sunday cause it's time for you to play your league games.
214. You watch reps instead of tv cause it's more fun
215. You know all the ranks for terran units by memmory. 216. If you don't know them, your tempted to create a game vs computer to find out. 217. Your first SC CD crapped out on you without a scratch on it because it became lazer burnt. Something you didnt know could happen. 218. You lazer burnt a couple copies of SC 
Im guilty of theese, and most others TT
EDit, new numbers
219. you dream of rekrul at night.
220. you have more than 500 posts on this site
223. When you make a seperate buddy list for all of your BNet friends on AIM.
224. When you maphack, sign on and off constantly with different pings, and have some korean pro gamer play for you in a major tournament.
Canada9103 Posts
225. When bored, you entertain yourself with useless clicking and selecting.
Canada9103 Posts
226. "Pneumatized" becomes a part of your active vocabulary.
On May 17 2003 05:26 RaGe wrote: 224. When you maphack, sign on and off constantly with different pings, and have some korean pro gamer play for you in a major tournament.
228. You knew 224 was comming
229]you hoped bin laden was gonna get a 'NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED MESSAGE' 230]you always wondered why Eminem looks like one of the zealots in your group 1 out of 12 selection =/ 231]you spend 4 years on sc and u just realized rekrul was spelled lurker from the back
232. u dont give a fuk about rekrul or his name anymore hahahaha
233. You talk about the "old days" when you used to be "good".
234. You frequently watch VODs and replays until you feel too sleepy to stay awake, and think it as the perfect cure to insomnia
235. You eagerly await TLC's documentary on "Big Game Hunters", only to find it's been replaced by some guys shooting things in a jungle.
236. You get angry when you realize the only two black people in StarCraft are a worker and a traitor.
237. You have repeatedly written letters to the president describing how StarCraft solves the problem of language barriers, complete with Korean emoticons.
238. You learned 100x as much about Korean culture through BW as you did through school.
239. Going to wcg in 9 hours makes you feel like eminem at the start of 8-mile. 240. Your proud of that 241. When running from bullies you imagine you are using stimpacks. 242. When the idea of meeting marshallfaulk has you giddy 243. your shoulders have a permenant slump from leaning forward 244. when a brilliant starcraft move makes you slightly horny,[or alot] 245. when you've actualy dumped a girl because of bw interferance 246. when you delete porn for vod space 247 when you have vods 248. when 5sh6sh7sh makes sense to you 249. when you are proud of your exagerated apm 250. You've gotten a hangjob during sc I have done everyone of these, other then the bully one
251. you make starcraft referances accidentally at school.[all the time]
252.All the timers/watch u have is set exactly on the b.net time 253.When u get in fight when someone says AoE is better then SC 254.When your car is a vulture 255.When u loaded ur super soaker with gasoline and put 2 matches at the end to be a firebat 256.When u call ants Broodlings 257.When u named Types of offense(example:hes goin offensive cannon,:Arg west coast Pub offense) 258.when u drink juice and u say its: REFINED GOSUNESS
259.If people say the word ghost...and you dont think of casper 260.If you think about Science Vessels when they say EMP during the Matrix Reloaded 261.If you hear the word machine, and the first thing that pops in your head is Nada 262.If you actually met hot Gals that play BroodWar 263.If you think Managers in sports should Micro more
264. when hearing the word yellow you dont associate with the color  265. when you want to insult someone offline you say haxor or bm 266. when you actually respect korean players for some good strats. 267. when you call cheese strats or micro sexy or cute  268. if you saw boxer you would try to get an autograph or a pic of you shaking hands
31. I call my mom Overload
Your email address has something to do with Starcraft.
actually my mailaddress is my bnet.nickname  i associate yellow not with the color first boxer doesn't make me think of boxing .. and if i see someone doing something wrong, what comes to my mind? damn noob
guess i should stop playing bw .. no i won't
269. If you try to fancy a girl with your great starcraft stories.
270. When you desperatly try to figure out another 732 ways to tell if your to into starcraft.
271. You spend several hundred dollars on a website just for SC. (Shameless plug)
271. When your name has something do with a solid being a liquid.
273. When you've spent 4+ hours thinking about a new screen name
274. If you figured out that "En Taro Adun" Means Remember Adun, Because at the start of BWs they say "En Taro Tassadar.".
275. If you published a dictionary on the Starcraftanese language.
276. If you know who the korean jay leno is. 277. Whenever you see a bee, you wonder where the other hive units went. 278. Your friends are in the living room watching a football game with john madden drawing up the offensive plays, while you're in your bedroom watching some fat korean fuck with glasses scribble on sin gaema gowon. 279. When your team's kicker makes a game winning field goal, you raise your hands vertically in the air and scream Gheeeee Gheeeee! 280. When your wallpaper is a picture of a command center with a wraith flying away from it.
281: When you spend most of ur time on this site (recently) trying to think up more ways to tell if your into starcraft.
When u can orally list the Zerg ,Ptoss, and Terran Tech tree's without playing the game for months (*true fact*)
That's 282 there buddy
283. You know precisely how many shots it takes to kill almost every unit in the game, with every other unit (sad... very sad)
283: when you get a detention for talking to ur teacher like a vulture
284. You edit your name out of other people's posts and replace it with their name.
285 Your Still reading this thread
286. ur just comin out with more reasons so this thread can end quick!! 1001 reasons wtffffff hahahahaa....still like 716 to go man
287. When you discriminate someone because he doesnt know what gosu is.
Im guilty of that one hehe
288. If you ever feel embarassed about something you wish you could turn cloking on.
290. When it irritates you that someone double posts a number on your favorite BW forum thread
291. When you attack an wasps nest, you picture the Queen screaming "THe Hive cluster is under attack!"
--103. you criticize the army for having poor micro--
292. When Marshallfaulk makes you think of a gamer 293. when tsunami is not a natural occurence 294. when you don't know where nazgul got his name from 295. when you repeat the same joke over and over changing the names 296. when you are the ugliest guy at your prelim 297. if child barring hips makes you think of an overlord carring drones 298. if you laughed at that.
299. You don't find saying "For the overmind! Neh?" odd
300. You know the effect of typing SEOR 301. While watching commercials you start dreaming of an x16 button
302. When your computer is booting up and still loading useful programs, you imagine your desktop icons are buildings and practice your base management skills
303. When you rename all of your computer icons with starcraft names. ie instead of "launch internet explorer" you have "nuclear launch detected".
304. When you have more than 6 ways to start BW. (My roomate has it set up so that if you hit F1 or his mouse scroll key it starts BW)
305. You talk about hot chicks by saying "Man she can infest me ANYTIME."
On May 18 2003 10:47 AttackZerg wrote: 294. when you don't know where nazgul got his name from
If you don't you should be shut up for a week in a room with classic literature. =/
306:When you can list 7 pro's off the top of ur head
307. You know what a Sauron Style Z is 308. You know what a Gundam rush is 309. You take pride in knowing these things 310. You forgot that the gas is on the right side @ 6 on regular LT.
Canada9103 Posts
311. You know all of the best possible mineral arrangements. 312. You also know the exact points at which they saturate (become maxed-out) with workers. 313. You know that when the first piece of green bar appears on a replay progress bar, the replay will last 25x as long as it took for that first piece of green bar to appear. 314. When you want to look for something in another part of the house, your first impulse is to move your minimap there.
315. when you click fast outside bw too. 316. when you practiced on www.missionred.com just to become faster. 317. when you know terms like maynard transfer 318. when you know progamers akas like tornado terran, stormy zerg, blaze terran etc...
319. you call a friend to watch a replay with you while acting as korean commentators over the phone 320. you have downloaded all of Paleman's VOD, and asked him for more 321. you kept asking Wax for reps right after reading his report 322. you understand everything said here and posts things such as 'omg, that happened to me too'... 323. you never finished college on time due to SC 324. you never finished college due to SC 325. you never reached college due to SC 326. you bet on liquibet
well whether someone is "to" involved in starcraft related activities is decided by the individual on a personal basis, however, i believe there are various ways of determining that u are "HEAVILY OBSESSED" in terms of how much overall capacity sc occupies.
:1: u use starcraft terminology in real life situations, such as Gosu,hasu, and bad manner. :2:u stand in ur front yard puffing a cigga screaming "FUCK RL WHERES THE BNET SCENE AT" :3: u heavily abuse parents for not understanding simple concepts such as "in game" and " i cant have dinner right now, im in a fucking tourney" :4: u make complex starcraft related jokes, regualary incorporating them into real life situations, laugh, and feel proud that only u can understand them. :5: u really really REALLY , are scared that ur race could be inbalanced. :6:u make fun of rl ppl for being newb in social situations. :7: u fall asleep in class mumbling "damn the Zerg". :8: u refer to simple plans that u create for use in rl situations as "Strats".
:u refer to ppl u dont like in rl as zerg players :10: u attempt to raise ur level of respect and social status within a box that produces text. :11: u begin to casually imimate korean commentating while walking down a populated sidewalk. :12: when an rl incident has been concluded u say "gg". (( someoneelse who i cant remember brought up the "no re" aspect of that joke, that was fucken funny gw)) :13:u firmly believe that gosu's such as boxer, yellow, reach and garimto are influencial figures in korean gangsta and night club social circles.(i still believe it even after making that joke) :14: u think sc gosus have alot to do with korean politics :15: u had a fuckload more things to write in this forum but are fucking tired because uve gamed so hard.
Peace to the east tha d0n1 out ,....
omg in my infinite foolish i did not notice that each entry followed a rising number line. ofcourse attempting to reach 1001 or some shit, damn y did i have to fuck the trend on my first entry.
342. You make a post to bump this thread back to the top
344. When you hear "testie" you don't think of your genitals.
345. When you order 3 dosens of tomatoes.
346. When you aren't afraid to die because you can always come back as a dragoon.
347. Reading all this crap, so that u dont post something that has been posted before
On May 18 2003 23:55 kalabax32767 wrote: 319. you call a friend to watch a replay with you while acting as korean commentators over the phone 320. you have downloaded all of Paleman's VOD, and asked him for more 321. you kept asking Wax for reps right after reading his report 322. you understand everything said here and posts things such as 'omg, that happened to me too'... 323. you never finished college on time due to SC 324. you never finished college due to SC 325. you never reached college due to SC 326. you bet on liquibet
R.E.T.A.R.D. ______________
348 when u say u went to korea for vocation but really you went there to get a up close picture of yellow and boxer 349 you write nonsense like kalabax32767 but yet feel to reply and tell him hes an idiot 350 you ask sukerpG why he has a name of a croatian soccer player for his sc name 351 you reply with -TT- when your mom asks you to wash your own clothes since you just turned 31 352 you tie ur sister ina a chair and ask her how well you played although the last episode of buffy the vampire layer is about to end 353 you refresh this site every second to see if anyone has posted anything new 354 you wonder if mensrea is even human stupid but people actually wonder that 355 when you tell your mom to re-create another meal because you are not full. 356 you change your name to too yung ding 357 you have little glow in the dark sc figures which you are scared of soemtimes depending on what the big bad zealot might do 358 every time when your friend asks youto play ball with him you compare the fun level between starcraft and the outside activities.
359. Your intrest in korean language has grown that much you're beginning to like it.
360 when you throw green liquid stuff at your brother and then ask him if hes slower /like the queen/ 
361. You've had arguments over BW strategy lasting 2+ hours
362. You've played it for more than a month.
363. Your love letter looks like this:
rofl 364. You respond to this post more than once.
365. you know why that picture is funny ._.
(one for every day of the year!)
366: you only try keeping this thing going to get the final post
367: Your cd rom shatters your cd because its 56x and you havnt taken it out in 20 weeks
368 when you mastrubate on replays
367. While playing chess, you wondering if you can use a queen as a siege tank.
368. When your upset you just wanna burrow and hide from all your troubles undetected.
369. You deliberately skipped school to play SC. 370. You deliberately put off going to the bathroom, because of SC. 371. (If you have a laptop) You have taken SC to the bathroom with you. 371-a. You were then in the bathroom for 6 hours. 372. You use the CD's of other games you've bought in the last 5 years as coasters
373. You took the High School Equvilancy Exam for the sole reason of having more time to play bw 374. You uninstalled norton anti virus for popping up through games 375. You cant comprehend why your parents dont realize how bw is more important that trivial things such as school, eating, and bathing
376. You leave vods running in your room so u can watch them to make it easier to sleep 377. You actually enjoy vods
31: You constantly are hearing the overmind summoning you.
378. You bump this thread so it can get 1001.
379)You actually cried when Stukov died 380)You know Kerrigans bra size 381)You took the time to make this in Paint. 382)You plan on wearing that to WCG 383)You often find yourself thinking what it would be like to have NaDa as a father 384)You start to hate your culture, and want to move to Korea. 385)You memorized your original SC cd-key 386)You're willing to buy a korean book called "Stacnomics" 387)Your dream date is a medic from StarCraft 389)You get into arguments over whos hotter, Valkyrie, or medic 390)You constantly hope there will be a SC2 391)You wonder why cant the army just train marines from the barracks
392.When you wanna be sick to have the Medic take care of you...for a long long..long time. 393.When you're glad this treat hasn't been flamed to death. 394.When you lafed at 363. 395.When you scrolled up to look at it because you had no idea wtf I'm talking about (= 396.When you say you're professor is bad manner... 397.When you wanna see a zerg player pull a 12 Queen broodling move on a terran BAD, just so it can show up boxer's lockdown (= 398.When you want to WCG Final Championship game to be an hour long...no matter who wins just for the show of skills
399.Your Girl friend dumped you because u play so much starcraft u never have time to see her...
400.U 4 of ur favorite 5 T-shorts have something from starcraft on them...(kerrigan,marin,zealot,etc)
401. You watch live vods, and cheer while the game goes on..
402. You've messaged pro-gamers just in hopes for a reply. *bump*
<From: Obi-1_ElkyNobi> -.-
403. You hang in channels taking screen shots of progamers that msged you back. I asked if he was american <From Oem)Assem> yes i am end of conversation.
404. Your an American, and you think your actually good.
405. when you hung up on your girlfriend over the phone because she doesn't know what you meant when you told her your being stimmed on 406. when you come in a zealot costume for your graduation day =/ 407. when you ask ASSem if he ever got ASS?
408. when u want your girlfriend to dye her hair red so she looks more like Karrigan
409. ur a nerd 410. ur a fat nerd 411. u make boxer fan t shirts. 412. u get ur tl forum posts moderated
413. You lose to story zvz
414. ur heart borders on failure with every breath
416. When You're an avid konglish speaker.
417. when you hate someone over BW so much that you go out of your way to make insulting posts about him on the TL.net forums.
418. When you have too much time on your hands, and make Team USA B.
419. When you visit tl.net during school hours when the last day of school is in 2 weeks and you have a shitload of work to do.
421. when you start treating koreans like kings. muhaha jp
422. Your constantly getting websites and mms links banned on your school computers (oops) 423. For a school presentation you did it on pro-gaming in south korea. 424. It's hard to sleep at night when you managed to play a 54 minute tvp and lost >.,<
426. when u beg someone to add you to their f list, and when they say no u add them to urs and refuse to f r them 427. when u try to deny it 428. u spend your time on bnet telling people that yoru not ugly, fat, nerdy or all 3 429. when all of the 3 apply to you and u lie about it anyway
430. when you say your going to kick someone's ass at WCG and don't show up 431. when you lie about how much you can bench and it's obvious 432. when you suck up to people like nazgul and rekrul becaue their decent at this stupid game =[
433. When you call SC a stupid game even though you've PROBABLY used a good 1-5 years playing it.
434. u steal bnet ids to exact revenge on players who bmed you
435.When your black, and you gave up robbing corner stores, so you have more time to play BW.
436. When you ask your cable company to switch ESPN with OGN and they dont know what the fuck you are talking about. 437. You watch vods with the sound on even though you dont speak korean because "SCOOOOOOGIEE" is funny every time you hear it. 438. You accidently make korean faces to your real friends on AIM and just tell them you hit those keys by accident.
439. The SC backround music is on your "Favortie Hits" mix. 440. When watching that dude from Mortal Kombatt reminds you of a High Templer. 441. You write the word newbie in your home dictionary, with the definition "Yooper". 442. When listening to stimmed marines say "Jacked up and ready to go" turns you on. 443. The first thing you do after seeing your house is on fire is grab your SC CD. 444. Your password to chats (msn,aim) is your CD-Key
445. During an real life arguement you block your ears and yell "SQUELCHED!!!"
446. You click every single unit more than 5 times to see if they have a special msg for you.
451. when you have korean writing on your profile and you have no fuckin idea what it means
453. if you make up a life u dont live on bw
454. You have more vendetta's online than off.
455. If you say "Ahhhh Geeee Geeee!!~" after any type of sport events.
457. u make smurf names on bnet and aim just to start fresh with someone who wont be ur friend
On May 23 2003 15:47 ObsoleteLogic wrote: 454. You have more vendetta's online than off.
458. You hate Arcturus Mengsk for leaving Kerrigan behind on the Vanilla SC Mission in the campaign, cause she was hot. ):
459. Your white and you try to break dance. 460. You asked for a name change because your initials were KKK.
EDIT: this is the "1001 ways to tell if your too in tact with your black side" post right?
461. You spend your time posting ways to tell if your too into starcraft...
452. **After learning about Boa @ bw.com** When the answer to math is read aloud "Angle BOA" you say "That's a Korean singer" <--happened today
why would there be angles BOA? if there are 3 they usually auto use abc or xyz.
Has anyone else gathered the feeling that HovZ and BeJJeLove don't like each other too much?
463. You don't like someone you've never met. (HovZ/BeJJeLove) 464. You stare blankly when someone talks about going "out" with "friends", then say, "You mean playing public?"
465. You hear the song "money for nothing" and immediately think of gay pvz imbalance on isles.
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It wasn't just an angle. It was a circle with different segements and diamaters n shit. I dunno we just learned bout them today, I will go into more detail Tuesday when I have my Math book with me. ^^
466. When you go to a Starcraft forum to discuss hockey.
On May 16 2003 04:23 Imperium wrote:
105. you knock someone down in a fist fight, and call them a newb and tell them to go back to diablo
467. You give Assem a swirly at WCG.
468. You actually found HovZs' and Love's little cat fight amusing.
468. 3d card? SC is only 2d. *saves $200*
469. When you dont understand 468.
On May 23 2003 03:28 [CF]Korn wrote: 438. You accidently make korean faces to your real friends on AIM and just tell them you hit those keys by accident.
Lol i do that all the time, i've got my friends who dont play to use them
470. Before blocking somebody on MSN you tell them they are being squelched. **Cyrax**
471. You are the only one still posting reasons.
You make 50 copies of BW because your grades are low from SC and your parents took the CD from you t.T.
472.When the key you need to press on your keybord to play are all dirty and the others are shiny.
473.You tell people that its 3:45 A.M. Battle.net time
474. When you can't sleep thinking on what u lost and u have dreams on that game
On May 26 2003 08:50 makquis wrote: 474. When you can't sleep thinking on why u lost and u have dreams on that game
475. You buy a seocnd CD-Drive so you will never have to take out BW 476. YOu ask a friend that stopped playing BW for his cd key "just in case" 478. You mistake maggots as larvae and burn them all so they dont make units to hurt you. 479. You dont answer the phone or door beacuase you dont have any pauses left in the game your playing. 500. You worry about a loss on your ReC 501. you make a loss rec for the fun of it. 502. you join a clan you will never stay in, because your bored 503. you join a newb clan and own all the members to make yourself feel better. 504. you have a g/f on b.net 505. Your as white as an albino due to not leaving your comp 506. you find you have horrible cotton mouth cause your too lazy to leave the comp 507. you walk into your house having to piss, but you go straight to the computer to play BW anyway 508. you think of playing SC or how much you want to play it when your in a boring situation 509. you make excuses to go home from your friends house so you can play BW 510. you cancel important plans because there is a tourney being held 511. you pull an allnighter without realizing it, because you have been playing BW so much 512. you have an aim name with your BW SN in it, or a BW unit in it 513. you try desperately to make your R/L aim friends understand what faces T.T and --v are.
514. While listening to faithless - "God is a dj... this is my church..." u start thinking like -> boxer - god , church - bnet..
515. when you actually are on the verge of crying with frustration because you lost a game ZvT where you had the whole fucking map but didn't bother with hive units, have sucky micro, and lost your entire 3-3 hydra army just cuz he made 20 tanks to go with his M&M
516. you run around the house with a laserpen screaming: "Nuclear launch detected! Nuclear launch detected!"
Dominican Republic55 Posts
517.When you replay the original campaigns^^
lol @ 516 sick fuck
518. You equate Boxer with Jesus 519. and Grrr is Moses. 520. Chojja is buddha...
this is off topic... however.. anyone know where I can sign up for a Game-I iD? I'm interested. Thx for your help ^_^
Canada9103 Posts
Bill307 Thanks very much man! my bnet id is IdeA)fOryOu Im on right now hit me up for a msg~
521. You have a HUGE ASSED replay database. 522. When none of your bnet friends are online, you stay on watching each, and everyone of them. 523. You got pissed when 1.10 Came out and fucked up Zerg replays. 524. You found even newer, and gayer bugs in 1.10 (Scv repair) 525. You hate Blizzard, and love blizzard at the same time. -sigh- (Anyone know any good sites for replays?)
526. You bring a Laptop to your grandparents house without internet connection on a christmas holiday to play vs comp.
527: You wear a blizzard Protoss tshirt to school ;o
528. You one day hope to have head-bands with your screen-name printed on them.
This old post is unavailable due to an encoding issue. Please contact an admin if you would like this post restored for historical reasons.
539. BUMP! We still have 462 left to go! ):
540- You make a post in this thread so that when it finally hits 1001 you can say you were a part of it.
541 - you care about being a part of it HAH!
542. You think Boxer sucks for losing 1-2 against Sync
543. You are subconciously learning korean from the hours of VOD watching.
544. You constantly wear glasses...
545. You add random people in a channel to your friendslist to see if they have u on mutual. 546. You always leave an away msg instead of logging out of b.net, and turn off comp. 547. You stay on b.net all new years evening to see if someone actually suffers as bad as u being online when clock strikes 0.00. 548. You throw your cat out of the room due to him making sounds when you're losing a game. 549. You get weird msgs from completely unknown guys in your games, who obviously has put you on their f list. 550. You type "GG" with pylons to humiliate your opponent. 551. Your english grammar sux, cuz u've spoken too much with koreans online.
552. You think you're on your way into the progaming scene, being promised a huge sponsor(samsung) but realize two months later your manager was a 14 year old boy from Australia. 553. You quit when you see your opponent is toss or terran 12 o clock playing zerg on 3 o clock yourself. 554. Your parents wants to send you to councelling, because you always wake them up with overlord screams at night. 555. You wonder how a vulture would sound having multiple orgasms. 556. You prefer sitting here typing instead of jerking off to a good old jenna jameson movie.
you farted and said FIRE UP
557. You jerk off to pics of boxer and/or yellow.
558.When you know we all got some issues 
559 . you buy boxers toothbrush on ebay for $1k and never wash it
560 you install the korean version of win xp
561. when u really want to pump urself up for something u go "PShhh AHhHhhHH" like ur usin stim pack hahahaha
562. You meet bnet girls online and assume thier men. 563. WHen they offer you cyber, you reply, "OOORRGGHH" (Like Overlord) 564. You pray to god this thread DOES hit 1001 565. Your girlfriend tells you to get off sc, but you say "Go away newbie." 566. You give this thread another BUMP and shout to the screen GOGOGO!!
567: You refer to your girlfriends pussy as *The spawning pool*
568. You talk to yourself about people online.. i.e., "Omfg you stupid newb."
569. You promise to buy smokes for your little brother anytime, if he play BW minimum 2 hours every day, in hope that he'll once will become a progamer and invite you to korea.
570. You find it amusing that Boxers father told him to leave his team, AND Boxer agreed.
571. You have red eyes from staying up 2 nights in a row(to play bw of course), so when you come to school people in class ask if you have any weed for them too.
572. You listen to Anastacia cuz Elky says he likes her music, even though you really hate it.
573. You make funny remarks on Blackmans hotkey system, but shut the fuck up when you hear he uses patrol instead of attack button.
574. You lived on pizza and soda for 1 week, and you're still keen for more.
575. You think dudey was sexy playing with that Zealot-Toy on a 3-4 year old pic.
576. You pretend to be sleeping when your parents go to bed, but stay awake for about 1 hour, then you leave your room, heading to the Living room wall in wall with your parents bedroom.
577. You play with no sound because your parents might wake up.
578. You get hungry and get some food, but on your way u slip and fall to the floor while you scream "OMFG! JESUS CHRIST!!"
579. Your mom comes into the kitchen wondering what the fuck is going on.
580. You say you were just getting some food, and will go to bed after you've eaten.
581. Your mom actually dont belive you and sit watching you eat up, and see you go back to your bedroom.
582. You wait another half hour, just to head back to the living room and restart BW.
583. You slam the keyboard really hard after losing to some random newbie who wont give you rematch, so your mom wakes up again, and in your frustration you hear footsteps, and rush into your room locking it.
584. You tell your mom to fuck off when she slams on your door.
585. You wait till shes been away for about 10-20 min, then you start your video and begin jerking off angry to kobe thai being taken in the ass.
586. You head past the living room next morning just to notice the comp isnt there anymore.
587. You head to your friends place to play BW while he's on football training.
588. You can relate somewhat to the last 19 reasons.
589: You buy comfortable pajamas to play startcraft in.  590: Then you go back to the store and buy 5 more pairs. 591: You spend $80 on a good computer stereo... But still end up using your headphones.
wtf man none of these reasons have any basis in reality, much less have anything at all to do with bw, you kids are just trying to 1 up eachother with funny statements but they just coem across as being dumb
592: You actually think about SC when having sex. (Like queens throwing ensnare & terrans infesting a command center)
593: You exit bw to make some work, and restart it right away. (to hang out in bnet?) 594: If you remove the quick launch icon, you are still naturally trying to open bw with it. 595: You dont play WGTour because you say "its full of noobs"
596: You barricade a door with 2 chairs and a couch and wait with a watter pistol behind it, instead of just the couch. 597: You think about an injured evolution chamber when jerking off.
598: When you get a big amount of money you spend it as fast as you can
599: When you think the Abbreviation Pvt. Means Protoss vs Terran. But in Fact it means Private. Ex: Pvt. BoB of the 5th Infantry
600) You made a shirt that says Starcraft on the back with a Tassadar name tag. 601) Everyone in your family makes fun of how much you play Starcraft. 602) You say Starcraft when ur happy. 603) You actually have to weigh which has more advantages,going out with friends, or staying home and playing Starcraft with your internet buddies. 604) The only common interest you MUST share with your significant other, is your love of Starcraft over one another. 605)you've downloaded the terran/zerg/protoss songs and actually listen to them with your other music 606) you want to be korean so badly 607) your day is ruined when u loose a long game 608) you leave sc on all day 609) EVERYTHING is GG 610) your dream is meeting a pro bw player and falling in love. no one understands u and ur gaming obsessions...no one.
"105. you knock someone down in a fist fight, and call them a newb and tell them to go back to diablo" <-nice ^_^
597: You think about an injured evolution chamber when jerking off.
wtf man??? where r u from?
560 you install the korean version of win xp
omg thats me. and i dont understand korean at all. =X
611. You say WC3 sucks... mainly because you played hella brood war.
612: You Hump your brood War Disk REGULARLY and Watch Zealot Porn.
613. You are always thinking a new way to tell if you're too into sc and post it in this treath
614. you are still wondering.... WHO THE FUCK IS MENSREA
615. You keep bumping this thread because you want it to actually reach 1001.
616. your so depsperate to up your post count u post retarded meaningless reasons that dont make 1 bit of fuckign sense in this topic
On May 29 2003 05:47 HovZ wrote: 616. your so depsperate to up your post count u post retarded meaningless reasons that dont make 1 bit of fuckign sense in this topic
If you don't like what people write simply don't read it or just ignore it -_- and stop being so bad manner -_-
bad manner=no thnx
617- Your a starcraft nerd (not necessarily even that good), but try to sound all cool and hip by criticising people posting humourous stuff in a thread on a starcraft website
On May 29 2003 02:21 HovZ wrote: 597: You think about an injured evolution chamber when jerking off.
wtf man??? where r u from?
Don't tell me you didn't see the resemblence between zerg buildings and genitals
neither do i see a resemblance you're sick :O
618. When agravatted, instead of asking if they wanna fight? you say 1v1?
Yess, i should go to a psychiatrist. but it's because i'm into starcraft, and that's what this post is about.
619. You try to search for a starcraft rehab center.
620. When you can't see very well because you don't blink during starcraft games.
621. Curtains in your room are always closed. 622. You're afraid of daylight. 623. In Win Desktop you're selecting your icons as if they were workers.
624. u use systranbox.com transliator to read korean pages. 625. u wish that there was some kind of VOD transliator. 626. VOD asociates with pro-gamers, not Video-On-Demand. 627. Your dream is to drink some beer with pro-gamers and talk bout sc. 628. You play early in the morning (depending on your time zone), just to play koreans. 629. You have hotkey for changing mp3's, not having to minimize sc. 630. You're sitting at midnight with half-closed eyes, reading 19 pages of repeating posts. Then thinking your own post...
isn't that what vod means anyways?
631. you do a school report on the gaming scene in korea
632. Apart of saying " gosu " in rl u spend hours trying to explain to your friends what does it mean 633. You watch MBC/OGN on your Computer Studies at school , and u friends watch and say things like " What the fuck is that ? " 634. You say WTF in rl --
The topic is great , most ideas are really ql ^^
635. U wish there were more SC tournaments although you loss first match in every one you are playing ^^
636. U want SC to be a dyscipline on Olympic Games
637. you hate war3 b/c you are afraid that it will kill bw in korea 638. you flame your national tv station for not playing ongamenet
639. You copied your brood war CD three times, one for each of you two PC's and one for emergencies
640. You keep hitting the "refresh" button on www.teamliquid.net so U can be the first to download the Ret Vs. Legionnaire replays
641. Dire Straits reminds u of SC Map not music
Gogo for 1001 = ]
642. You thought GM in Fantasy Baseball meant Good Mannered, instead of General Manager... Yea people made fun of me for that ;p
643. u find these posts 'humorous'
644. You think you can actually become a progamer. 645. You beilieve that you are good at starcraft. 646. You play as the inferior race of terran. 647: You watch Replays
You just stole the one I posted a while back GosuAce.
648. When discussing the war plan that was executed in iraq you use the terms "Rushing" and "micro"
649.You got you sister into Broodwar 650.She actually likes it. 651.You found the BroodWar Rehab Center, then you realize it was only a dream. 652.You met a some of your best friends online/inperson, through Broodwar. 652.You've always wanted to have a pet Ultralisk
653. You've loaded up SCBW more times then u've changed ur underwear 654. You Quit Smoking, but still cant Quit BW
656. You punch your mom in the nose when she interupts your game.
Huk Keanu_Reaver which one ?!
The one with " Money for nothing ? " Is it Dire Strait's song ? I didnt know that ...
United States33097 Posts
game addiction rehab centers exist in korea ;p
658. U hate colorfull world, u would like to turn it to friend-or-foe colors. 659. You download VOD's with 33.6 modem at night even if your computer is humming near your head. that's me =P 660. You try to explain to your friends that sc is some kind of sport, but they ask if it's winter or summer sport =) 661. You punch your walls when lost. 662. Your irc is on, but always away 663. You regret that there is no dnd in real world. 664. You find your friends boring, cuz they don't play sc.
Some more plz =) Go gO 1001!
665. you fall in love with some girl because she looks good and plays starcraft better than you
(gnome )
666. You would worship starcraft before any religion.
see i was going to post 666 but i knew it had to be special and that was perfect for it lol
Yeah my brilliance totally surpasses my coolness.
667. You watch this post for countless hours waiting to post #666, and then miss your chance.
668. Every senior yearbook you sign you put GL Hf GG in the future.
669. You pass up sex for StarCraft.
700 you only eat snacks with starcraft characters on the bag because they have it in korea?? ._.
671. You buy a new hard drive to store more vods. 672. You almost got a heart attack when the idea of deleting BW crossed your mind 673. Deleting BW haven't never crossed your mind
674. You would pass up brittany spears to be progamer. 675. You have not taken a shower in a week because of broodwar
676. The song Beautiful by Snoop Dogg and Pharrell remind you of your distand/dreamy feelings for Kerrigan. 677. You wonder if Regular Kerrigan or Infested Kerrigan would be better in the sack. 678. You wonder if shes infested, shes more kinky? Or just more STD's? 679. You read the last few posts, and believe Mydnyte is disturbed. 670. GL HF 1001 gogogo (Yes this is a bump. ^_^)
I didnt read all of these but i remember comming across this one in an article
671. You flick your lights on and off to make it look as if your building something
if you changed race in a feral rage cause the same race beat you TvZ with a new strategy so you can completely understand terran ;;
This old post is unavailable due to an encoding issue. Please contact an admin if you would like this post restored for historical reasons.
700. u say "keke" when ur mate tells u a joke
701. u make an essay about starcraft and read it up in front of the class, then show them the vod from where boxer scw rushes yellow and actually laughes out loud when yellow dies
702. Your parents don't understand why are you getting angry playing a game they say "it should be fun" ^^
703. youve been playing for over 4 years
c'mon we are almost there
very nice hydrone 
hydra can you give me a link to that vod?
704. Your main conversation subject with your friends is the description of how you nailed a T/Z player in a 40 min game, even if they don't want to hear it.
705. You give it a shot at Age of Mythology because it's 6 years more recent than sc, hate it, and end up feeling guilty and apologizing your bw CD for your betrayal.
706. You've uninstall sc because it's screwing up your life, and then reinstall it because not playing is screwing up your life (must be done at least 3 times).
707. You're getting really tired of bnet guys saying things like "I thought you were giving up SC. LOLOLOLOL"
708.- you say "GG RE?" to ur girlfriend after sex
you watch korean sitcoms to understand humor for lim yo hans movie
710 - If one of the first things you did when you got your computer at your new job is to get a Starcraft wallpaper (Yes, I'm guilty)
On June 01 2003 17:07 Waxangel wrote: game addiction rehab centers exist in korea ;p
Oh shit nice
711. On your resume you write 'APM = 200' under accomplishments. 712. During a visit from the Queen of England you scream hysterically that she will ensnare everyone and broodling the Prime Minister. 713. When someone cracks a joke you actually say 'kekeke' 714. You walk up to every black guy and ask them if they can repair your car.
715. 1v1 is suggestive 716. when someone doesnt know something, they're not stupid, they a newb.
715: when you actually would love to live in korea just for starcraft
hey baal 
716. after waking up the first thing to do is switch on pc and watch a rep or play a game
sorry should have been 718 son now 719 gogogo
719. You read all the 719 ways to tell if ur to into starcraft on this forum
On June 04 2003 12:27 kitty wrote: 715. 1v1 is suggestive
What's that got to do with being too much into starcraft?
748. YOu've taken intensive korean lessons to install gamei yourself
749. For your Birthday, you have requested and received an exact replica of Bill Roper's Penis and when you're not playing BW you're sucking it with passion.
750. instead of saying: "sorry there are too many people here already" you say: "sorry, underling limit exceeded"
751. you try to float like a drone, so you climb a volcano, jump off, and die
752. when your brain is tired, you try to consume everything around you to restore your brain (mana) power
lol Shath those are good ones
On June 04 2003 23:29 therizzer wrote: 749. For your Birthday, you have requested and received an exact replica of Bill Roper's Penis and when you're not playing BW you're sucking it with passion.
The idea that you thought of that is disturbing enough, let alone post it here
i dont like dutch ppl, they're too puritan
755. Ur very very happy that NTT is perhaps returning brood war, because he's ur gaming hero.
756: You watch your friend get into a random face war and redeem himself gosuest king of faces after he wins
757. When you forget your project at home, you try to warp it in like a probe
758. You sit around in bushes, jumping out at people like a spider mine
759. You throw frisbees at people's faces and yell "Carrier has arrived!"
757 you think bill roper looks good 758 you installed starcraft at school to play during lunch 759 you have intense dreams where your playing starcraft 780 when you notice [NC]...YellOw never looks the same in each different set of VOD's 781 when blame a bad game on lack of sleep 782 when your at a lack of sleep 783 when north and south korea go at war you wonder if boxer will assist 784 when you tried to make a 3d version of starcraft 785 when your map gets published into a gaming channel 786 when you can hum every race song by heart 787 when you know every unit quote by heart 788 when you notice you have over 10,000 maps in yoru download database 789 when you go to the bathroom you use your laptop to watch vod's 790 you deliberately deflate your tires to play starcraft instead of going to a wedding 791 if you actually have several backup copies of brood war 792 if you look at the chojja vs df_newbie replay on www.wgtour.com and you know by instinct it was fake 793 if you feel that you have an obligation to spam df_newbie or anyone who posted that replay 794 if you have constant dreams of boxer while your asleep 795 you wait constantly to see if your liquibets are right 796 you cry when your liquibets are wrong 797 when you think you have a chance in WCG 798 if you took part in the WDTour 799 if you got jinnam to play for you in WDTour 800 if you yell at your parents cause they disturbed your concentration while playing starcraft
803. You think you lost your virginity to a 16 year old girl on starcraft.
804. You act like a 16 year old girl on B.Net.
805.If you ~are~, a 16 year old girl on Battle
807: You put post-it notes all over your screen that says;among others: SCOUT, BUILD UNITS, SUPLY DEPOT, ORGANIZE YOUR UNITS, PLAY FASTER. etc...
808:if you think that will be cool to get back that thread to the top coz we were so near of the end :/
On June 06 2003 06:33 InToTheWannaB wrote: 804. You act like a 16 year old girl on B.Net.
809: You take good care to leave your mouse pointer over the Broodwar Icon on your desktop so you will just have to dclick when you wake up.
810. You have Broodwar.exr on autostart 811. You're bragging on bnet
812. You know the real names of more than 2 people on battle.net 813. You've watched more VODs than movies this year 814. You've saved more replays of gosus than those of yourself 815. You notice you know less and less about current affairs and what's "the popular thing" happening on TV in conversations with friends because you spend all your free time playing broodwar 815. You have a special warm-up routine before the first game of the day 816. You'll celebrate if this thread reaches 1001
Sweden33719 Posts
798. You have actually talked to people on b.net on the phone (I have ;o) 799. One of the people you talked to lives in korea (yet again I have done this :D)
Canada9103 Posts
Uhhh... am I the only person who noticed that we're actually on 800, not 819? T_T
Take a close look at the post by jngngshk321 to see what I mean.
Sweden33719 Posts
Canada9103 Posts
Wait... but before that, someone went back 10, then 720 was skipped, so the next person will be 809, I guess =/.
On May 15 2003 22:19 preSSure-teRRan wrote: 38. You wake up in the night screaming "DAMN QUICK CARRIER"
haha good one
800something.You take a look at this and notice its still not done O_o
810. you buy training time from rekrul and froz 
...I'm thinking about this =[
800-something. Your favorite part of summer vacation is being able to play BW non-stop all day for 3 whole months!
812: Your head start to ache when you don't get to try your new strategies you think up while away on a weekendholiday :-/
813. you do an outline of a new cheese strategy instead of take notes in history
814. U make a list like this because ur afraid of what u really are.
815, you made this thread 816, you read all the 816 other ways to tell if you are addicted to starcraft 817 you just read my post
818. You post a message just tu take this thread to top, so you can read the other 182 ways to tell your too in to StarCraft. 819. Your head is filled with sc so much, that you use Windows Calculator to 1001-818... Am i right? -_-;;
820. You have been chatting on a diffrent game and typed f list thinking u were on bnet
821. You feel dissapointed that netiher yourself, nor the other visiters here still haven't reached the 1001 reasons, and that this threat once disappeared out of the top 10 visible threats...
822. You would like to give Kerrigan a dirty sanchez.
823. You've had nightmares of a newbie calling you a newbie. 824. You lie about being sponsered by IBM.
825. You pass a darkened room and wonder if there is something in there the fog of war is hiding. 826. it hurts to blink after a game because even though your apm was over 180, your bpm(blinks per minute) was .25
827.-you find that you dont have any space on your comp because u have over 5,000 replays. 828.-your going to celebrate once we get to 1000 by getting your mom to bake a cake for it :O 829.-You eagerly check up on this to wait for teh right moment when u can say 1000!!! 830.- You say no let Into do it, give him the honor? lol
835. you analyse replays and sort them in different dirs for easier future watching (yes you watch reps more than once)
836. after a more then an hour long tvz game which you lost you feel miserable and seriously think about hitting something or breaking something
837. even you parents know who is boxer becouse you refer to him "quite" often
838. when you watched the football worldchampionship and you heard about lee woon jae you were suprised that [oops]lee is that good a goalkeeper?
839[when u eat dinner with you family and all of a sudden you ask your mom, ''this is many tank yes''?
On June 13 2003 19:04 Yooper wrote: 823. You've had nightmares of a newbie calling you a newbie. 824. You lie about being sponsered by IBM.
im sorry but that had no thought to it Yooper, grow up whoever you might be
840 you have a video library of VODs that you downloaded 841 you watch your library only being able to understant words like "good game"
842 u throw icecubes at people and scream "stasis field"
843 you think you are a master tester for Blizzard and assume the responcibility of endlessly commenting Brood war until getting banned from every channel
844 your parents start using words like Gosu and GoodGame because of you
845 you love this post so much your post count is like this: "Imperium United States. June 11 2003 18:17. Posts 459"
846 you post 5 consecutive posts in a row (6 now)
847. You want this list to get to 1001
you are a pro and play starcraft for a living? duh!
849. Before wcg you feel like eminem at the begining of 8-mile 850. You actualy played the single player 851. You beat the single player 852. you are trying to fullfill other things on this list 853. You are depressed because you have tried an failed at some of them 854. Blackmans macro gives your neck goose bumps
855. You use internet acronyms in real life,e.i. ROFFLE. L.O.L . Huk
856. At any time you know what time it is in korea 857. You take a picture of h.o.t-forever to your hairstylist "I want this"
Sweden33719 Posts
858. After a day of doing horrible at brood war you go to bed at 2 am and it takes you 3 hours to fall asleep because you ar so fucking pissed at yourself (me;().
859. you always wonder what unit will come out if the medics marines and bats had and orgy and have kids -_-
860 you have cobwebs on your penis due to lack of sexual activities
861: you read the novels that take place in Starcraft world
You have wet dreams about medics t.T
You work at Taco Bell and late at night find yourself saying "man that is a gosu burrito".....
864 is the fact you care enough to actually make that last post. I guess that makes this one 865 then
''857. You take a picture of h.o.t-forever to your hairstylist "I want this"'' <--- I asked my sister -_-;;;
856. skipping #856 on accident because of eagerness to anticipate it due to the # of bw addicts waiting so cautiously to keep the list going at an exponentially high rate.
858: You get angry because the moderators don't take action when the "wet dreams about medics&kerrigan" one is used multiple times and start yelling out loud "THAT DOESNT COUNT, THAT DOESNT COUNT!!!"
859. You hang out in this forum :p
860. you sit in your room for hours, not noticing people passing by while trying to make up new thiongs to post 861. you run around screaming when finding out that what u made up is already posted 3 times on the board 862. you post to appologize for multiple posts, giving the post a number, to increase count to 1001
863. you make a post just to keep this aliv till it reaches 1001 864. you do not like OrangeTerran
865. You know what OT stands for.
867. you quit a forum 868. you come back to a forum 869. you quit a forum again
870. When you show up to WCG wearing a Blizzard shirt 871. When someone asks you "what are you" you say zerg. 872. When someone asks "whats your name" you say your b.net alias 873. If you cry when you lose 874. You organized new folders to coincide with the pro replays that you downloaded.
875. All of the following words make you think of starcraft and not their common distinction: micro, macro, expand, island, air, ground, upgrades, marine, tank, barracks, factory, drone, pool, probe, scout, carrier, gateway, gas, yellow, boxer, gundam (the stuffed animal company), reach
is this enough? no, enough is zerg. :/ im such a nerd
876. starcraft is far superior to chess 877. starcraft is far superior to school 878. starcraft is far superior to tv 879. starcraft is far superior to food 880. starcraft is far superior to bathing 881. starcraft is far superior to work 882. starcraft is far superior to going out
883. youre figuring out what would be the best thing to post at 1001 884. youre figuring out a strategy so you can post #1001. i.e. should i save 15 in a row and post it when this gets to 986? or should i wait for 1000 then pounce?
linternet United States. May 15 2003 21:34. Posts 70 Quote
24. You know what APM stands for. 25. You bought the N64 version of Starcraft. 26. You bought the game more than once becuase your CDs stopped working. 27. You've written a Starcraft battle report. 28. You've ever joined a Starcraft clan. Whats APM?
Belgium8305 Posts
haha good to know there are still ppl who dont know what apm is :D
APM = actions per minute
885. You tell your gf she has "a gosu body"
886. you acually say the letters outloud "lol" or "stfu"
887. you laugh out loud when you look at your window and see ''4 pool''
888. you actually consider using korean youth culture surrounding video games for an oral presentation.
# last one so far When ur playing terran and u build ur first supply depot, u imagine a lurker attacking ur command center
889. You think the guy who made the post before you is a moron and should be banned for making such a stupid reason.
890.-your having a bad day cause your so pissed at that idiot portoss for making such a STUPID reason 891- you agree with me and your pissed as much as i am! rofl j/ks ^^
[QUOTE]On May 15 2003 21:00 linternet wrote:
8. The word 'boxer' doesn't bring to mind a boxing match.
Well~ this really makes me asking myself "am i too into SC?"
On June 20 2003 00:38 Protoss wrote: # last one so far When ur playing terran and u build ur first supply depot, u imagine a lurker attacking ur command center
Hrmm Uhmmm ...Uh....no comment
hungrybum u jackass I already said most of those, and almost all of them apply to me ^^
892. you listen to the starcraft background music when you go to bed in order to sleep better
MURICA15980 Posts
893. you have a slayer's boxer poster in your room. 894. you have toilet paper with NTT's face on it that says: EAT MY SHIT 895. you know what BGH is.
896. BGH is "Bundes GerichtsHof" in germany, isnt it?
897. every time you lose a game your first inclination is to yell cheat, no matter who it is against, and no matter where you are (even if its live)
898. When you are at the end of an Arguement you think that "No Re" means that we wont talk again ever
899:When Someone ask's "what are you doing Later" and you say "Trying to make my hands faster" 900:When you get in an argument and you call someone a Stupid Newb and tell them to go Away
901. Whenever you see the word "Regards" you think about FA.
902:When you think people with over 300 apm are god's. 903:You d/c from bnet cuzz you got a losing streak and end up coming back online 5 minutes later. 904:All your meals are eaten in front of the comp. 905:The day seems pass by faster than upgraded scouts. 906:You say shit like #905
Sorry if anyone posted these ones already but im too lazy to read all of these damn things so i just skipped right to the recent one
907: you think about making a starcraft band 908: you play counterstrike to avoid playing starcraft then you come back 1 week later 909: you bought warcraft 2 to see if it was as good as starcraft 910: you went to wcg and thought competition was too easy 911 you only visit this thread whenever it pops up in "recent posts"
912. your cat or dog dies beneath your feet because it lacks of food
***************** It's Christmas time***************
913. Your best friend is so into SC/BW that he reccommended his favorite X-mas song - Blizzard version of '12 days of X-mas'
914. You listen to your friend and you go download the song
915. It becomes your favorite christmas song as well
916. You spend your entire Christmas trying to figure out what units Blizzard is trying to give you on days 5 and 7
917. After failing that, you post it on a forum asking other people (Btw I don't know either, tell me plz lol)
918. After getting an answer, you walk down the snow-covered roads and sing it out loud for everyone to hear
**************************X-mas is over ***********************
919. You still continue to sing the song.
I apologize if this has already been posted, but I don't think it has.
920. Even though you despise the war on Iraq, you write to George W every day asking him to ask Sadam "That is many tank. Yes???"
921. When you want to adjust your home garden to look like Lost Temple
yeah 7 is zergling after 6 is 6 zealots fighting~ but i think 5 was put in because blizzard couldn't think of a line
922. When people like jngngshk321 actually respond to a question nobody knows about starcraft.
923 ----->
924. when you ever smile to any of pol's posts
On June 22 2003 16:58 pooper-scooper wrote: I apologize if this has already been posted, but I don't think it has.
920. Even though you despise the war on Iraq, you write to George W every day asking him to ask Sadam "That is many tank. Yes???" lol
925.You watch minutes to ur 50 tanks in ur main before using them. 926.You think wc3 sux ass 927.you dont talk about anything else when u go out with ur friends. 928.You cant change ur old mouse b/c u suck big time then. 929.You get wet hands before ur going to play a clanwar 930.You play mass 2v2 03.00h late. 931.You think that u will play this game when ur 40 years old 932.You have kids asking u 'Daddy can I play now?' 933.You have kids calling u a newbie and owning u big time :p.
^_^ V
926 was metioned atleast 2 times before, probably more
937. When you see "Three Killed by Israeli Tank Fire" in the news, you think to yourself knowingly and reflexively 'splash damage.' T_T
938. if u have korean gosus in you f list
On June 24 2003 02:28 rplant wrote: 937. When you see "Three Killed by Israeli Tank Fire" in the news, you think to yourself knowingly and reflexively 'splash damage.' T_T
939. When asked about problems regarding finding osama and Saddam you state bluntly, "get obs" 940. Caffeine highs result in numerous posts to reach 1001 941. Your depressed because your apm 101 looks more like LOL then hot which looks like 401. 942. you understood any of this caffeine induced blatherings
On June 24 2003 14:53 AttackZerg wrote: 939. When asked about problems regarding finding osama and Saddam you state bluntly, "get obs"
ok this is a good one ^^;
loooool ->930 that's me! realy good thread!!! I love u guys!
943. Gosu, chobo and user have become more common than the in your vocab. 944. You know what pwn means. 945. You think these jokes are funny.
946. You hear "den" and think Hydras. 947. You hear "pool" and think Lings. 948. You hear "spire" and think Mutas. 949. You hear "nest" and think Queens. 950. You hear "cavern" and think Ultras. 951. The word "academy" reminds you of Medics and Stimpacks. 952. A nexus isn't a focal point of something, its where you make probes. 953. "Ride of the Valkyries" doesn't make you think of Apocalypse Now.
'Ride of the Valkyries' doesn't remind me of Apocalypse Now OR Wagner but instead something very pornographic.
954. You cry when you lose
955 when u talking only about stacraft
958. When you have to look twice (or three or more times) to realize "overcloaking" is not even a real word. And then you think it should be. As in, "Ghosts who repeatedly cloak and decloak unnecessarily are guilty of overcloaking."
959. Nukes can't destroy the world! They can only hit a 7x7 matrix. 960. Someone tells you that traffic is bogged down, so you nod knowingly to yourself and murmur, "They're using lockdown..."
961:When you realize that at work you call yourself Gosu and play computer pretending that you are sponcered
962. You're worried about playing badly at BW due to girl(s).
963.when you woke up at nights to play
965. I ran home 8th grade from the busstop so that I could get on SC sooner. That is worry of mention ^^
On June 26 2003 15:05 NoName wrote: 958. When you have to look twice (or three or more times) to realize "overcloaking" is not even a real word. And then you think it should be. As in, "Ghosts who repeatedly cloak and decloak unnecessarily are guilty of overcloaking." lol dude I noticed that too
966. You masturbate to improve hand speed
On June 27 2003 06:06 choader wrote: 966. You masturbate to improve hand speed
967. You actually think manner matters on battle.net
MURICA15980 Posts
968. You constantly go on about how manner doesn't matter on b.net so you can feel better when you mouth off somebody.
969. You have mentioned starcraft in rhyme sessions [while drunke] with friends. 970. Each one of them understood and agreed 971. You read post 967 and think "yep, that BLEWW" 972. You hope you don't get flammed for that comment
973. While watching a replay you mumble 'fuck blackman' and your mom enters your room, and wants to have , a talk. =( left wing t.t
974. When you try to learn Korean via the internet so you can understand what the hell those announcers are saying on the progamer korean VODs 975. When you see some guy on the street and you think to yourself, "yeah, that guy looks like blackman."
974. u call u children, ur broods
975. While setting the table you notice that you are "cloning" out the plates perfectly, albiet a bit slow.
976. You say you raped somebody while at the dinner table, and your parents just dont get it. 977. Your a newbie who thinks hes better than the other newbie who thinks hes gosu. 978. Your laugh at the newbie who thinks hes better than the other newbie who thinks hes gosu because you think your better than him 979. Dream Team has nothing to do with sports 980. You wrote an email to Hot 486 complaining about when he dyed his hair pink 981. Blind people can play starcraft, I swears it! 982. The address bar of your internet explorer looks like this:
Http://www.teamliquid.net Http://www.sclegacy.com Http://www.ygclan.net http://www.koreansluts.com(note: not sure if actual website) http://www.wgtour.com ect. 983. You went out as boxer for hallowe'en 984. Your best friend went as Yellow 985. You spent $200 on computer equipment so you could play better 986. Your pointer finger now has a permenant twitch in it because of your constant clicking 987. Your computer chair has an ass groove that nobody can destroy 988. Your thinking about disabling the windows key because it keeps minimizing your game 989. Starcraft action figures are collectables 990. The novels are as well 991. You brag about your APM at school 992. You get beat up because you wouldnt shut up about the game you got over 300 993. You have your computer clock set to korean time so you can watch MBC 994. You speak fluent konglish 995. Watching the 2001 Sky Starleague finals between BoxeR and Garimto is better than sex 996. Your birthday cake was in the shape of Garimto's head 997. You had the stripper at your batchelor party dress up in one of those space suits the pros wear 998. You found it more sexy when it was on 999. You then handed her a kerrigan outfit. 1000. You just thought up 25 of these so you could get 1001
Norway28563 Posts
1001: you deleted 7 posts and edited the last post so you could get 1001 after the thread being closed, abusing your moderator status in the process.
pwned lozl