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On October 15 2016 05:37 Piledriver wrote: You missed the part where they report back to Hillary Clinton like faithful lapdogs - "Hammer Dropped".
You missed the part where neither one of those men are a part of the DNC.
You all missed the part where it's casually glossed over that she couldn't endorse Sanders without resigning from the DNC (aka the establishment that was allegedly improperly biased against Sanders).
You are just pulling it out of your arse now. Where the heck does it suggest she couldn't endorse sanders without resigning? There are plenty people who endorsed Sanders.
I suppose this was never cleared up. The rules say she can't endorse, as none of the leadership of the DNC was to endorse before the convention. If you were in a leadership position and you were going to favor a candidate, you were supposed to resign (if you had honor and integrity, and/or wanted to follow the rules).
There's a reason DWS didn't come out and endorse Hillary publicly, it's because she wanted the appearance of being impartial, but only Hillary supporters believe that she was.
It is also possible to have an internal opinion and an external opinion.
As a person, you could want to say no on helping a KKK member in the emergency room. But as a doctor, you're able to keep your private opinion private and your professional/public opinion professional/public. Much like being in customer support means you need a public persona of being nice to everyone, when your private persona wishes everyone died in a car fire while their family was being slowly eaten by rabid dogs while all their exes watch while being boiled in a mild acid.
Some people jumped ship so they could get on the Bernie bandwagon. They will suffer whatever consequences come from betraying your allies. Some people elected to remain impartial and prevent her private opinions from dictating what her public opinions would be.
What was clear, is that you could be fully on board with Hillary (not just personally, but with co-workers) and that's the violation. There are some separate arguments being made different people.
There's the DNC did nothing wrong, they were impartial, its all preposterous, camp There's the DNC showed favoritism, favoritism is what's expected, Hillary earned it. There's the DNC showed favoritism, favoritism is against the rules, it doesn't matter, she won anyway.
And a few more variations. I don't have time to hash it out, just to clear up, openly supporting Hillary around colleagues from a DNC leadership position was fine, doing the same as a Sanders supporter was not. Don't have time to argue whether that's another instance of dishonestly manipulating the process.
I asked this a few pages ago, but I think you didn't see it - what are you planning to do on the down ballet races?
On October 15 2016 05:37 Piledriver wrote: You missed the part where they report back to Hillary Clinton like faithful lapdogs - "Hammer Dropped".
You missed the part where neither one of those men are a part of the DNC.
You all missed the part where it's casually glossed over that she couldn't endorse Sanders without resigning from the DNC (aka the establishment that was allegedly improperly biased against Sanders).
You are just pulling it out of your arse now. Where the heck does it suggest she couldn't endorse sanders without resigning? There are plenty people who endorsed Sanders.
I suppose this was never cleared up. The rules say she can't endorse, as none of the leadership of the DNC was to endorse before the convention. If you were in a leadership position and you were going to favor a candidate, you were supposed to resign (if you had honor and integrity, and/or wanted to follow the rules).
There's a reason DWS didn't come out and endorse Hillary publicly, it's because she wanted the appearance of being impartial, but only Hillary supporters believe that she was.
It is also possible to have an internal opinion and an external opinion.
As a person, you could want to say no on helping a KKK member in the emergency room. But as a doctor, you're able to keep your private opinion private and your professional/public opinion professional/public. Much like being in customer support means you need a public persona of being nice to everyone, when your private persona wishes everyone died in a car fire while their family was being slowly eaten by rabid dogs while all their exes watch while being boiled in a mild acid.
Some people jumped ship so they could get on the Bernie bandwagon. They will suffer whatever consequences come from betraying your allies. Some people elected to remain impartial and prevent her private opinions from dictating what her public opinions would be.
What was clear, is that you could be fully on board with Hillary (not just personally, but with co-workers) and that's the violation. There are some separate arguments being made different people.
There's the DNC did nothing wrong, they were impartial, its all preposterous, camp There's the DNC showed favoritism, favoritism is what's expected, Hillary earned it. There's the DNC showed favoritism, favoritism is against the rules, it doesn't matter, she won anyway.
And a few more variations. I don't have time to hash it out, just to clear up, openly supporting Hillary around colleagues from a DNC leadership position was fine, doing the same as a Sanders supporter was not. Don't have time to argue whether that's another instance of dishonestly manipulating the process.
I asked this a few pages ago, but I think you didn't see it - what are you planning to do on the down ballet races?
Voting for the candidates I support, some are Dems some aren't. We're cleaning house at the local levels though, my local politics are less inflammatory than my national politics. Going to be a lot of new people running for office over the next 8 years though.
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
This was the strangest humble brag I've ever watched. She seems to be as much of a sociopath as he is
I didn't see it that way, my impression was that she was in over her head and thought this would help Trump out of naivete, when all it does is corroborate that Trump does indeed do that out of the blue to women that he has authority over.
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
I'm telling you, there's bound to be at least 50 women that have been inappropriately touched in one way or another by him. Even if it is just a little one-second thing that you wouldn't remember a few years later in many cases. This man is a sleazebag of the highest degree.
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
Unless those 11 have concrete evidence on their hand, those are only allegations.
Their word against Trump's. Easy to see that a lot of voters don't believe Trump.
And a lot of voters believe in the institution of due process.
For the stuff that he actively confessed to, like walking into the changing rooms of the Miss America contestants and making them hang out with him while they were naked should we still disbelieve both the contestants and Trump?
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
Unless those 11 have concrete evidence on their hand, those are only allegations.
Their word against Trump's. Easy to see that a lot of voters don't believe Trump.
And a lot of voters believe in the institution of due process.
For the stuff that he actively confessed to, like walking into the changing rooms of the Miss America contestants and making them hang out with him while they were naked should we still disbelieve both the contestants and Trump?
He tells it like it is. Except when he's incriminating himself.
Jesus christ that woman is full of her self. I think you need to be that stupid to vote for trump at this stage. Plus that will only hurt trump more since it sort of corroborates the other stories anyway.
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
Unless those 11 have concrete evidence on their hand, those are only allegations.
Their word against Trump's. Easy to see that a lot of voters don't believe Trump.
And a lot of voters believe in the institution of due process.
Which is irrelevant in a debate about a candidate's character.
In which Hillary is worse.
that's not what the overall evidence indicates, as has been elaborated on numerous times and in detail. Do you have anything to add to the evidence or arguments that hasn't already been done in thread?
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
On October 15 2016 09:12 Nevuk wrote: Oh... boy. So another apprentice candidate (Jennifer Murphy) said that he kissed her randomly, but that in her case, she was totally OK with it, he was a good man, and she was voting for him (she said it to Erin Burnett a bit ago).
Unless those 11 have concrete evidence on their hand, those are only allegations.
Their word against Trump's. Easy to see that a lot of voters don't believe Trump.
And a lot of voters believe in the institution of due process.
Which is irrelevant in a debate about a candidate's character.
In which Hillary is worse.
that's not what the overall evidence indicates, as has been elaborated on numerous times and in detail. Do you have anything to add to the evidence or arguments that hasn't already been done in thread?
Well it depends on what you are prioritizing on.
If you are one of those extreme pro-women people, then you would probably vote for her.
But if you care about changing the system by breaking deals done behind the political curtain, then Trump or Sanders would be the better choice.