Thanks for the support guys, SpunXtain's account had a fatal error and can't be used anymore, so he can't post in this fanclub anymore, but I had an interview with him recently:
Hi! Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hey guys, I'm SpunXtain. I'm a Terran player on the NA ladder, cheer for me!
Excellent. The community has been excited for your return for some time now, with a number of people speculating that a 'second coming' was inevitable. What's your training schedule like at the moment?
I took a hiatus for about 6-9 months, so I'm a bit out of form. Currently my training schedule includes primarily 1v1 obs maps, in which I have accumulated 510 points on the ladder and have an overall winning rate of around 65%. This is a very high rate, as anyone holding over 60% in each matchup is considered well on their way to becoming a Bonjwa. Those aren’t my words though, I still think MVP, Nestea, MKP, MC and Rain are the only Bonjwas of sc2 so far. I hope I’ll be there with them one day. Currently I'm still focused on completing my studies, but hopefully I'll be able to increase my training load in the coming months.
That's great to hear. Can you tell us more about your build on Scrap Station, and how Blizzard ultimately nerfed Terran as a result?
Well I came up with that build during a bath one day actually. As a sat in the water, it rose up and overflowed from the bath, and I realised that a proxy 3rax strategy would catch people off guard if they thought I had moved to an island base and were teching to air. This ultimately lead to the balance nerf by Blizzard, in which barracks could no longer be built without a supply depot first, because the strategy was so powerful. This effectively increased the rush time required, and powered down the strength of the build. (P.S. Sorry other Terrans >_<)
Terran then went on to receive a number of additional balance nerfs, do you think these were related to your play as well?
Haha, well I'm a modest man, so I would never admit that. But others have speculated, I am sure.
A gentleman and a scholar, good sir. It is great to see a player of your calibre still keep in touch with the everyday players in diamond league and below. And yes, I can confirm that these speculations have been indeed been made.
Now, above all else, what many members of the club have wondered is “How long will he last this time?” It is no mystery that your rival, Plexa, won the last battle in a bo3, and some have speculated that this was your reason for temporary retirement. We had a recent interview with him as well, have you seen it? Do you have any words for him?
Plexa and I are actually good friends off the battlefield, and we have shared a number of heart-filled moments in personal messages on I saw your interview with Plexa, and was a little hurt. Sometimes we don’t see eye-to-eye on every issue, but on the whole we both respect each other a lot and I know that when we have that inevitable rematch, it’ll be one for the ages. ^^;
Marvellous, truly marvellous. It’s been an honour to interview you, and actually myself and Tastosis were both quite excited to be interviewing you. It actually came down to a rock-paper-scissors battle between myself and Artosis to interview you, which I managed to best him 3-1. I know they are jealous at the moment, and surely they would be experiencing massive nerdchills at this moment.
Congratulations on your win. I’m glad I could make a dream come true, and if Tastosis wish to have an interview at some point I’ll try to make time in my busy training schedule.
Indeed, I’m sure someone will let them know. Well it's been great talking to you, thanks for providing a brief update. Any additonal comments for the fans?
Thanks for cheering for me guys, and I'll be looking to carry the foreigner hope in upcoming tournaments that I make. Always believe in yourselves, we can all achieve greatness, and I hope I have inspired some of you in this fashion. Best wishes!
User was banned for this post.