"They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many South Koreans believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced..."
God damn is this true?
The South Korean tradition of eating dog meat to help cool off in the hot summer months has angered animal rights activists worldwide.
The ritual known as ‘Bok-Nal’, the dog eating days, is a practice celebrated by the people of South Korean, where dog meat and other foods are eaten to boost stamina during the hottest days of the year.
Animal rights activists around the world have staged protests to coincide with the tradition that begins on Tuesday, according to Daily Mail.
Many protestors are packing themselves into wired cages in front of South Korean embassies located in Seoul and London and in various cities around the world.
While South Koreans eat dog meat throughout the year, dog meat is consumed more during Bok-Nal, and restaurants in Seoul that serve the dish say they served more customers on Tuesday than usual.
Animal rights group In Defense of Animals (IDAUSA) said in a statement that dogs and cats are being held in cramped, filthy cages and slaughtered in horrific ways as part of the $2 billion dog and cat meat industry.
"Two and a half million South Korean dogs are electrocuted, hanged, or beaten to death each year," the animal rights group said in a statement on its website.
"They are killed in the cruelest ways imaginable, because many South Koreans believe the insidious myth that the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat and that the medical properties will be enhanced. Thousands of cats are also slaughtered for soups and so-called “health” tonics. They are thrown into boiling water while still alive," the group said.
IDAUSA said that cats are often bludgeoned and tossed into boiling water while they are still alive.
Seoul is currently experiencing the longest period of time with temperatures above 95 Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) since 1994, Yonhap news agency reported.
"Over the last decade, many in South Korea have embraced the notion of dogs and cats as animal companions. But we must take action to persuade the South Korean government to legalize a ban on dog and cat meat and forever stop this technically illegal, corrupt, and sordid industry," IDAUSA said.
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I eated dogs as well , but than i starcraft.
Not saying i am ok with this, but in the US Chickens are treated pretty brutal and if i remember reading an article somewhere, male chickens are useless and are very brutally killed.
Its all a matter of culture.
On August 09 2012 23:32 TheBJ wrote: I eated dogs as well , but than i starcraft.
safe lives, play StarCraft
While killing animals in cruel ways is plain wrong, I personally don't think there's a difference between eating cattle and dogs. If you eat meat you have no moral ground to stand to condemn dog meat.
The only thing that needs stopping would be unnecessary cruelty. Eating dogs and cats and farming them in factories should of course have the same legal status as any other non-human animal meat.
Dogs and cats are cute so they have to be protected from these sourceless claims. Yawn. These people should stay out of other country's traditions and focus on their own problems. Plenty of cruel factory farming to get their panties in a bunch over here in the west.
When i was in Korea there was a dog farm behind my barracks and we use to hear them being clubbed to death. After months of complaining the Army built us a new barracks and let the Katusa(Korean augmentee into us army; basically they were koreans in the us army who were translators and pretty much worthless scum) take over the old one. I wouldent say that dog is widely eaten there. There is a market for it but i could never find it at any of the stores i went to.
United States2969 Posts
On August 09 2012 23:33 DreamChaser wrote: Not saying i am ok with this, but in the US Chickens are treated pretty brutal and if i remember reading an article somewhere, male chickens are useless and are very brutally killed.
Its all a matter of culture.
Google up factory farming, it's not just chickens that die horribly as meat for consumption here in the US. Even though I am well aware of how awful factory farming is, I still eat meat.
On August 09 2012 23:29 hkese wrote: the more an animal suffers, the tastier the meat
soooo, like humans?
Tell me where the difference is beetween dogmeat and porkmeat ?
all I can say is if someone tried to eat my dog they would get their head blown off. other than that If you want to eat dogs thats your business.
Well are not pigs treated the same way? Last time I checked pigs were pretty smart. (let us not digress into pigs are smarter than dogs arguments)
...the French eat snails.
...the Chinese have a soup that has duck blood
...many Oceanic cultures eat goats
...monkey meat is popular in some places in Africa
...pangolin blood is considered a delicacy in some places
Most of that article is bullshit in what it says about what South Koreans think.
Focus your anger on things that matter, like cruelty to endangered animals.
On August 09 2012 23:33 DreamChaser wrote: Not saying i am ok with this, but in the US Chickens are treated pretty brutal and if i remember reading an article somewhere, male chickens are useless and are very brutally killed.
Its all a matter of culture.
I understand dog eating is culturally related, but regardless of what culture, shouldn't cruelty to animals be condemned.
Well I think the main sticking part here is the alleged idea that they kill the animals in purposely insane cruelty, not if Dogs > other animals. I hope that's not true
I've got no issue with people eating dogs. Food chain and all that. I greatly dislike a culture that promotes torture of animals before slaughter. Senseless pain to a being that doesn't have much time left.
I don't eat meat myself and I'm one of those obnoxious people who hate to see any animal die unnecessary deaths. However this part:
But we must take action to persuade the South Korean government to legalize a ban on dog and cat meat ...makes no sense. I don't see any reason to ban cat/dog meat specifically when people still eat pigs, cows and chickens. A ban would just drive the whole thing further underground and won't help the animals. Being cute or the ability to be a better pet should be no legitimate reason for regulation, being alive should be.
Regulate it properly and at least raise the processing standards, the "stuff tastes better when it suffered" is a relict of old times that has no place in a society that's conscious of how to treat living beings.
I never understood why people think it is so wrong to eat dogs, but feel it is perfectly fine to eat cows and pigs.
Pigs, if anything, make even better pets than dogs.
All in the culture I suppose. Cruel treatment should be stopped, but other than that I don't really mind people eating dog or cat or whatever. I think it is more important to focus on animals that are really at risk of being exterminated, like whales, and really all sea-life, because modern fishing ships are just too effective at their job.
Cruelty to animals should be condemned, but the article makes it seem like the cruelty is limited to dogs in Korea.
At least the Koreans are open and honest about it. Meanwhile, factory slaughter of chickens and the abuse of cattle to make veal and the like goes completely under the radar.