TL.net128 Posts
twndomn was just temp banned for 2 days by Plexa.
That account was created on 2010-09-05 11:00:05 and had 302 posts.
Reason: On November 21 2012 12:25 twndomn wrote: IPL you people are freaking idiots and you disrespected Not only Scarlett, but Sen also. Sen doesn't need Walk-Over win, he 3-0 Curious Zerg, he could have easily Earns his spot. Scarlett has every reason to be angry.
People should run Anti-ad campaign to protest against EVERY Promotion, EVERY Merchandise IPL is trying to sell at Las Vegas and Online. Dont be a moron.
TL.net128 Posts
topsy213 was just banned by Plexa.
That account was created on 2012-11-21 15:30:44 and had 1 posts.
Reason: The meaning of life.
TL.net128 Posts
ThePlayer33 was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-10-03 21:27:36 and had 2155 posts.
Reason: ThePlayer33 is a patchwhiner, please forgive him
TL.net128 Posts
MugenXBanksy was just temp banned for 2 weeks by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-04-24 02:17:42 and had 314 posts.
Reason: I can warn you three times now, but with another warning and a ban already under your belt this month you are just going to get time off. I'll leave you something to amuse you with during your time off. The great and epic "MizU DotA" best support play 2012.
TL.net128 Posts
Hater was just banned by pheer.
That account was created on 2012-11-13 14:37:47 and had 1 posts.
Reason: Malicious user.
TL.net128 Posts
ne0lith was just temp banned for 2 days by pheer.
That account was created on 2011-08-03 06:03:45 and had 128 posts.
Reason: Fan club threads are for fans.
TL.net128 Posts
FiercE was just temp banned for 1 week by Liquid`Nazgul.
That account was created on 2010-03-22 02:16:07 and had 62 posts.
Reason: what you've never addressed once is your age. it's a known fact that after a certain point, as you age you're not going to be as good as you once were a few years prior. why? not only because reaction times are slower and you've developed habits and muscle memory for a different game/playstyle but because people have caught up and surpassed your skill level slayers boxer being the primary example but we can also look at boxing, basketball, football, whatever how old are you now jacob? you're not as old as boxer but havent you announced your retirement 3x now? do it for real. stop being like hitomi who always said "i'm quitting dota for real this time". at least he really did quit dota eventually. bottom line is stop lying to yourself http://i.imgur.com/7z8I8.png Try posting with a little more respect. Realize that if everyone posted like you there would be zero players ever posting that you can reply to at all.
TL.net128 Posts
chriZqq was just temp banned for 1 week by Mig.
That account was created on 2011-02-24 02:55:42 and had 101 posts.
Reason: Player bashing is not acceptable on TL.
TL.net128 Posts
GreatWhiteMan was just banned by LosingID8.
That account was created on 2012-11-22 06:41:22 and had 2 posts.
Reason: you're boring
TL.net128 Posts
alpha01 was just banned by ToKoreaWithLove.
That account was created on 2012-11-05 01:28:48 and had 4 posts.
Reason: pbu is really boring.
TL.net128 Posts
kiy0 was just temp banned for 2 days by ToKoreaWithLove.
That account was created on 2010-08-29 06:30:50 and had 470 posts.
Reason: "this" + horrible history.
TL.net128 Posts
huehuehueray was just banned by HawaiianPig.
That account was created on 2012-11-22 12:10:00 and had 0 posts.
Reason: keep trying
TL.net128 Posts
TellTheTruth was just banned by ToKoreaWithLove.
That account was created on 2012-11-18 22:36:45 and had 5 posts.
Reason: The world according to you:
- Ignore warnings for balance whining - Perm banned for balance whining. - Cleverly make new account to dodge ban - Keep on balance whining, in unrelated thread - Get banned again. - Rinse and repeat until bored?
TL.net128 Posts
Highways was just temp banned for 30 days by monk..
That account was created on 2005-07-29 00:16:47 and had 5644 posts.
Reason: You already have 11 mod actions for the exact same thing, whining on LR threads, including this one for the exact exact same thing:
Completely agree that SC2 is a massive coin flip atm.
But to be fair ZvZ in SCBW was just as bad or even worse. Considering perm next time.
TL.net128 Posts
StillTellingTruths was just banned by monk..
That account was created on 2012-11-22 20:11:51 and had 0 posts.
Reason: Previously banned user.
TL.net128 Posts
kinsky was just temp banned for 90 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2010-11-08 19:19:20 and had 143 posts.
Reason: 143 posts, 4 warnings, 2 bans and still martyring?
TL.net128 Posts
EggYsc2 was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-02-17 06:50:36 and had 612 posts.
Reason: You have managed to rack up an average of a ban per 100 posts and then throw in some random warnings here and there to paint the picture of your posting behavior matching our user expectations. Even after your last ban which was quite a while ago you ducked a few reports here and there but upon a proper review of your 90 posts since the quality has been extremely low, no general improvement can be ascertained and you even got away with a few posts which should have resulted in moderation. After being asked to review your account by another moderator I'm sadly going to have to terminate your continued participation as a member of this community.
TL.net128 Posts
BioTech was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-03-16 07:08:15 and had 253 posts.
Reason: Please stop making bad posts and even worse topics. You can really do with spending some time without posting and actually looking around as to what kind of posting, especially effort/quality wise, we are looking for from our users. This doubly goes for the effort required when making your own topic.
Needless to say, creating a topic with an OP consisting of "I made GM today with an average APM of lower then 50" hardly consists of the type of effort we are looking for in a thread on Teamliquid.
TL.net128 Posts
kinjikij was just banned by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2011-04-27 05:12:48 and had 64 posts.
Reason: 64 posts, two bans, two warnings, two of which were specifically aimed at your having to stop bumping your own stream topic every time you start streaming to get it on top of the sub-forum. More then 75% of your post history is self bumpage. Just terrible and blatantly uncaring of the warnings you receive.
TL.net128 Posts
Korean-MILF was just temp banned for 2 days by Nyovne.
That account was created on 2007-07-24 15:22:38 and had 32 posts.
Reason: 32 posts, already with a warning under your belt for bad posting and now you have seemed to have shifted gears into total douchemode for your last two posts. Self explanatory.