On August 15 2011 21:15 Kurumi wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 21:15 KvltMan wrote: this thread is starting to make my eyes hurt. can't wait 'til the next clue pops up, will feel good when there is something to actually discuss. the next clues are going to be false they want to hamper our progress the truth is already here kurumi if you really know i demand a pm
LOL, finally HuK confirms the EG announcement:
+ Show Spoiler +
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On August 15 2011 21:10 Javah wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 21:05 cheesemaster wrote:On August 15 2011 20:55 zul wrote: Who came up with the HuK-stuff? the oGsSupernova tweet is obv. not related with this. So much speculation going on in here...which not exactly bad, but most of it is based on nothing. How is it not related, someone asked him if he was sad that huk is joining EG, or something. And he said. No T.T very sad. That seems like some solid proof right there. Clearly ogssuprnova didnt know weather it had been announced yet,. its probably common knowledge in korea though at least among the OGS house. For me Heosat's reply on reddit looked like the killing blow :-( People will go to bizarre lengths to doubt something like this. I don't know why. There are some people who are genuinely convinced that everyone (including Heosat, who doesn't have a history of such things) is trolling Starcraft fans.
I mean, it's a done deal, and it's no secret. Speculate all you want in the next day or so, but HuK has been signed to EG for a large sum of cash.
Most probably has something to do with Huk. The countdown expires just before his Code S match tomorrow in which we would find out anyway...
Someone should make a movie about this, Da Vinci Code style!.. ^^ I'd watch that..
On August 15 2011 21:15 KvltMan wrote: this thread is starting to make my eyes hurt. can't wait 'til the next clue pops up, will feel good when there is something to actually discuss.
The next clue will be more another garbled mp3 file with some ridiculous name. There isn't anything to discuss, not now, not after the next 'clue'. How big a celebration can you create over poaching players, because we all know that what it's going to be in the end.
On August 15 2011 21:11 Pandemona wrote: Ok lets stop Idra debate ffs he comes up everywhere...
Lets go back to talking about EG Announcement before a mod bans us all -_-
EGNesTea for foreign tournaments, like MC SK deal Well it most likely is about idra (at least he mentioned in some interview something is coming up involving mostly him).
And it's obviously not about huk, all of you are just getting trolled hard right now.
EGHuk? Incredible Geniuses? I give up, I'm not reading this thread or any of the stuff on Reddit until the real announcement comes out. I thought this was fun at first, now I'm just frustrated and don't really care.
So can any of you americans say when the countdown is supposedly done? Since it's apparently based on the timing of my computer, it doesn't make much sense to me. Is EG based off EST, CST, PST?
EG quitting sc2, they will play LoL now.
On August 15 2011 21:16 Carny wrote:LOL, finally HuK confirms the EG announcement: + Show Spoiler +
I love you <3
On August 15 2011 21:03 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:55 Fangzhou wrote:On August 15 2011 20:44 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:39 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:30 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:20 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote: [quote] LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK? Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously. Your kidding right? Dude im from England, Dignitas is the only pro gaming team from ENGLAND, they are my home team if you like. I know more about Dignitas than you probably do, just because Naniwa plays for them. I know more about the rest of Dignitas, as i followed there FIFA team for years. You mentioned they "recently" took games off Koreans , and i just told you there "Recent" results. So...Little knowledge or recent facts whatever you think Define recent results? Like MLG Dallas? Coloumbus? Homstory cup, Blizz invite thingy or just MLG Anaheim and Code A? I can't really tell, because you are hating on Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW for their results the last month (select even won Blizz NA yesterday) when they still have far better results against both koreans and foreigners than a team like EG and Naniwa has been fighting about the best foreigner "spot" with HuK all summer but you are still making it look like his shit. And on top of all that you are defending IdrA with that he lost to all-ins and he was "clearly off from all weekend" like if that would matter. And you are also using IdrA's old Code S spot to define how good he is and how that would make him the best foreigner? That was in freaking February dude. Recent results are Recently, i addressed SeleCTs recent win in NA BNet Invitational, Naniwa's MLG and Code A vs HuKs Code S MLG and Idra's. Saying Naniwa is better than Idra is completely wrong. Every caster seems to think Idra is the probably the best foriegner and has been for a long time. (Day9 recent quote from NA Bnet Invitational) Not going into no stupid argument over who is better and who is best. You have your opinion i have mine. But this started because your saying my facts are wrong and that you dont agree wtih my view on what makes a good team in a 1v1 game. So i suggest we leave it. And saying i know nothing about Dignitas would be like me saying you know nothing about SKGaming dude. Just wondering, what event has Idra won in the last couple of months besides IPL1 (which barely counts because it's been forever since then and competition was pretty bad in it) What tournament has Idra done significantly better than Naniwa in the last 2 months? I would definitely like to hear some? Now how many tournaments has Naniwa won/placed well in the last couple of months? And using Day9's quote of Idra being the best foreigner as proof is just sad.... Tournament results determine who's good not what important casters think. Otherwise Clide should be the best player in the world by far and have won 5 GSL's by now according to Artosis Like seriously dude, just stop, when you got half the thread against you and not a single person agreeing with you, you should know something is wrong Dude your on a freeking hate mission you are ffs. Just shut up no one has agree with you either you retard. This is a forum people post views, not everyone agree's with views of others. Thats why the world is not how you see it! Fuck me! Day9 was used a quote, i just said things, on winning things well Naniwa won and MLG Idra has won an MLG HuK has won an MLG? Whats that got to do with anything!? Recent results with Idra came 4th in NA BNet invitational (and yes i agree with everyone else he is playing a bit off as of late but he is trying to correct it) and came behind Naniwa @ MLG Anaheim. Suggesting Artosis commentate was just plain stupid, Artosis claming clide is the best player comapred to Day9 saying Idra has been probably the best foreigner is completely different. You have your views, i have mine, dont pick fights with people who dont agree with you, it will bite you in the face if you continue!
You realize Idra and Huk's MLG wins are both from LAST YEAR right? It has everything to do with what we're talking about... We're discussing who's the better player and you bring up results from a year ago?? Then do you think Fruitdealer is still amazing because he has won a GSL before? Idra came 4th in NA BNet invitational OUT OF 8 PEOPLE. He only won 1 series in a tournament with very questionable invitation system, what a huge freaking accomplishment.
I would like to know why Artosis saying clide is best and Day9 saying Idra is the best is different? I'm not talking about now when Tastosis says the clideeeeeee praises as a joke now. I'm talking about when Artosis truly believed Clide to be the best Terran in korea, and it turned out he never placed highly in a GSL. Just because a skilled, insightful caster/community person says he thinks a person is the best player doesn't mean that he actually is.
If you look through the responses, not a single person has said Idra is better than Naniwa in the last 10 pages when you started this argument, I already see 5 saying they think Idra haven't done shit lately, so yeah ppl seem to agree with me more than you. K thanks kid
EDIT: But yeah digressed from the actual topic too much, lets stop this and return to EG discussion
If Huk signs with EG doesn't he lose his spot in the OGS house. Kinda feel like he will lose the edge he's gotten if he moves out of the house where all the best players are.
On August 15 2011 21:17 psychart wrote: EG quitting sc2, they will play LoL now.
More likely DOTA2.
Nestea MVP Puma Losira
On August 15 2011 21:18 ProxyKnoxy wrote: THE FOUR HORSEMEN:
Nestea MVP Puma Losira
Puma is nowhere close to the other three. NOWHERE close.
On August 15 2011 20:55 Kyhol wrote: I really hope that the announcement isn't that they picked up huk, how disappointing that would be. I'm going to hope for some other exciting news. The idea of huk joining EG doesn't remotely excite me, and I wouldn't understand why they would go through all this trouble just to announce that. I agree, a countdown clock just for a player transfer would be hugely anticlimactic.
Its also kind of rubbing it in everyones faces, alot of people wont be happy about this transfer.
Sure make a press release and an official announcement but a countdown clock with a "huge announcement" on the way, better be something better than huk transferring to EG (which is just hugely dissapointing in my eyes)
Liquid has done SOOOO much for huk, he would never be where he is today without liquid. No other until very recently has had a strong relationship with a korean team to the point where they share a practicing house, and to give up all the things that have made you a great player in the first place (OGS-liquid team house , practice partners, practice environment, jinro haypro ret nazgul.) would just be hugely dissapointing and it would give me the feeling that huk has sold out.
I felt like puma sold out in the same way, even more so with puma though as he doesnt even speak the same language as anyone on his team and they havent provided him with a legit practice environment(yet) where he can excel and keep up with his current skill level.
I feel like the same thing is going to happen to both puma and huk, unless EG is investing HEAVILY in korea and that is their huge announcement. If they started a teamhouse and recruited some other top korean pro's that is a different story, but sir scoots has stated many times that this isnt realistic ( korea teamhouse , or creating a korean team) so i highly doubt this is going to happen. Without the players , coaches and support that made huk and puma great in the first place they will definitely fall behind other top pro's training in korea in the idea team house environment (its not like huk is even a top 15 code s player anyways he still has some catching up to do, i beleive the farthest he has made it is the round of 16)
Im a huge fan of huk, but i definitely see his skill declining unless EG is willing to heavily invest in korea to the point where their players in korea have an equal training house / practice environment to the ones they were offered before.
TL having a partnership with OGS makes them so unique and valuable for players wanting to train with the best, to give that up for a bit of extra money seems foolish, especially with the way huks been improving recently, why go and fuck with something thats working for you already?
On August 15 2011 21:16 flakmonkey wrote: Most probably has something to do with Huk. The countdown expires just before his Code S match tomorrow in which we would find out anyway...
good point, also THE GAMES IN THE MP3 ARE HUK GAMES... why does everybody ignore this, this cannot be a coincidence, but it can be purely to troll us.
On August 15 2011 21:07 gehgrfhgrh wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 21:05 Tschis wrote:On August 15 2011 20:55 Fangzhou wrote:On August 15 2011 20:44 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:39 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:30 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:20 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote: [quote]
Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK?
Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously. Your kidding right? Dude im from England, Dignitas is the only pro gaming team from ENGLAND, they are my home team if you like. I know more about Dignitas than you probably do, just because Naniwa plays for them. I know more about the rest of Dignitas, as i followed there FIFA team for years. You mentioned they "recently" took games off Koreans , and i just told you there "Recent" results. So...Little knowledge or recent facts whatever you think Define recent results? Like MLG Dallas? Coloumbus? Homstory cup, Blizz invite thingy or just MLG Anaheim and Code A? I can't really tell, because you are hating on Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW for their results the last month (select even won Blizz NA yesterday) when they still have far better results against both koreans and foreigners than a team like EG and Naniwa has been fighting about the best foreigner "spot" with HuK all summer but you are still making it look like his shit. And on top of all that you are defending IdrA with that he lost to all-ins and he was "clearly off from all weekend" like if that would matter. And you are also using IdrA's old Code S spot to define how good he is and how that would make him the best foreigner? That was in freaking February dude. Recent results are Recently, i addressed SeleCTs recent win in NA BNet Invitational, Naniwa's MLG and Code A vs HuKs Code S MLG and Idra's. Saying Naniwa is better than Idra is completely wrong. Every caster seems to think Idra is the probably the best foriegner and has been for a long time. (Day9 recent quote from NA Bnet Invitational) Not going into no stupid argument over who is better and who is best. You have your opinion i have mine. But this started because your saying my facts are wrong and that you dont agree wtih my view on what makes a good team in a 1v1 game. So i suggest we leave it. And saying i know nothing about Dignitas would be like me saying you know nothing about SKGaming dude. Just wondering, what event has Idra won in the last couple of months besides IPL1 (which barely counts because it's been forever since then and competition was pretty bad in it) What tournament has Idra done significantly better than Naniwa in the last 2 months? I would definitely like to hear some? Now how many tournaments has Naniwa won/placed well in the last couple of months? And using Day9's quote of Idra being the best foreigner as proof is just sad.... Tournament results determine who's good not what important casters think. Otherwise Clide should be the best player in the world by far and have won 5 GSL's by now according to Artosis Like seriously dude, just stop, when you got half the thread against you and not a single person agreeing with you, you should know something is wrong IdrA's latest achievement on liquipedia: 4th in MLG naniwa's latest achievement on liquipedia: 8th in MLG (not counting the tournaments they can't both participate in) Last MLG: #7 HuK #8 NaNiwa #9 IdrA HuK and NaNi are clearly way better than IdrA ever was. Please Shut up
Idra Placed better in the GSL then they ever did.
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