If EG is going to Korea, then that would be good incentive for HuK to join them.
On August 15 2011 20:40 Eurekastreet wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:35 IMBAkorean wrote: maybe EG successfully cloned idra without his bm Ditto; EGIdra, EGHukdra and EGHuk (the middle one was a failure though, he's already top 3 world bm skills)! ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Sapny.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tL9nh.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DGOJP.jpg)
WOOOOOOOOW hahahaahaha #1 right there post it on reddit
On August 15 2011 20:26 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:15 Fangzhou wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 19:59 jmbthirteen wrote:On August 15 2011 19:57 Pandemona wrote: Jeez this thread is full of TROLLS its amazing there is that many on TL.
If you think HuK is joining EG there is something wrong with you, SuperNova is A) Trolling or B) Doesnt understand the question
Why would HuK leave TL, and Korea, and oGs house, to move in with EG in America, when not long ago at HomeStory cup he said he wanted to stay in Korea as along as possible and whilst he was in Code S i beleive, and he currently is in Code S and the best foreigner over there so i highly doubt he is going to leave all of that to join EG...lol
I have no idea what the announcement is, but im just going to wait.....If you want to guess lets ask other stupid questions to guess;
How many clouds are going to be in the sky tomorrow.... Umm ever hear of this thing called money? Just because he joins EG doesn't mean he leaves Korea. Idra was in Korea while being on EG. Puma is on EG and lives in Korea. So yeah... Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!! There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team. However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... Idra has said on State of the Game that he earns enough money on EG's salary that all his tournament winnings and stream money are just like gravy on top. He would be able to live comfortably with purely his salary alone. Also, Boxer is sponsored personally with $180,000 by intel and slayers gets an additional of $270,000. There are plenty of money to go around in E-Sports if you are at the top. I'm not saying that Huk will receive that kind of money too (he's not boxer afterall), but given that he's arguably the best foreigner at the moment and the fact that Intel is the main sponsor of EG, it's likely Intel can offer Huk a good amount of money. If he's offered even just around 100,000 salary (just a little over half as much as boxer is getting) I can see it being hard to walk away from. As for your first point, Huk can still live at the Gom house in korea... it's not like he'll be homeless..... dont call other ppl an idiot when you don't even know most of the facts Ok telling me that BoxeR is sponsered by Intel and receives $100,000s is what relevance? Idra has a big salary? Relevance? He is there best player, like HuK is TL best player? Points are silly. The GOM house has enough Beds/Computers for the people who are there. FXO people were there and had enough computers/beds. If HuK permantly moves in there that is 1 less space for someone to bought over for the GSL (what it is actually used for) At the moment Naniwa/Sase/Fenix/Thorzain are currently living there. Every TL member has came out and said at one point that they dislike EG (well the TL members with the mouths) unlike Haypro/Ret who are the TL members who just play hard as results prove. Facts in this thread are VERY VERY VERY VERY little....So don't even start QQn my facts
There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG Really? You said there isn't that much money in E-Sports, I'm telling you there are a lot of money in E-Sports to turn his head? Yes, Idra is EG's best and Huk's TL's best right now. So if Huk goes to EG he will be able to receive similar if not more salary than Idra since he's had A LOT better results than Idra lately?
And I'm sure the GSL would mind Huk staying at their GOM house SOOOOOOO much, because omg now they have 1 less space! If I recall correctly, most of FXO are living with Fou, the GOM house has enough room/beds for at least 8 players, there's 4-5 living there right now, and they almost never fill up all of the space. But I mean, I'm sure you would think that it would be really dumb for Huk to accept a ridiculous amount of money because he might prevent a future competitor from living at the GOM house(even in the worst case scenerio he would just find a new place or live with tastosis like Idra did before). And like you said, FXO's in korea, naniwa, sase, fenix, thorzain are in korea, Puma's in korea, Huk can find plenty of practice partners.
Don't even get me started on the TL member hating EG comment. Yeah it's true that tyler/tlo/jinro said they hate EG, but to just assume Huk hates them too when you clearly said Haypro/Ret didn't express the same sentiments is just plain stupid. Huk never said in public he disliked the EG organization, and if though he can be a goof sometimes, if you think he's not a hard worker that lets his results prove things you just simply have no knowledge of the scene.
You contradict yourself so much in your posts....... stop posting before you embarrass yourself even more.... just stop....
On August 15 2011 20:40 Eurekastreet wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:35 IMBAkorean wrote: maybe EG successfully cloned idra without his bm Ditto; EGIdra, EGHukdra and EGHuk (the middle one was a failure though, he's already top 3 world bm skills)! ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Sapny.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/tL9nh.jpg) ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DGOJP.jpg) wow, well done
On August 15 2011 20:43 Garnet wrote: Whatever it is, I hope this makes EG stronger. That is probably why it is bad news for TL
Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
On August 15 2011 20:39 Termit wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:30 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:20 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 19:59 jmbthirteen wrote:On August 15 2011 19:57 Pandemona wrote: Jeez this thread is full of TROLLS its amazing there is that many on TL.
If you think HuK is joining EG there is something wrong with you, SuperNova is A) Trolling or B) Doesnt understand the question
Why would HuK leave TL, and Korea, and oGs house, to move in with EG in America, when not long ago at HomeStory cup he said he wanted to stay in Korea as along as possible and whilst he was in Code S i beleive, and he currently is in Code S and the best foreigner over there so i highly doubt he is going to leave all of that to join EG...lol
I have no idea what the announcement is, but im just going to wait.....If you want to guess lets ask other stupid questions to guess;
How many clouds are going to be in the sky tomorrow.... Umm ever hear of this thing called money? Just because he joins EG doesn't mean he leaves Korea. Idra was in Korea while being on EG. Puma is on EG and lives in Korea. So yeah... Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!! There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team. However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK? Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously. Your kidding right? Dude im from England, Dignitas is the only pro gaming team from ENGLAND, they are my home team if you like. I know more about Dignitas than you probably do, just because Naniwa plays for them. I know more about the rest of Dignitas, as i followed there FIFA team for years. You mentioned they "recently" took games off Koreans , and i just told you there "Recent" results. So...Little knowledge or recent facts whatever you think Define recent results? Like MLG Dallas? Coloumbus? Homstory cup, Blizz invite thingy or just MLG Anaheim and Code A? I can't really tell, because you are hating on Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW for their results the last month (select even won Blizz NA yesterday) when they still have far better results against both koreans and foreigners than a team like EG and Naniwa has been fighting about the best foreigner "spot" with HuK all summer but you are still making it look like his shit. And on top of all that you are defending IdrA with that he lost to all-ins and he was "clearly off from all weekend" like if that would matter. And you are also using IdrA's old Code S spot to define how good he is and how that would make him the best foreigner? That was in freaking February dude.
Recent results are Recently, i addressed SeleCTs recent win in NA BNet Invitational, Naniwa's MLG and Code A vs HuKs Code S MLG and Idra's. Saying Naniwa is better than Idra is completely wrong. Every caster seems to think Idra is the probably the best foriegner and has been for a long time. (Day9 recent quote from NA Bnet Invitational) Not going into no stupid argument over who is better and who is best. You have your opinion i have mine. But this started because your saying my facts are wrong and that you dont agree wtih my view on what makes a good team in a 1v1 game. So i suggest we leave it.
And saying i know nothing about Dignitas would be like me saying you know nothing about SKGaming dude.
On August 15 2011 20:43 blae000 wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:39 Talin wrote:On August 15 2011 20:36 tyCe wrote:Well, I only ever supported HuK because he joined Liquid, and even then, I was bemused with his "top 3 control" boast. If he really went over to EG though... well, if it was back in the beta, I would have said good riddance and that they deserve each other, but I've grown to like the tag, Liquid'HuK. Whatever, I hope it isn't true. HuK has matured under Liquid's guidance and grown from his experience in Korea, which was what he joined Liquid in the first place for. EG, however, is famous for having a crappy attitude and having no respect for gracious behaviour. Now, I'm babbling  This reminds me of Tevez joining Man City. EG has been the Man City of SC2 for a long time now. Indeed they have, and I'm a united guy! TL FIGHTING :D
I'm an Arsenal supporter. Which basically means i support the team that always has their players taken away for ridiculous fees -___-.
aside of the huk rumor
there are also rumors about a nshoseo player going to a foreign team (sage ? Tassadar ? San ?)
and TSLs alive tweeted something about a betrayal a while ago (in korean)
could be a tsl player too (tsl.jyp ?)
On August 15 2011 20:44 farnham wrote: aside of the huk rumor
there are also rumors about a nshoseo player going to a foreign team (sage ? Tassadar ? San ?)
and TSLs alive tweeted something about a betrayal a while ago (in korean)
could be a tsl player too (tsl.jyp ?)
I thought Alive was referring to Puma?
On August 15 2011 20:44 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:39 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:30 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:20 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 19:59 jmbthirteen wrote: [quote] Umm ever hear of this thing called money?
Just because he joins EG doesn't mean he leaves Korea. Idra was in Korea while being on EG. Puma is on EG and lives in Korea. So yeah... Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!! There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team. However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK? Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously. Your kidding right? Dude im from England, Dignitas is the only pro gaming team from ENGLAND, they are my home team if you like. I know more about Dignitas than you probably do, just because Naniwa plays for them. I know more about the rest of Dignitas, as i followed there FIFA team for years. You mentioned they "recently" took games off Koreans , and i just told you there "Recent" results. So...Little knowledge or recent facts whatever you think Define recent results? Like MLG Dallas? Coloumbus? Homstory cup, Blizz invite thingy or just MLG Anaheim and Code A? I can't really tell, because you are hating on Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW for their results the last month (select even won Blizz NA yesterday) when they still have far better results against both koreans and foreigners than a team like EG and Naniwa has been fighting about the best foreigner "spot" with HuK all summer but you are still making it look like his shit. And on top of all that you are defending IdrA with that he lost to all-ins and he was "clearly off from all weekend" like if that would matter. And you are also using IdrA's old Code S spot to define how good he is and how that would make him the best foreigner? That was in freaking February dude. Recent results are Recently, i addressed SeleCTs recent win in NA BNet Invitational, Naniwa's MLG and Code A vs HuKs Code S MLG and Idra's. Saying Naniwa is better than Idra is completely wrong. Every caster seems to think Idra is the probably the best foriegner and has been for a long time. (Day9 recent quote from NA Bnet Invitational) Not going into no stupid argument over who is better and who is best. You have your opinion i have mine. But this started because your saying my facts are wrong and that you dont agree wtih my view on what makes a good team in a 1v1 game. So i suggest we leave it. And saying i know nothing about Dignitas would be like me saying you know nothing about SKGaming dude.
idra has been very good in the beta phase
but he has done only decently in the gsl and has completely fallen appart after that
he lost in embarrassing ways to mc or mma
On August 15 2011 20:30 IMBAkorean wrote: EGDeezer incoming
I lol'ed
On August 15 2011 20:45 JKira wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:44 farnham wrote: aside of the huk rumor
there are also rumors about a nshoseo player going to a foreign team (sage ? Tassadar ? San ?)
and TSLs alive tweeted something about a betrayal a while ago (in korean)
could be a tsl player too (tsl.jyp ?) I thought Alive was referring to Puma? he said another betrayer
On August 15 2011 20:46 farnham wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:45 JKira wrote:On August 15 2011 20:44 farnham wrote: aside of the huk rumor
there are also rumors about a nshoseo player going to a foreign team (sage ? Tassadar ? San ?)
and TSLs alive tweeted something about a betrayal a while ago (in korean)
could be a tsl player too (tsl.jyp ?) I thought Alive was referring to Puma? he said another betrayer
Hmm interesting. I wonder why they keep news like this secret for so long?
I'd opt for the EG in Korea option but then I don't know what the US gaming house is here for.
On August 15 2011 20:44 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:39 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:30 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:20 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 19:59 jmbthirteen wrote: [quote] Umm ever hear of this thing called money?
Just because he joins EG doesn't mean he leaves Korea. Idra was in Korea while being on EG. Puma is on EG and lives in Korea. So yeah... Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!! There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team. However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK? Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously. Your kidding right? Dude im from England, Dignitas is the only pro gaming team from ENGLAND, they are my home team if you like. I know more about Dignitas than you probably do, just because Naniwa plays for them. I know more about the rest of Dignitas, as i followed there FIFA team for years. You mentioned they "recently" took games off Koreans , and i just told you there "Recent" results. So...Little knowledge or recent facts whatever you think Define recent results? Like MLG Dallas? Coloumbus? Homstory cup, Blizz invite thingy or just MLG Anaheim and Code A? I can't really tell, because you are hating on Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW for their results the last month (select even won Blizz NA yesterday) when they still have far better results against both koreans and foreigners than a team like EG and Naniwa has been fighting about the best foreigner "spot" with HuK all summer but you are still making it look like his shit. And on top of all that you are defending IdrA with that he lost to all-ins and he was "clearly off from all weekend" like if that would matter. And you are also using IdrA's old Code S spot to define how good he is and how that would make him the best foreigner? That was in freaking February dude. Recent results are Recently, i addressed SeleCTs recent win in NA BNet Invitational, Naniwa's MLG and Code A vs HuKs Code S MLG and Idra's. Saying Naniwa is better than Idra is completely wrong. Every caster seems to think Idra is the probably the best foriegner and has been for a long time. (Day9 recent quote from NA Bnet Invitational) Not going into no stupid argument over who is better and who is best. You have your opinion i have mine. But this started because your saying my facts are wrong and that you dont agree wtih my view on what makes a good team in a 1v1 game. So i suggest we leave it. And saying i know nothing about Dignitas would be like me saying you know nothing about SKGaming dude. Yes because we all know Day9 is not a close friend with IdrA and he is not superbias or anything no. IdrA won an MLG last year and Naniwa and HuK has been winning alot this year, how can you say IdrA is the best foreigner? I just don't get it. And you're the one going on about results in the first place.
Either way, IdrA is the only one who has performed anything in EG while the rest of the guys goes like 0-10 in pool play and failing in open bracket @ MLG. How they can be hte best foreign team is for me a mystery. And what does that SK-gaming thing mean? Why would I know anything about them? :S
On August 15 2011 20:44 farnham wrote: aside of the huk rumor
there are also rumors about a nshoseo player going to a foreign team (sage ? Tassadar ? San ?)
and TSLs alive tweeted something about a betrayal a while ago (in korean)
could be a tsl player too (tsl.jyp ?) based on a random PlayXP comment (and note that it's just a random comment that related to this quote) i think it's San don't quote this though, if you take this as a source then you're pretty silly
On August 15 2011 20:48 Termit wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:44 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:39 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:30 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:20 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote: [quote]
Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!!
There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team.
However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK? Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously. Your kidding right? Dude im from England, Dignitas is the only pro gaming team from ENGLAND, they are my home team if you like. I know more about Dignitas than you probably do, just because Naniwa plays for them. I know more about the rest of Dignitas, as i followed there FIFA team for years. You mentioned they "recently" took games off Koreans , and i just told you there "Recent" results. So...Little knowledge or recent facts whatever you think Define recent results? Like MLG Dallas? Coloumbus? Homstory cup, Blizz invite thingy or just MLG Anaheim and Code A? I can't really tell, because you are hating on Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW for their results the last month (select even won Blizz NA yesterday) when they still have far better results against both koreans and foreigners than a team like EG and Naniwa has been fighting about the best foreigner "spot" with HuK all summer but you are still making it look like his shit. And on top of all that you are defending IdrA with that he lost to all-ins and he was "clearly off from all weekend" like if that would matter. And you are also using IdrA's old Code S spot to define how good he is and how that would make him the best foreigner? That was in freaking February dude. Recent results are Recently, i addressed SeleCTs recent win in NA BNet Invitational, Naniwa's MLG and Code A vs HuKs Code S MLG and Idra's. Saying Naniwa is better than Idra is completely wrong. Every caster seems to think Idra is the probably the best foriegner and has been for a long time. (Day9 recent quote from NA Bnet Invitational) Not going into no stupid argument over who is better and who is best. You have your opinion i have mine. But this started because your saying my facts are wrong and that you dont agree wtih my view on what makes a good team in a 1v1 game. So i suggest we leave it. And saying i know nothing about Dignitas would be like me saying you know nothing about SKGaming dude. Yes because we all know Day9 is not a close friend with IdrA and he is not superbias or anything no. IdrA won an MLG last year and Naniwa and HuK has been winning alot this year, how can you say IdrA is the best foreigner? I just don't get it. And you're the one going on about results in the first place. And what does that SK-gaming thing mean? Why would I know anything about them? :S
and day9 isnt friends with huk? wasnt huk like the first person on friendsday wednessday
One protoss goes in One protoss goes out you can't explain that
Eg announcing an announcement again. Well we all know how that turned out