On August 15 2011 20:17 Numy wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:15 Demonace34 wrote:On August 15 2011 20:13 SafeAsCheese wrote:On August 15 2011 20:12 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:10 Demonace34 wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 19:59 jmbthirteen wrote:On August 15 2011 19:57 Pandemona wrote: Jeez this thread is full of TROLLS its amazing there is that many on TL.
If you think HuK is joining EG there is something wrong with you, SuperNova is A) Trolling or B) Doesnt understand the question
Why would HuK leave TL, and Korea, and oGs house, to move in with EG in America, when not long ago at HomeStory cup he said he wanted to stay in Korea as along as possible and whilst he was in Code S i beleive, and he currently is in Code S and the best foreigner over there so i highly doubt he is going to leave all of that to join EG...lol
I have no idea what the announcement is, but im just going to wait.....If you want to guess lets ask other stupid questions to guess;
How many clouds are going to be in the sky tomorrow.... Umm ever hear of this thing called money? Just because he joins EG doesn't mean he leaves Korea. Idra was in Korea while being on EG. Puma is on EG and lives in Korea. So yeah... Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!! There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team. However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Honestly they both haven't put up that many results...Liquid just has a ton more big named players. Why can't we all just get along, they are both good teams. Edit: I think he was talking about America based teams? lol TL is not America based? Uh.. most of their team are Europeans, with HQ in europe?.. He was talking to me, I thought TL base HQ was in New York, isn't that where TSL3 finals went down? Bumblebee/Nazgul both live in Europe? So I assume the "HQ" would be in Europe although I think they don't have a HQ for the team.
TeamliquidPro would probably be based in Europe. Most of the players/managers all reside in Europe but there is no "HQ" Teamliquid.net (the website) is based in the US, they have a office with permanent employees who run and manage this website.
On August 15 2011 19:51 John F Kennedy wrote:http://twitter.com/#!/oGsSuperNovabasically confirmed from supernova. "Are you happy that huk is joining team EG, so he can't harass you anymore?  " "No T.T... Very sad..." So I guess unless he's trolling, that basically ends the Huk debate. I guess you were absent when this was discussed to death 10 pages or so ago.
As a representative for one of Scandinavia's premiere suppliers of sausages in all shapes and sizes I can confirm that an unusually large order of sausages was made by the Korean company "Incredible Meals".
The order is to be delivered to an address in Arizona belonging to "Team EG".
Whether Sir Scoots is indeed opening an IM/EG branded hotdog stand or the entire order is for incontrol's private consumption remains unknown.
On August 15 2011 20:17 Dox wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:16 Swarls wrote:On August 15 2011 20:11 JoeSchmoe wrote:Another nail in the coffin... from TLO stream ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/EoWm8.png) Who is Shiizo and why does he have a lighting bolt? Is he harry potter? Holy fuck even Harry Potter is in on it!? I'VE GOT IT. EG IS RECRUITING + Show Spoiler +
Holy fuck, J.k. Rowlings has been in on this for the last 6 years. She knew this would happen and snake pretending to be evil is a simile for HuK team switching. This shit goes deep man
Quite well done hype. Color me intrigued. That said, I hope HuK stays in Liquid.
On August 15 2011 20:11 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:09 Jacobs Ladder wrote:On August 15 2011 19:57 Pandemona wrote: Jeez this thread is full of TROLLS its amazing there is that many on TL.
If you think HuK is joining EG there is something wrong with you, SuperNova is A) Trolling or B) Doesnt understand the question
Why would HuK leave TL, and Korea, and oGs house, to move in with EG in America, when not long ago at HomeStory cup he said he wanted to stay in Korea as along as possible and whilst he was in Code S i beleive, and he currently is in Code S and the best foreigner over there so i highly doubt he is going to leave all of that to join EG...lol
I have no idea what the announcement is, but im just going to wait.....If you want to guess lets ask other stupid questions to guess;
How many clouds are going to be in the sky tomorrow.... You know, EG has supported players in Korea before. If a hyper rich team like EG wants a player than can pay to keep them in Korea. Sigh, my point is no about money!!! Would you like to be in Korea ON YOUR OWN, even in your own flat playing SC2 in a foreign country? I wouldnt...HuK has Jinro in OGS-TL house and most of the OGS are getting a few english words so they are not alone ever. Its completely different to being on your own. Even idra hated it!
You do realise that the countdown might be about several things right? How do you know EG has not secured some kind of practice-environment for Puma and whoever else they want to train there?
I really hope that Huk joins EG, what a great lineup that would be for EG, also, IdrA would get a great protoss practice partner.
I mean seriously, IdrA shook Huks hand for fucks sake!
On August 15 2011 20:17 Merano wrote: I still doubt that Chris would risk losing the cookies supply from Nazgul house for a few hundred thousand dollars from Intel ...
Oh, but isn't EG kind of the dark side? And the dark side has cookies...
People arguing about HuK going to EG is against his principles and his loyalty yada yada, that isn't the strangest part.
If HuK was about to go to EG, why would they make this big show of it when they have the drama of Puma so close in the backpack. This would only be to throw pies in eachothers face, the better thing would be to settle it nice and quiet and just have all sides saying they're happy with the draft.
So it's not HuK if EG aren't totally retarded when it comes to good PR. This is not good PR to hype such a drama-draft as this would be.
This is about a tournament, a set of showmatches, maybe the EG team against some other team. All the comments from different people are probably sarcastic about that the "internet will implode", cause they know that EG is just overhyping their own tournaments as they did with NASL. Probably it is TeamLiquid versus EG cause they are both in on it. Hopefully it's more international for like all Foreign teams like a tournament, much like the GSTL.
On August 15 2011 20:18 Pandemona wrote:Show nested quote +On August 15 2011 20:10 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:08 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 20:04 Termit wrote:On August 15 2011 20:03 Pandemona wrote:On August 15 2011 19:59 jmbthirteen wrote:On August 15 2011 19:57 Pandemona wrote: Jeez this thread is full of TROLLS its amazing there is that many on TL.
If you think HuK is joining EG there is something wrong with you, SuperNova is A) Trolling or B) Doesnt understand the question
Why would HuK leave TL, and Korea, and oGs house, to move in with EG in America, when not long ago at HomeStory cup he said he wanted to stay in Korea as along as possible and whilst he was in Code S i beleive, and he currently is in Code S and the best foreigner over there so i highly doubt he is going to leave all of that to join EG...lol
I have no idea what the announcement is, but im just going to wait.....If you want to guess lets ask other stupid questions to guess;
How many clouds are going to be in the sky tomorrow.... Umm ever hear of this thing called money? Just because he joins EG doesn't mean he leaves Korea. Idra was in Korea while being on EG. Puma is on EG and lives in Korea. So yeah... Lol....sigh....So you think HuK going to live on his own somewhere in Korea? Puma is still in Korea...Oh yeah maybe because he lives there...and can live with his Parents...Man stop being an idiot and look at what you type!! There isnt that much Money in E-Sports at the moment to even turn HuKs head to EG, all TL blatently Hate EG as they are the biggest rivals to them as best foreinger team. However if this rumour was about Ret, i would be more turned to the possibilit, as Ret and Idra always been close and Ret seems alot different to the other Liquid members, maybe doesnt speak out rationally all the time..i dont know... LoL TL and EG are rivals for the best foreign team, really dude? Really....theres 2 good foreigner players that can go toe to toe with the best...HuK and Idra? How is that an unfair comment? My view on best teams, the teams with the best players who can compete at highest level. EG have Idra, TL have HuK? Dignitas have Naniwa, SeleCT and SjoW - all taking games of Korea based players at almost every single event they are playing. But yeah I guess you only have need to have 1 strong player to be the best foreign team (EG), don't you? Argh, another person who fails to read, IN MY VIEW i said, they have to be able to beat koreans, Idra was Code S then he left to join up with the revolution at EG. HuK is in Code S and doesnt look like he is in any form of dropping out this season. Naniwa? Wow he did well in code A didnt he, losing to a Zerg of poor form in Check? Sjow, yeah he did awesome @ MLG taking 1 game off a korean lol makes him awesome. SeleCT yeah he is very good going 1-4 in his MLG group. Then the Champ Bracket, well Sjow beat Haypro 2-1 then Lost 2-0 to HuK? Then Seelct beat whitera 2-1 and Lost 2-1 to Slush? Naniwa beat idra with 2 1base all ins (Idra was clearly off form all weekend) and yet he still made it 2-1. Then got destroyed 2-0 by MMA? So if you want to play fact game we can. Other than that it was my view that Idra and HuK are the best 2 foreigners and there teams are considered the strongest 1s because of it. Lol you didn't say anything about "YOUR VIEW" in your post. And your game knowledge is about as good as my moms with your little story about dignitas players. Can't take you seriously.
Now visualize the handshake and the smile at the blizzard tournament again. All makes sense now hehe...
Sorry but I'm just not buying the Huk to EG story.
Huk just doesn't seem like the person who would leave TL for anything.
As a random question that may or may not be related to the current situation, why don't teams ever recruit new players? Like the Korean team ethic is to scout for new players with potential and train them from the ground up. All I see with western teams is poaching and recruiting already established players that are teamless.
If it's that HuK is joining EG, I wonder how come he decided to leave TL? I don't know it seems to big of a deal to me that HuK if it was HuK leaving.
On August 15 2011 20:16 StUfF wrote: It seems to fit with EG memo. Throw Money at Established players. EG doesn't release memos ... they tease announcements ^_^+ Show Spoiler +and yes I know you probably meant MO but I couldn't resist. 
maybe its just a TL-EG linkup in Korea? Given that EG has been pretty serious in their intentions with a fancy team-house and with FXO being the vanguard of foreign teams in GSTL...
On August 15 2011 20:20 leffe wrote: People arguing about HuK going to EG is against his principles and his loyalty yada yada, that isn't the strangest part.
If HuK was about to go to EG, why would they make this big show of it when they have the drama of Puma so close in the backpack. This would only be to throw pies in eachothers face, the better thing would be to settle it nice and quiet and just have all sides saying they're happy with the draft.
So it's not HuK if EG aren't totally retarded when it comes to good PR. This is not good PR to hype such a drama-draft as this would be.
The problem with that is... this is exactly something that EG would do.
Just because they can.
Simple question: I did not read page 10-100... How did this Eg-Huk thing come up? i mean for me it makes no sense.