On January 29 2011 03:14 stalking.d00m wrote:Darkest: + Show Spoiler + When I was a little kid (9 yo) I caught 2 frogs and put them in a plastic bag. Next morning they were dead and I burned them to dispose them.
That's actually the correct, humane way to kill a frog, although I've heard putting the bag in the freezer is the best. From what I've heard, frogs absorb much of their oxygen through the skin, so they don't really suffer at all, they just pass out and die.
Darkest + Show Spoiler + I used to pull the hind legs off of grasshoppers and throw them into ant piles.
On January 27 2011 11:34 TALegion wrote: (while entirely FUCKED UP on most occasions) I banged a drunk chick (who was clearly unable to properly consent), her drunk best friend, her best friend's other best friend, her best friend's other friend's drunk sister, a bipolar chick, and the bipolar chick's drunk underage sister all in one week. They were all aware of what happened within a day after it occurred, because I would brag about it. I laughed myself to tears multiple times.
dark i tried masturbating/stroking my dick a bit with my parents electric toothbrush. it was pretty crappy so i put it right back
Dark: + Show Spoiler +As an angsty misanthropic teen, there were a few darker periods when growing up. I had some new friends which were similar to me in many respects, and hadn't discovered drugs yet. We'd walk around at night, sometimes drunk, sometimes not, looking to vandalize stuff. We would destroy bus stations by chucking rocks at them - each time looking at the heavier glass, reenforced frames of the repaired station as a challenge. Other acts of vandalism include arson, destroyed water mains, etc.
Darker: + Show Spoiler +I usually don't insult people, but I know how to make it hurt - I have a talent for finding the softest spot and then tearing right through it. I had a friend in elementary school, and after a couple of years of living in the US, I returned to Israel, and we studied in the same school. We had some of the same friends at the time, and I took special pleasure in hurting him in front of them. I know he'd be utterly devastated, being humiliated like that in front of his friends. He'd cry at night, stuff like that. After a long time of the said abuse, his mom contacted my mom when she found out. Next day, the last day of insults, I told everyone about the fact that he went crying to his mother.
... he had issues for years. I was a main contributor to his misery. I still feel guilty as hell.
Even darker still: + Show Spoiler +After discovering drugs, I had times that were a haze of chemicals, booze and whatever I could eat, drink, or smoke. Like many people from Israel, my friends and I were frequenters of the many outdoor raves. These parties are 10-18 hour things, people bring tents and stuff... for all intents and purposes, these are mini-festivals. We'd get wasted and dance like crazy for hours, party hard, etc. A friend once brought his girlfriend, a total newbie to the rave scene. We were naturally high, so I got his girlfriend equally high. When he was outside, puking his guts in the far reaches of the party, about a 20 minute walk from the tent we had set up, abusing the fact we look alike, I slept with her. She was sure she slept with him, but was high out of her mind.
... They are now married, and do not know that happened.
Darkest: + Show Spoiler +Seriously, this will never, EVER, be recorded in writing. And possibly never told. Ever.
Wow, you people...
Dark: + Show Spoiler +Stole a yugioh card i wanted from a friends deck when we did the "shuffle each other's deck" thing.
Darker?: + Show Spoiler +Friend gave me some girl's MSN. She turned out to only whine all day, so after a month of that i just blocked her and deleted her. Didn't tell her why or anything.
Sorry, i just can't match to the horrible-ness that is you guys. >.>
On January 31 2011 04:48 Kazius wrote:Dark: + Show Spoiler +As an angsty misanthropic teen, there were a few darker periods when growing up. I had some new friends which were similar to me in many respects, and hadn't discovered drugs yet. We'd walk around at night, sometimes drunk, sometimes not, looking to vandalize stuff. We would destroy bus stations by chucking rocks at them - each time looking at the heavier glass, reenforced frames of the repaired station as a challenge. Other acts of vandalism include arson, destroyed water mains, etc. Darker: + Show Spoiler +I usually don't insult people, but I know how to make it hurt - I have a talent for finding the softest spot and then tearing right through it. I had a friend in elementary school, and after a couple of years of living in the US, I returned to Israel, and we studied in the same school. We had some of the same friends at the time, and I took special pleasure in hurting him in front of them. I know he'd be utterly devastated, being humiliated like that in front of his friends. He'd cry at night, stuff like that. After a long time of the said abuse, his mom contacted my mom when she found out. Next day, the last day of insults, I told everyone about the fact that he went crying to his mother.
... he had issues for years. I was a main contributor to his misery. I still feel guilty as hell. Even darker still: + Show Spoiler +After discovering drugs, I had times that were a haze of chemicals, booze and whatever I could eat, drink, or smoke. Like many people from Israel, my friends and I were frequenters of the many outdoor raves. These parties are 10-18 hour things, people bring tents and stuff... for all intents and purposes, these are mini-festivals. We'd get wasted and dance like crazy for hours, party hard, etc. A friend once brought his girlfriend, a total newbie to the rave scene. We were naturally high, so I got his girlfriend equally high. When he was outside, puking his guts in the far reaches of the party, about a 20 minute walk from the tent we had set up, abusing the fact we look alike, I slept with her. She was sure she slept with him, but was high out of her mind.
... They are now married, and do not know that happened. Darkest: + Show Spoiler +Seriously, this will never, EVER, be recorded in writing. And possibly never told. Ever. I learned some bit of culture today... Israelites party HARD.
On January 26 2011 14:33 Rice wrote: in elementary school i traded a special ed kid my kadabra for his moltres. LOL hahah. Not as bad as the guy who straight up stole that kids super rare yu gi oh card when he wasn't looking.
Dark + Show Spoiler +When I was younger I'd put tomatoes in my pocket when I go to the market with my mother. Always got away with it. My only regret is that I should have chosen apples instead.
lol dunno why the spoilers but ill go.
Dark + Show Spoiler +I stole a pack of gum when I was 9 years old.
Darkest + Show Spoiler +While i was in a stop sign, I saw a homeless man begging for money. I pulled down the window and took out my hand with a 5$ bill.The homeless man noticed me and went running towards my car. Green Light came on, I drove away. When i glimpse at the rearview mirror i saw a man dissapointed.
On January 31 2011 04:48 Kazius wrote:Dark: + Show Spoiler +As an angsty misanthropic teen, there were a few darker periods when growing up. I had some new friends which were similar to me in many respects, and hadn't discovered drugs yet. We'd walk around at night, sometimes drunk, sometimes not, looking to vandalize stuff. We would destroy bus stations by chucking rocks at them - each time looking at the heavier glass, reenforced frames of the repaired station as a challenge. Other acts of vandalism include arson, destroyed water mains, etc. Darker: + Show Spoiler +I usually don't insult people, but I know how to make it hurt - I have a talent for finding the softest spot and then tearing right through it. I had a friend in elementary school, and after a couple of years of living in the US, I returned to Israel, and we studied in the same school. We had some of the same friends at the time, and I took special pleasure in hurting him in front of them. I know he'd be utterly devastated, being humiliated like that in front of his friends. He'd cry at night, stuff like that. After a long time of the said abuse, his mom contacted my mom when she found out. Next day, the last day of insults, I told everyone about the fact that he went crying to his mother.
... he had issues for years. I was a main contributor to his misery. I still feel guilty as hell. Even darker still: + Show Spoiler +After discovering drugs, I had times that were a haze of chemicals, booze and whatever I could eat, drink, or smoke. Like many people from Israel, my friends and I were frequenters of the many outdoor raves. These parties are 10-18 hour things, people bring tents and stuff... for all intents and purposes, these are mini-festivals. We'd get wasted and dance like crazy for hours, party hard, etc. A friend once brought his girlfriend, a total newbie to the rave scene. We were naturally high, so I got his girlfriend equally high. When he was outside, puking his guts in the far reaches of the party, about a 20 minute walk from the tent we had set up, abusing the fact we look alike, I slept with her. She was sure she slept with him, but was high out of her mind.
... They are now married, and do not know that happened. Darkest: + Show Spoiler +Seriously, this will never, EVER, be recorded in writing. And possibly never told. Ever.
On January 29 2011 00:49 WyghtWolf wrote:Dark: + Show Spoiler +A week after I was conscripted, me and a few guys I met at the army base were heading home(in the israeli army, we get to spend 48 hours @ home once every 12 days) by train. In the seats next to us were 2 young girls(probably 14 or 15), that looked sorta nice. They were taking pics of themselves in the train, with their heads tilted sideways, and lips puckered. If you've seen a girl doing that, you know how annoying that looks, and how stupid that makes her look(and in the current age of facebook, I'm pretty sure anyone here that has a few adolescent girls on their facebook knows what I'm talking about). So I intentionally spoke louder than needed(probably everyone in the car heard me) and said: "I just hate it when girls do that. That makes them look so stupid, or alternatively, like they've never been outside their home before... I mean, a bus or a train isn't something that you ride once in a lifetime, right? you do it every-fucking-day."
then one of them cried, and i said in my head: "Aahh... refreshing baby tears"
Darkest + Show Spoiler +During one of the firing sessions, we had a live excercise with hopping and covering(if you don't know what I mean, here's a diagram: blue squares: pair A blue with black dot: commander of team red squares: pair B red with black square: grenadier of team http://img11.imageshack.us/i/hopping.jpg/)anyways, I was team leader in that particular night excercise(we're doing them without any NVGs, so at night, without any moon or stars, the best you can see is a black lump moving around), and there was a guy who pissed me off in my team. he was #4(the red square between the two spotted ones). being still pissed off, I shot him in the calf, blaming the friendly fire on poor visibility and him being a moron and running into my line of fire(mostly true. i only had to move the rifle an inch or two to the right to hit him) he was trying to get out service anyway, so i think i helped him quite a bit. I'm an ass..
ROFL, is giving away your country's training exercises a typical thing for you guys? /sheesh kids these days. They not teach you OPSEC?
Ill give it a whirl
Dark + Show Spoiler +I masturbated to a sc2 stream once. It was a zerg stream at least
Darker + Show Spoiler +some fat kid was cheating in 4 square and skipping line so I beat his ass
Darker than the above + Show Spoiler +On the school computers, everyone had their own account but all the access was public. So I abused this and changed the words in a lot of peoples drafts so that they were offensive to anyone that read it.
Darkest + Show Spoiler +In 7th grade English we had the creepiest teacher and she would do weird shit. For example if you did something bad she would put her hand on the back of your neck. She was old (~70) as hell and the hand was really cold, like a zombie. Another time she randomly flashed us with some picture that I can only assume was her breasts, she was really weird as I said. Anyways one day she stepped out of the classroom to deal with some kid outside. While she was out, I got up and stole her key ring and put it underneath her podium (there was a small dark opening which I doubt she would ever check). Everyone in the class seemed ok with it so no one told on me. When she realized it was missing, she began freaking out searching everybody for it. When the bell rang for next class, she was in tears but at this point it was way too far to turn back so I just "cool faced" and got out of there. I'm not sure what happened to her, but we only had substitute teachers from the rest of the semester. I asked about it and they told us she went on "vacation".
+ Show Spoiler +Stealing a bike and spraycolouring it
+ Show Spoiler +Setting meatspin as the home page for every public computer in my school
Even darker:
+ Show Spoiler +Mixing half a litre of my urine and half a litre of voda in a 1L vodka bottle and selling it to this drunk guy as "lemon" vodka. He drank from it afterwards, unaware of anything. He never found out, LOL
Darkest (not for animal lovers):
+ Show Spoiler +I visited my friend when I was 7. He had a dwarf hampster... When my friend left the room, I took the hampster and threw it against the roof several times. The hampster died 2 days afterwards. I don't know what was wrong with me.... I had a fucked up childhood and I'm going to hell for this... Sorry.
Wow, theres some really...bad shit here.
On January 29 2011 03:02 Ksyper wrote: Ok this is pretty messed up and I feel horrible to this day for doing this. I am a self proclaimed animal lover. The summer of 2009 I caught a snake and I brought it home as a pet, it was venomous. I would usually go out and catch lizards to feed it and it was going well, one day it was raining and I couldn't find any lizards, but my snake hadn't eaten for about a week and a half, the snake was very young so I was afraid it might die of starvation. So I went to the pet shop and I bought a hamster. Thing is I am very stupid and evendough that was the smallest hamster in the shop it was still too big for the snake to eat, so I went home and I put the hamster in the box with the snake, right after I closed the box I hear the hamster make a loud noise and the snake started hissing, I opened the box to find that the hamster was suffering the effects of envenomation and the snake had been bitten aswell, but it wasn't a serious wound. I felt really bad for the hamster so I put it out of it's misery, the day after I let the snake go.
Omg... you animal lovers really are a 'special' kind of people...
This made me LOL... Hard + Show Spoiler +On January 26 2011 10:43 agarangu wrote:Dark + Show Spoiler +There was this insanely ugly girl who had a huge crush on me, and when she told me so we had this conversation: SHE: Hey you know I like you, so? ME: I don't like you, sorry. SHE: Is it because I'm ugly? HE: Yes, yes it is.
dark: + Show Spoiler + When my friends want to get even with their exes, they come to me and and we plot schemes toghether to make them feel bad. funny stuff if all the pieces fall into place
heart of darkness: + Show Spoiler + by J. Conrad, a very good read. I would reccomend it
pitch black dark: + Show Spoiler + In my last relationship I screwed my girlfriend around in almost every conceavable way( short of hitting her). She got real depressed and one time got this weird manic nose-bleeding condition. Don`t feel too bad for her; she broke up with me after I cheated on her for the 3rd time ...this is so my thread
More Dark Things + Show Spoiler +In Highschool, I would go to the computer lab in the library, open up CMD, and /format c:. On all of them. Did it a few times until the permanently stationed a teacher there. When this happened, I'd open up the CD/DVD Drive and rip it out, things flying everywhere. She was basically deaf. xD
I'm inclined to not believe 50% of what I'm reading in here anymore. It all sounds soooo embellished.
On January 31 2011 23:17 pfods wrote: I'm inclined to not believe 50% of what I'm reading in here anymore. It all sounds soooo embellished.
in other words you think we are leaving out the nasty bits or what ? :D