I don't get what the hell they were thinking, maybe someone at blizz hq thought it would be a epic troll?
Bnet forums to be Real Name Only - Page 86
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New Zealand117 Posts
I don't get what the hell they were thinking, maybe someone at blizz hq thought it would be a epic troll? | ||
11 Posts
On July 07 2010 19:29 Fraidnot wrote: Don't you dare defend them, this is a travesty! Anonymity is what builds community on the internet. There are a lot of crazy fuckers out there (especially on this site). The last thing anyone wants is that one of these individuals can find out who you really are invade your privacy and harass you. So do I want to report a bug, make a controversial comment about the game? NO! Not when some jackass can just read it and declare vendetta against me, do you? You want to share your real name here? no? I didn't think so. But professional gamers are already transparent. Their names are out there already. Are they afraid of these "crazy fuckers"? maybe, but enough to not give out their names? How do they deal with all the privacy issues they you bring up? Is this professionalism comparable other types of professionals like, say Olympic athletes or soccer players? Also, if one is so afraid of the "crazy fuckers", wouldn't that person choose his/her words more carefully? What measures can we take given that someone wants to post on the blizz forum and wants anonymity? A 2nd facebook account? A 2nd e-mail address? Not actually putting in their real first/last name in the forum's real ID? What does blizz have to ensure that the ID is real or are we just assuming things? As for "Anonymity is what builds community on the internet." I feel like I can see what you mean, but are you saying that if everyone was required to include their real ID for anything they did on the net(not that this doesn't already happen to some extent, i remember hearing the creator of 4chan giving a talk on TED of how even though it's anonymous it was possible to track someone down who posted a video where i think a cat was tortured and it eventually lead to that person being arrested), that no communities would form? | ||
England504 Posts
On July 07 2010 11:47 Razor[cF] wrote: *Extremely long post with random figures pulled from nowhere in an attempt to look more informed than you actually are.*. You may want to go and do some research on the average gamer age and gender for that matter, since the random %'s you posted are total bullshit and serve no purpose. | ||
New Zealand178 Posts
I feel like Acti-Blizzard just keep on pushing and pushing to see how far they can go before players stop complaining and start backing up words with action. | ||
Norway466 Posts
- People will use fake names if they want to. - People will create new accounts with fake names if they wanna troll. - Forums still need moderation. - Lack of proper forum moderation is only problem blizzard has to fix which they chose not to. | ||
United States794 Posts
We have been planning this change for a very long time. During this time, we have thought ahead about the scope and impact of this change and predicted that many people would no longer wish to post in the forums after this change goes live. We are fine with that, because we want to change these forums dramatically in a positive and more constructive direction. | ||
Canada1045 Posts
On July 07 2010 20:47 Arikuna wrote: and almost everyone else who cares about privacy. No. You are posting on a public forum. You don't care about PRIVACY, you care about annonimity. And as we all know, annonimity breeds the worst kind of people on the internet. As for everyone saying they'll post with fake names: Good luck purchasing premium content or getting account restorations with a fake name and no way to prove you are the real owner (ie. if your WoW account gets hacked). Real names are, I believe, tied to univeral Bnet accounts. | ||
Australia407 Posts
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Romania94 Posts
On July 07 2010 21:42 InfiniteIce wrote: Well if this is what they want... I for one know I won't post any more feedback for Blizzard betas that I get invited to - any bugs I notice or any suggestions I have. If they think that's a positive thing then fine. | ||
United States582 Posts
On July 07 2010 21:46 sikyon wrote: No. You are posting on a public forum. You don't care about PRIVACY, you care about annonimity. And as we all know, annonimity breeds the worst kind of people on the internet. As for everyone saying they'll post with fake names: Good luck purchasing premium content or getting account restorations with a fake name and no way to prove you are the real owner (ie. if your WoW account gets hacked). Real names are, I believe, tied to univeral Bnet accounts. Authenticator is pretty fool-proof for preventing hacks, and the name on your account does not have to be the name that is used when doing credit card transactions (see: WoW). | ||
Portugal918 Posts
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Denmark29 Posts
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Canada1045 Posts
On July 07 2010 21:50 mikado wrote: In this context, privacy and anonymity are synonymous. Nice try though. Really? I would beg to differ. Anonymity is the way you are trying to post. Privacy is what you are trying to retain, after what? Posting on a public forum? How does trying to retain privacy and issuing statements in public mesh? Do you think that you retain a right to privacy against statements issued in public? Celebrities certainly don't, many court cases have ruled that since they put themselves in the public eye, they have little reasonable expectation of privacy. Public internet forums are very much the public eye. To expect that your privacy will be retained when speaking out in public is... at best naive, at worst retarded. After all, if you saw someone yelling something in the streets, your first question wouldn't be "Can you tell me more about your message?" It would be "Who the **** are you?!?!" | ||
Canada1045 Posts
On July 07 2010 21:51 Vedic wrote: Authenticator is pretty fool-proof for preventing hacks, and the name on your account does not have to be the name that is used when doing credit card transactions (see: WoW). So you expect to never have to call them for customer service, ever? It's a risk you're taking, make no mistake. I'm not saying that there arn't workarounds but to me, the effort and risk seem illogical. It seems as though you are going through SO much effort to post on official forums... if it's really that important to you, I guess you can have at it. | ||
im a roc
United States745 Posts
On July 07 2010 21:53 futtah wrote: This might seem like a big change to some but this is already being done daily with social networks such as Facebook. Controversial comments are already made on blogs and sites with people's real names. If you ask me - this is a really smart move from Activision-Blizzard since it takes decisions like these to keep evolving the gaming community. This will definitely clean up the forums and add more maturity to most discussions. Maybe you haven't caught the trend, but people who value privacy hate Facebook, too. I prefer not to have my personal information sold to any random company who will then send me spam email after email, so I don't have a Facebook account. We have been planning this change for a very long time. During this time, we have thought ahead about the scope and impact of this change and predicted that many people would no longer wish to post in the forums after this change goes live. We are fine with that, because we want to change these forums dramatically in a positive and more constructive direction. Did they expect there only to be 14% of their users left? | ||
im a roc
United States745 Posts
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United States582 Posts
On July 07 2010 21:59 sikyon wrote: So you expect to never have to call them for customer service, ever? It's a risk you're taking, make no mistake. I'm not saying that there arn't workarounds but to me, the effort and risk seem illogical. It seems as though you are going through SO much effort to post on official forums... if it's really that important to you, I guess you can have at it. The name on my account isn't even my name (married and had a name change), and I have had zero* trouble with customer service using WoW (like when I forgot my password), * Zero as in no trouble as far as identity confirmation, but their service is absolute shit. | ||
Scotland912 Posts
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Denmark29 Posts
On July 07 2010 22:03 im a roc wrote: Maybe you haven't caught the trend, but people who value privacy hate Facebook, too. I prefer not to have my personal information sold to any random company who will then send me spam email after email, so I don't have a Facebook account. That might be the trend in your circle of people but that doesn't change the fact that Facebook has over 400 million active accounts - and 200 million with daily activity. But my original point was that this is already going on all over the internet even if you take Facebook out of that equation. Privacy is about choice. How much you choose to keep private is about personal limits. I understand that people are reacting to this change - but to say that the forums will become a wasteland is ignorant. I just think if showing your real name makes you feel exposed to the millions of people playing Blizzard games - then don't post on the official forums. Go to teamliquid.net and keep doing what you've been doing up untill now. Again, it's about choice and the internet is filled with them. | ||
United States582 Posts
On July 07 2010 22:15 futtah wrote: That might be the trend in your circle of people but that doesn't change the fact that Facebook has over 400 million active accounts - and 200 million with daily activity. But my original point was that this is already going on all over the internet even if you take Facebook out of that equation. Privacy is about choice. How much you choose to keep private is about personal limits. I understand that people are reacting to this change - but to say that the forums will become a wasteland is ignorant. I just think if showing your real name makes you feel exposed to the millions of people playing Blizzard games - then don't post on the official forums. Go to teamliquid.net and keep doing what you've been doing up untill now. Again, it's about choice and the internet is filled with them. Until today, it was a choice to use the realid system at all - what choices will be removed tomorrow? | ||
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