On May 10 2010 06:07 heishe wrote:
This will be the case. At the moment we're looking at very small timespans and a small amount of people playing the game, but when the game ships and we have very long seasons of several months (6+ usually) where every good platinum player will play a shitton of games, the rating in your platinum ladder should be a very good indicator of your hidden ELO rating. This will just be a case of a mathematical equilibrium that will balance itself out over time (albeit of course not perfectly).
At the moment (like Dustin Browder said) the average player plays about 20 games a week. Since the last reset that is what? 40-60 games on average per account? It does about equal the amount of games I see on accounts when I play (I'm ~1550 Platinum with about 80 games). That isn't even close to what a mathematically relevant sample size would be. When we have seasons where most active players have 300+ games on their accounts, that will be representable for the skill.
This will be the case. At the moment we're looking at very small timespans and a small amount of people playing the game, but when the game ships and we have very long seasons of several months (6+ usually) where every good platinum player will play a shitton of games, the rating in your platinum ladder should be a very good indicator of your hidden ELO rating. This will just be a case of a mathematical equilibrium that will balance itself out over time (albeit of course not perfectly).
At the moment (like Dustin Browder said) the average player plays about 20 games a week. Since the last reset that is what? 40-60 games on average per account? It does about equal the amount of games I see on accounts when I play (I'm ~1550 Platinum with about 80 games). That isn't even close to what a mathematically relevant sample size would be. When we have seasons where most active players have 300+ games on their accounts, that will be representable for the skill.
Wonderful. I was just going to post essentially this exact explanation. I felt I did a good job of explaining just this in the last few pages, but I suppose that some just skim over them rather than read my (admittedly lengthy) posts.