Bug Fixes
Many of the following bug fixes were intended for internal testing only, and are now being reverted. 250mm Strike Cannons can no longer deal damage to hidden targets. Barracks build time decreased from 65 to 60 seconds. Bunker build time decreased from 40 to 30 seconds. Canceling morphing Banelings now returns 75% of the cost like other morphing Zerg units. Hellion range reverted from 6 to 5. Reaper build time decreased from 45 to 40 seconds. Zealot build time decreased from 38 to 33 seconds.
Still offline, EU that is.
anyone know how long EU will be down?
The question is, which way do the changes go? Do the patch notes describe the internal bug fixes at the time they were made, and that they're now being reverted? Or do these patch notes state the result of the reversion.
Asia down EU - UP hahahaha
LUCIFERbg why you trollin'?
but because it consistently and I stop to put on Europe, the sooner the better
a troll who can't spell, priceless
phase 2 sucks. unreliable piece of shit.
On July 14 2010 16:16 Elefanto wrote: phase 2 sucks. unreliable piece of shit.
Oh cmon, its a BETA!
yeah, it was ment for fixing... not for playing
On July 14 2010 16:16 Elefanto wrote: phase 2 sucks. unreliable piece of shit.
It's better if they fix/balance most of the things before release than after.
Yeah, but if they fuck up every patch, followed by downtimes and then patches for patches, i don't think that this will automatically stop after the release. I just don't have trust in their abilities anymore, phase 2 was over half the time it runs _offline_ , doesn't look very promising for me for the future. . . . .
They won't stop the release, the discs are already printed up and boxed, all this is for the post release patch.
Oh pls blizz, make the servers up and running !!!
mm Yea EU Down, the bunker changed from 40 - 30 scares me...
it seems silly to call building and unit build time alterations bug fixes, unless they mean the bug where terran sometimes loses :D
[quote]We are aware of the issues that are affecting players, and we are actively investigating the issues at this time. During this time the service may be restarted to address these issues. Thank you for your patience.[/quote[
What issues, I had no issues at all playing yesterday.
On July 14 2010 16:57 Flyingdutchman wrote: it seems silly to call building and unit build time alterations bug fixes, unless they mean the bug where terran sometimes loses :D
hehe good one =)