Tribunal is on the way DT loaded up into a shuttle Acadamy is building, Turret gets a shot off, and is in sight DT's get the turret Scanners not yet complete 2 facts being added (4) Marines get the shuttle, with the DT inside Horang2 has a 3rd at his mineral only, 5th and 6th gate being added, forge up and spinning
Starport complete at the 3rd Arbiter is out 3 more gateways on the way, total of 9 Vulture gets into the 3rd, cannon microed to hit the mine as it was being placed +1 for mech, and +1 for toss both attack Horang2 looking to expand to 1, sending a probe there
a train line of speedlots narrowly avoiding 2 mines, they make their way towards Last's third
arbiter flies in and does a small recall, zealots warped in but they don't last long against the tank fire and vultures. goons run down the ramp, they take out some scvs and turrets
tanks shell the goons and they run back up the ramp horang2 taking his 4th and 5th at the NE corner of the map (1 and 2 o'clock)
goons once more assaulting that 3rd, vessel it out, zealots getting into the tanks, but there's not enough of them, goons trying to take out a few more scvs, they're forced back up the ramp though
Did the arbiter get the recall off? Goons and zealots pressing down from the ramp, but get forced out after killing several scvs Nexus at both 1 and 1nat Vulture scouts it 3 forges Horang2 pressing the 3rd again Vessel is out Horang2's goon force getting driven out Last has a scv at 6
horang2 on 12 gateways now with 2 more warping in (his base is very neat lol) bringing the count to 14
last trying to secure that 6 o'clock by building some turrets there emp his the arbiter just as it's about to lead an assault on 3 o'clock again!
zealots walking in, scvs being killed once more, tanks do a flank on the goons though! wow a lot of goons down, looks like Last is hoping to trap this force, and he does, goons are trapped against the wall