Pair of scourge out, almost snipes the science vessel as it pops, the vessel gets away
Tanks mixed into Hiya's army. They seige up and the lurkers retreat. Defiler mound on its way for JD Lings and lurkers scramble around the map and regroup. Hiya advancing forward. Lurkers/ling sandwich!!!
mnm drop in the main, gase goes down. pool being hit, sunken goes down too mnm also hitting 6 but lurkers and lings are there.
Hydras defending the main but they die too! Fresh lings finish off the marines, but a hatch is down and quite a number of drones died.
Hiya barely saves his Vessel from Scourge ambush. Moving out again with some Tanks. Jaedong assembled crap ton of units, but what he will do about the drop at his main? Epic drop by Hiya, kills so many Drones, but his frontal push got smashed. Tense game!
Oh god, that flank by Jaedong was sick but was it enough damage?! I <3 the commentators as usual, they are so exciting to listen to but cool down on the volume, haha. >_<
Hiya with another wave of mnm ready. Defiler out for JD, Hiya going for another drop, scourge on patrol, DS sniped Meanwhile Mnm moving towards 6, swarm and lurkers stem the advance though