On August 21 2010 15:14 Antoine wrote: really bad losses by light in game 1 and game 5, but he played so well in game 2 and 3 that it was disappointing the series was decided by the imbaness of triathlon Odd Eye 3 is a pretty dang good map for mech, there's chokes everywhere and the only vulnerable base is that 3 o clock min only.
holy shit that was just so. damn. epic.
Though I'm a Flash fan, I gotta say I'm now a JD fan now. How could you NOT be after watching that series?? SUCH a badass. Omg.
I love SCBW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's something of a Pyrrhic victory.
Too many strategies exposed, and I can't blame Jaedong for this, because anything less than the full repertoire of strategies Jaedong brought to the table would have resulted in the victory going the other way. Light truly is a worthy adversary.
United States4053 Posts
On August 21 2010 15:13 shadesofkarma wrote: Light gonna cry.......
Wow light beat jaedong in all the games that went to late game but jaedong beat light with ling/muta semi all ins Zerg players: -How to win terran mech late game?
Jaedong: -Don't go to late game?
On August 21 2010 15:14 Sunyveil wrote: oh man that was so close
I must admit JD played like a skilless cheesy noobie though
edit: according to idra anyway He just did what he had to do. Sometimes the counter to greed is to play kwanro.
On August 21 2010 15:14 [wh]_ForAlways wrote: HOLY SHIT I HAVE A RAGING BONER AFTER THAT SET. only?
On August 21 2010 13:04 jalstar wrote: Jaedong 3-1, also I think Jaedong will try an all-in of some kind on PR instead of going for late-game.
damn so close
im sad that there wasnt a long game in this series where jaedong won. light's tvz is truly a force to be reckoned with
Good try Light, I have a lot more respect for you after this series, you might be the better player, but Jaedong just has so much mental toughness.
On August 21 2010 15:14 sAAvior wrote: Jaedong should hand the signed shirt to Light's girl ! LOL that'd be brutal
and on the shirt it read "my place, 8p.m"
jaedong won with only cheese LOL!
+ Show Spoiler +JK, i'm glad that he won on imba maps
51333 Posts
On August 21 2010 15:15 StorrZerg wrote: MSL finals will be jaedong vs flash! again.
On August 21 2010 15:14 I_Love_Bacon wrote: On the plus side, I don't have to read about Polaris Rhapsody imba. Here's to hoping there's no power outage in the finals. Every map is zerg imbalanced in the early game.
At least against super greedy players who don't build units, bunkers, cannons, etc...
It just doesn't seem fair that Jaedong won the series despite only winning with early game all-ins... Light worked so hard for his wins.
Oh well, can't take away from Jaedong for doing what won him the games.
On August 21 2010 15:15 infinitestory wrote:Light must be so sad. + Show Spoiler +
PR is bad for the zerg
so you got to kill the terran before they inevtable kill you
![[image loading]](http://i36.tinypic.com/2zzj6th.jpg)
My face
Wow I feel really bad for light tbh. Even though I wanted Jaedong to win he looked so sad which I don't blame him .
Awesome series Jaedong don't scare me like that :D