Actually I was in ch: wcg at 900 to 915 until n-rg)emergency or something like that told me that he
will call you. He said he called you and that it went to voice mail so I waited around then i left the
channel but, since you put the ID "Zlasher" on the brackets I thought that was your iccup ID name
which it exists since I checked the stats anyway.. I kept msging that id no luck i was going to
actually pm you and see if you wanted to pp, but when i went to click on the bracket to pm you at
wcg site you had already taken W.O . Now the hold ammel thing is I simply don't like him i never
have never will hes just a cocky idiot who thought cause he was a bot holder on a west team that
he was good. And the only thing I said to you was "don't lie" which imo is a actual fact
cause you weren't there at 9:05 like you claim to be also all I asked is we either play or im going
to tell the admins which im sure they will make us play before tomorrow wcg match. I don't see
why you have to be so scared to actually play
How can you lie so much honestly do you have any pride?
What pride are you talking about man, he wants a freeride hahaha, what a joke
you are supposed to stay in channel until 9:30 est
Pretty sure your just saying that cause you want the free win into the final 4
what is wrong with you lol? I know these people in real life, he wouldn't lie. I was in the channel, what was your ID?
what I want to know is why wasn't the guy who was supposed to play zlasher in the channel at said time? O_o hardly anyone uses the same id they signed up with u have to be in the channel or email/pm/wcg msg the guy u play or u risk getting w.o'd if u dont show in the channel.
He's full of fucking shit thats why. You can ask ammel he saw me in there from 9:05 to 9:35. You weren't there. I signed up my wcg account with the battlenet account zlasher12, i guess they fucked upw riting that down but what the fuck channel were you messaging me from. You can ask luckyfool i messaged him at around 9:10 theres only 3 people in the wcg channel, me, assaulty, and ammel.
Don't go making a brand new shiny account on TL and immediately start bashing me, unlike you, people like Suppy and LuckyFool can back up my credibility and juding from how you went off on ammel in the wcg channel for telling you what he saw, you are just another BM guy looking to get by the rules.
You think you were there for 15 minutes? you weren't. Why didn't you stay there til 9:30 huh? Don't go off on me for not following the rules, because I was there up until the 9:30 time limit which you can't deny, and you WEREN'T there til 9:30 which you can't deny.
I saw random at 16 after, and I have to assume he was in the WCG channel before then. If someone shows up on time and has someone call you, then you may as well show the courtesy to play them, instead of acting like the 15 minutes you had to wait was more important than his 15 minutes he waited. You guys should deff sign up with your iccup ID's though...
On August 05 2010 11:18 KamuL wrote: slog4[pg] superiorwolf ls sugo
final 4
sugo wont beat hawk.
and I'd be surprised if slog beat future.
well its obvious who the favorite is for this qualifyer xd
On August 05 2010 13:57 KamuL wrote: well its obvious who the favorite is for this qualifyer xd
Since I keep forgot to change my pw I have to use my friends id. Suppy if your his friend I'm sure you know he doesn't even play BW he even told me himself so sorry that i don't value your point cause to me its just common sense. LuckyFool i was there at start time and i was there on n off before even start time I didn't talk to anyone i just kept looking for a "Zlasher" and he didn't come while I was in there. The only 2 people I remember is Emergency and Response there was like 10 people in there but i wasnt paying attention who was there. ask a n-rg)emergency or something like that if he called zlasher that will just get to the bottom of this. I wanted to do is play and sorry zlasher but we could of easily played instead you deciding to run here and call me "BM" like i was harrasing you i barely said anything to you. I don't understand why you even bother playing if you don't play BW like you told me you said "i dont play bw and i dont want to play bw" so why are you doing this? honestly thats just being a fag you basically just coming on late not at start time than waiting until 8 30 and be like "OH SHIT MY OPPONENT 2 SCARED TO PLAY W.O"
admins plz if you find this bm plz do not punish coag im IRANDOM here on tl.net ban that account if need be
And how valid is Ammel word? he said himself in ch he will say you were there but he said u were there before 9 30 so plz stop he didnt say 905
I don't know you OR ammel. Why would he back me up out of nowhere, but if you're trying to nullify someone who was in the room with me then wow.
Let the admins make a ruling, or follow the rules yourself next time. Show up til 9:30 like everyone else.
Imo if he was there from 9.05 to 9:15 and you were there from 9:20 to 9:30 you shouldn't have the privilege of advancing over him, otherwise rules would say - be there at 9:30. You had to show up at 9:05 which you didn't, 9:30 was the cutoff time for you to show up. Also your name wasn't posted properly, he kept msging "zlasher" and I am a witness to that. He has at least 3 witnesses that can testify to him being online at that time. Another thing is you refused to come after you made this post here while he never refused to play you. This actually shows your intentions.
First of all, stop bringing me into this. Frankly, I don't care what happens. All I will say is that zlasher was certainly there before 930. Maybe not 9:05, but he was there pretty early. I was there since 8:45, I was the first person there -- I held ops for the channel.
Secondly, and the last thing I will say, you guys keep saying he didn't use 'zlasher' on ICCUP. Who cares? I mean he's zlasher12 on iccup. Are you guys really that dumb to think that zlasher12 wouldn't be zlasher? If you think that, then you don't even deserve to get a chance to play him. Also, not everyone uses the SAME name from WCG to Iccup. Examples: slog is donkey. I'm ammel. Etc. So if you're going to use this argument about the ID differential, then you guys are just stooping as low as possible.
That's all.