I'm calling it here. There'll be a back and forth 2-2. Hyuk and Jaedong will duke it out for a solid hour, resulting in the greatest demonstration of ZvZ ever. Late game control comparable only to masterpieces like the Sistine Chapel and Last Supper, but Jaedong's clinch drone micro in the late game, when all units are dead and resources expended but the drones, will steal the game away from Hyuk. It'll be an emotional moment where both Hyuk and Jaedong will exit their booths and, forgoing all tradition, will walk towards each other to the middle of a stage and share a handshake so manly that the gods of broodwar themselves will shed a tear.
The second game will start off with an aggressive play from the emperor himself, creating a proxy that drops the jaws of the entire Oz bench, while everyone on SKT1 glares on in excitement, with exception to Bisu, who will obviously have his jaw agape in reminiscence of a man watching two trains collide head on from a panoramic view. Killer, to the surprise of everyone in the entire world, will spot the proxy just as soon as marines start filing forward from the ingenious position. A great battle of micro will take place, but by some divine decree, The emperor's final marine will survive against 10 zerglings and 5 drones, almost as if invincible through the sheer force of will of the Emperor. The game will end and Boxer will shoot out of the booth like some sort of celestial ejaculate onto the bossom of heaven, leaving only a bewildered and amazed populous behind the ascendant Lord of Starcraft.
Bisu then beats Perfectman with some good shuttle micro and Lomo cheeses Fantasy.
What? The entire night can't be crazy!
But then, just as Bisu and Jaedong ready themselves for an ace match, a real life DT and Mutalisk jettison from the now lifeless bodies of Jaedong and Bisu and begin to duel on stage. The fight is vicious and beautiful all the same, but in the end it's settled as a draw because the entirety of Korea is destroyed in the feud.
So they flip a coin, SKT1 3>2 OZ
I think the Hwaseung team (except Jaedong) should be sacrificed to appease Boxer.
I want Jaedong and Boxer to win, and SKT1 to Win the match.
edit: and then Jaedong could join SKT1 and they could fire everyone except Bisu and Fantasy, maybe Hyuk if Jaedong trains him.
On October 24 2009 10:15 ShaperofDreams wrote: I think the Hwaseung team (except Jaedong) should be sacrificed to appease Boxer.
I want Jaedong and Boxer to win, and SKT1 to Win the match.
edit: and then Jaedong could join SKT1 and they could fire everyone except Bisu and Fantasy, maybe Hyuk if Jaedong trains him. ... and put a stop to e-Sport because probably no one would bother watching it anymore ... okay maybe ppl would be watching for one more season, then SKT would roll KTF so hard that Flash would also move to SKT then that's it.
I'd just like to say...Hwaseung's better.
Some gigantic SKT fanboyism here, and fanatacist loses a lot of credibility by lacking basic common sense and judgement. Saying that Jaedong hasn't won an MSL was especially hilarious. Saying that MSL is more prestigeous than OSL is almost as hilarious.
I think that Hwaseung Zergs will win three games, 3-2.
Pshh, last time Jaedong and Bisu met in the PL, one was shaking so much, his trembling fingers misclicked and cancelled the spire, needless to say, rape ensued.
On October 24 2009 10:51 cosiant wrote: Pshh, last time Jaedong and Bisu met in the PL, one was shaking so much, his trembling fingers misclicked and cancelled the spire, needless to say, rape ensued.
very good HH i like the T1Castle but it wasnt as funny
On October 24 2009 10:51 cosiant wrote: Pshh, last time Jaedong and Bisu met in the PL, one was shaking so much, his trembling fingers misclicked and cancelled the spire, needless to say, rape ensued.
LOL u sir, are awesome
These predictions are gold and deserve to go in the OP.
I actually think OZ takes this 3-1 though with only Bisu winning. Yes, I think Lomo will pull one of his WTF moments and beat fantasy.
On October 23 2009 17:07 fearus wrote: dont care dont care bisu dont care bisu
Sounds good to me, haha. :p
Although Hyuk's play of late has been intriguing. Go SKT!
Hyuk < Heartbreak Ridge > Jaedong Hyuk is 12-2 in last 14 zvz games whereas jd is 9-5; also hyuk is focused with an immense inferno of willpower and destruction whereas jd is prbly still really high from his canadian trip to BC with lomosexual
BoxeR < Tornado > Killer bunker rush followed by 2 control groups of valks followed by a nuke rush all within 3 minutes gg
Bisu < Match Point > PerfectMan lol
fantasy < Moon Glaive > Lomo fantasy has recently cooled his head off a bit and when he isn't playing arrogantly he is playing to rape. throw in the thing with jd as stated above, gg
Closer: < Fighting Spirit > Bisu[Shield] + By.Fantasy + SlayerS_Boxer + iloveOov + Canata + Best[White] + Doctor.K + Hyuk >>>>> will.die.jaedong
OMG rofl I can never get enough of those hwaseung houses.
can't wait to see what crazy strategy boxer has
fuck why isnt ongamenet.com working? F U C K [EDIT] sorry wrong thread =(
On October 24 2009 10:35 Shikyo wrote: Some gigantic SKT fanboyism here, and fanatacist loses a lot of credibility by lacking basic common sense and judgement. Saying that Jaedong hasn't won an MSL was especially hilarious. Saying that MSL is more prestigeous than OSL is almost as hilarious.
I think that Hwaseung Zergs will win three games, 3-2. 1. Wasn't aware that it was merely a GOM-sponsored MSL not GSL 2. Not once did I pretend MSL was more prestigious than OSL
Don't put words in my mouth.
On October 24 2009 13:03 jalstar wrote: can't wait to see what crazy strategy boxer has lol I actually think that he'll go mech ...
If Boxer just goes 2 Rax acad, he'll win for sure. It seems that todays Zerg players can't deal with that...