is awesome32269 Posts
On May 31 2005 14:57 GroT wrote: oh and yes, I definetly think queens are cost effective, in fact they have almost everything that makes a unit good in my book: mobility, effectiveness, extremely low cost, very low tech, very quickly takes effect
good range for spells, good sight range.
oh yeah and also queens are THE ultimate counter for carriers
parasite owns because you can always see where the fleet is going, so you are never caught unprepared, that and it makes it much much easier to scourge them
ensnared carriers are slowed to a crawl
its much easier to plague the damn things when you see them coming a mile away
*as usual, edited for clarity :[
Just lockdown all the interceptors. The carriers are noth.... Oh, wrong thread.
Of course people need to use queens more. You should have queens nest anyway. It just becomes a matter of researching abilities and building a few queens. Parasite is so effective if you do it on high cost units, ensnare is a gamebraker with its effect of slowing cooldown time, (great against mnms) and 12 muta+queen to quickly steal a CC is enough to demoralize your opponent into submission. It only takes 2 infested terrans to blow supply depos into the air. It is more cost effective than a defiler and lower tech, so... why not use it? Not to mention that its range rivals that of a sieged siege tank... Ooo, im getting all excited just thinking about it!
When is the ideal time to get queens?
Norway28553 Posts
when you have a queens nest, enough units to beat down an immediate attack (basically unless you need 3 lurkers and 6 lings to repel the attack, getting ensnare is goodie. ) and 300/300. (ensnare+two queens.)
So sometime after your first lurks or so?
Norway28553 Posts
depends on if you spire before or after lurk. you usually want scourge before queen.
Did anyone see Jju vs iloveoov game 1 UZOO MSL?
Oov was owning Jju with early cloak wraith build then suddenly a queen enters the scene, ensnares about 12+ cloaked wraiths and they get decimated by muta+scourge. Oov types GG about a min after. Very fun game!
The commentators were saying how queens are considered effective vs cloaked wraiths only in theory, but were left speechless when this happened.
Where can we Dl the vod of this game?
yeah .. where can we get the jju vs oov vod? think it's great owning with a queen....
If you are lucky, you can infest an expo by attacking it when its flying towards the spot and before he gets turrets up. I use infest more to get rid of the cc, less then to get infested terrans but it also adds a psych factor to the game to let the terran know that you have infesteds.
seriously without dark swarm, infested are too weak and cannot reach their target unless its not defended (if you are lucky)
when i sucked slightly less than i do now;), i used to get owned by fast tanks so frequently, and i stubbornly refused to ever go mutas so id just get queens nest right after lair to broodling the first tank and then parasite the first vessel
is awesome32269 Posts
On June 01 2005 16:34 baba1 wrote: seriously without dark swarm, infested are too weak and cannot reach their target unless its not defended (if you are lucky)
Research drops-> send more some infested inside some of them along some lings / units for distraction Drop get all his supplys/cc/scv/barracks
parasite is nice in ZvZ.. one time i played , i was suspected of map hacking... he was so annoyed when i attack so timely after his muta goes out of his base............ and after a while he noticed one of his muta has parasite.... ^^
On June 01 2005 22:15 ZiNiZTeR wrote: parasite is nice in ZvZ.. one time i played , i was suspected of map hacking... he was so annoyed when i attack so timely after his muta goes out of his base............ and after a while he noticed one of his muta has parasite.... ^^
Queens in ZvZ are an interesting concept. While principially queens would be strongest in this MU (Parasite, Ensare vs mutas is teh gay), ZvZ games tend to be really tight muta/ling/scourge battles with low supply situations galore. Mutas simply cannot be good, when you only got 34 supply, Another three mutas or another hotkey lings would be preferable in this situation. However, combined with hydras, they are *really* good. Problem remains, that the hydras themselves suck, so no real deal here either. ;-)
Broodlinging a protoss' high templar, even if you don't kill all of them, can probably frustrate them a lot and cause them to make mistakes because of this. Also, if you take out half of his high templar before a battle, that's half the amount of storms you have to dodge.
*applaudes the theorycraft*
Few smart points here though, too bad I don't play Z.
On June 02 2005 07:54 TserHossHiBreed wrote: *applaudes the theorycraft*
Few smart points here though, too bad I don't play Z.
Thanks for your informative post.