- You turned around an impossible game
▲ It was simply amazing! I think it is probably the greatest game I have ever played.
- During the first game, you blocked the recall very well allowing you to win
▲ I was confident about destination. I practiced alot and I found the flow of the game allowing me to be alot more calm.
- Your opponent utilized both Hallucination and Recall
▲ I practice with

- Did you know you would be playing in ace?
▲ Yes. But I was expecting my opponent to be Protoss so I didn't practice any TvTs. Last time I lost twice to the Samsung tosses so I wanted revenge so much. I was very nervous when I saw my terran opponent so I was playing very bad during the first half. But starting from the second half I got alot better which I believe allowed me to win the game.
- You lost so many tanks early game
▲ At first I thought I could turn the game around, but FBH's push destroyed so many tanks. After the attack, I seriously thought about typing "GG". But, I remembered how I can never lose to Samsung Khan ever again and my cheering fans outside so I kept the game going as much as possible.
- Your decision to take 11'oclock Expansion was great
▲ There was 2 ways for me to win the game. The first choice was to do a main base drop, however FBH knew that so he kept his base tight and secure. The 2nd choice was to equalize our economy so I took 11'oclock away from him so he couldn't get the resource advantage.
- When did you think you won?
▲ When my last Siege Tank unsieged and attack, my legs went numb. My whole body went numb and it was the first time ever this happened to me.
- You chances to post season just got higher
▲ Post Season is still a '희망고문'(희망 means to 'Hope' while 고문 is to be in a state of 'Duress') to us. However I still think we can make it if we try really hard.
- Your last opponents are STX and SKT
▲ They are both very strong opponents, but I think if we try hard just like today we can beat them.
- Last words?
▲ My chance of winning the last game less than 10% but I didn't let go and I finally turned the game around. It was the first time in my life where I finally understood what "never letting go" truely meant. Recently, we never even got into the playoffs and I didn't deliever any great games to my fans so I apologize. I will improve more and more, but I hope today's game is a good gift from me to you guys.[/spoiler]
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Oh man i was in tears! TTTTTTTTTTTTTT.TTTTTTT So beautiful!
Watching the game made me realize how brilliant "Cheesy Bitch" really is at TvT. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to call him the greatest TvTr.
TL NOTE: Cheesy Bitch was the 2nd nickname Flash ever got
No, fuck you luxury. Fuck you.
I was a fan of KTF, but never a fan of Flash. But after watching today's last game... It was just so brilliant TTT.TTT Goddamn Flash thank you.
Goddamnit Luxury, I don't know what to say to you.
Now if only flash's tvz didn't suck so much.
Hey you ^^^ up there, shut the fuck up.
Ever since the Yellow's brilliant comeback game against Bisu I didn't think any game would make me happier as a KTF fan...
Lolxury FailGG needs to just die.
Oh man i was in tears! TTTTTTTTTTTTTT.TTTTTTT So beautiful!
Watching the game made me realize how brilliant "Cheesy Bitch" really is at TvT. It wouldn't even be an exaggeration to call him the greatest TvTr.
TL NOTE: Cheesy Bitch was the 2nd nickname Flash ever got
No, fuck you luxury. Fuck you.
I was a fan of KTF, but never a fan of Flash. But after watching today's last game... It was just so brilliant TTT.TTT Goddamn Flash thank you.
Goddamnit Luxury, I don't know what to say to you.
Now if only flash's tvz didn't suck so much.
Hey you ^^^ up there, shut the fuck up.
Ever since the Yellow's brilliant comeback game against Bisu I didn't think any game would make me happier as a KTF fan...
Lolxury FailGG needs to just die.
815 Interview
- You contributed to the team's win.
▲ First of all I just want to say I am happy that I won. But I am also ashamed about this interview because Flash did so good (laughs)
- The game was decided after your successful zergling attack
▲ While practicing alot of my teammates told me there will be a zergling attack. And during the game

- It seemed like you lacked zerglings in number but you won
▲ I was at a better position, but also even though my zerglings died I knew I had more mutalisks.
- What did you think of the ace game?
▲ I really thought we would lose but Flash did such a great job. I think this is if not one of the greatest game played in the history of starcraft.
- The KT Zerg line has been 'Sucking'
▲ Its wierd because only in broadcasted games are we doing so bad. Luxury and Hoejja are really good inside the training house. However zergbong is teaching us alot of stuff so I think we can improve.
- You are against STX and SKT later on
▲ Today, Flash's game brought us not only joy to his fans but also to the team. The remaining teams are strong contenders but if we practice hard I believe we can win.
- Last Words?
▲ I would like to thank my team who practiced with me.
Source from fomos!
Flash has a OSL game today against JD. If he can just play like he played today, he can take a win and HOPEFULLY NOT DROP OUT IN OSL AGAIN. FLASH FIGHTING