Winners Are.....
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Losers Are....
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Group 5 Winner Iris
Iris, "For now, I want to achieve a victory at least once"
"I feel I'm more nervous now than I was in the past"
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+ Show Spoiler [Qualifiers] +
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Losers Are....
+ Show Spoiler [Players going home...:(] +
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Group 5 Winner Iris
Iris, "For now, I want to achieve a victory at least once"
"I feel I'm more nervous now than I was in the past"
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You’ve qualified for the MSL 3 straight seasons now.
- Personally, I think if you reach the Ro16 but don’t show anything there, there’s not a big difference between that and not qualifying for the Ro16 in the first place. Because I haven’t shown much in the MSL recently, I believe I will have to work even harder.
You played defensively, different from your usual aggressive style.
- Recently zerg builds heavily affect the outcome of the match so it’s hard to win in the early game. To be honest, yesterday on battlenet Flash was on my friends list so I got some advice from him. I told him my entire build and received advice and only later found out 815 and Flash were on the same team. Because of that, I begged Flash to keep it a secret, but when I arrived at the stadium and talked to 815, he told me he knew my whole strategy.
I was told it wasn’t that Flash told him but that 815 watched from the side, and after hearing that I was extremely nervous and became very worried. However I decided to remain ignorant and just played forcefully as I practiced.
Your opponent attempted to burrow several lurkers and hop into your main.
- If the lurkers had come in from the front, they would have stepped on mines and died but because they came around to the back, I thought to myself “Wow, everything I told Flash is coming to bite me back. What kind of strategy is this…” and I also became worried. However, in reality the lurkers died without doing anything so I was safe.
Since your team’s rookies are doing so well, you must feel an increasing sense of responsibility and a higher need to work harder.
- At first when Skyhigh did well, I just thought “cute, cute”, but now I don’t believe he’s at a level where I can say that anymore. I believe I will have to put in a lot more effort now, and because I haven’t played in matches a lot lately, I think when I do play I am more nervous.
Now you must really desire to do well in the MSL.
- I started off wanting to be the best, but if I never achieve a victory, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave in peace. I believe I’ll have to attain at least one victory so that I can look back objectively at myself. Because of this, I want to win at least once.
Is there a particular player you want in your group during the group selections?
- Back in the team house, I mentioned to Skyhigh we should play one another. Though we’ve said this seriously before, I don’t know how things will turn out. In the team house, Skyhigh from time to time says, “Hyung, you can’t win now”. As long as Skyhigh doesn’t change his mind, I want to play him but I think the final decision will be made at the group selections.
Last words you want to say?
- Recently Much hyung in an interview said that Hydra didn’t practice with him, so Hydra is really depressed right now. Although Hydra actually doesn’t practice with us much, he often buys us food and helps us if we ask. I feel like I was able to qualify because of Hydra so I’m thankful, and I also want to say thank you to Devil.
Original Korean Interview:
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- 세 시즌 연속 MSL 진출에 성공했는데
▲ 개인적인 생각으로는 16강에서 아무것도 보여주지 못하고 떨어질 바에야 못 올라가는 것과 크게 다를 바가 없다. 그 동안 MSL에서 보여준 것이 없어서 더욱 열심히 해야 할 것 같다.
- 평소 본인 스타일 답지 않게 수비적이었는데
▲ 최근 저그의 빌드가 대세를 따르는 승부라서 초반에 승부를 볼 수 없다. 사실 어제 배틀넷 친구 목록에 (이)영호가 있어서 조언을 구했다. 내 빌드를 모두 말해주고 조언을 구했는데 알고 보니 같은 팀 선수였다. 그래서 영호에게 비밀로 해달라고 부탁을 했는데, 경기장에 와서 (배)병우에게 물어보니 내 전략을 다 알고 있다고 하더라.
영호가 말한 것이 아니라 병우가 옆에서 봤다고 했는데, 그 말을 듣고 나니까 너무 긴장이 됐고 많이 불안했다. 하지만 무식하게(?) 준비한대로 밀어붙였다.
- 상대가 버로우 겹치기로 러커 넘기기를 시도했는데
▲ 러커가 앞으로 와주면 마인을 밟고 죽을 텐데 미네랄 뒷편으로 돌아오길래 ‘어제 내가 영호에게 한 말이 이렇게 돌아오는구나. 이것은 무슨 전략인가’ 걱정이 되기도 했다. 그런데 정작 러커가 한 것도 없이 죽어서 위험하진 않았다.
- 팀의 신예들이 잘해서 책임감도 느끼고 분발하게 되진 않는지
▲ 처음에 (조)병세가 잘할 때는 ‘귀엽다, 귀엽다’ 했는데 이제는 그럴 수준이 아닌 것 같다. 이제는 더 분발해야 할 것 같고, 그 동안 대회 출전이 적어서 출전했을 때 예전보다 긴장이 더 되는 것 같다.
- 이제는 MSL에서의 성적도 욕심이 날 것 같은데
▲ 최고가 되려고 시작을 했는데 우승을 한번이라도 못한다면 떠나지 못할 것 같다. 일단 우승을 한번이라도 해봐야 객관적인 시선에서 나를 뒤돌아 볼 수 있을 것 같다. 그래서 일단은 우승을 한번 차지하고 싶다.
- 본선에서 같은 조에 포함되고 싶은 선수가 있다면
▲ 숙소에서 병세와 둘이 한번 붙어보자는 말을 했다. 둘 다 진심으로 말을 하긴 했지만 어떻게 될지 모르겠다. 숙소에서 병세가 ‘형은 이제 안 된다’는 말로 종종 도발을 건다. 병세가 마음만 바꾸지 않는다면 붙어보고 싶은 생각은 있는데 조지명식 때 결정이 날 것 같다.
- 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말이 있다면
▲ 얼마 전에 (박)영민이 형이 인터뷰에서 (신)동원이가 연습을 안 해준다고 말해서 애가 많이 침울해 있다. 동원이가 연습을 자주 해주는 편은 아니지만 먹을 것 사주면서 달래면 잘 도와준다. 동원이 덕분에 올라간 것 같아서 고맙고, (김)민호에게도 고맙다고 전하고 싶다.
Group 6 Winner Hiya
Hiya, "If Forgg picks me in the group selections, I believe the Ro16 will be a smooth ride"
"I really wanted to qualify and now that I have, I'm a bit dazed"
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Lol, went from looking like a fish to a gorilla
Hiya, "If Forgg picks me in the group selections, I believe the Ro16 will be a smooth ride"
"I really wanted to qualify and now that I have, I'm a bit dazed"
Lol, went from looking like a fish to a gorilla
Your feelings on qualifying for the MSL for the first time.
- I really wanted to qualify this time, and now that I have I just feel dazed. Because it’s my first time, I’m in a bit of a shock but I believe this is just the start.
Your proxy barrack and bunker locations were great.
- This is a strategy I’ve been working on for two months now. I was originally going to use it in the proleague but I never got to play a zerg on destination. In individual leagues, I started at 5 o clock so I wasn’t able to use it. I pulled out this build I’ve been saving to qualify for this individual league and prayed I would start at 11 o clock.
Was there a moment you thought of the strategy?
- When Jaedong was preparing for the OSL finals, while practicing with him on Sin Chupung-Ryeong I built 8 rax in the back of Jaedong’s nat but his overlord saw it so I ended up having to lift it. In the past, I thought of when firebathero dropped a barrack behind the mineral line and hid it with a supply depot and ended up coming up with this build.
How does your strategy work when the opponent goes 12 hatchery like today?
- Even if the opponent goes 12 hatch, the barracks must be laid down. Once you get marines, at least 2 are made on the inner side of the barracks so it doesn’t matter. There’s no other build but 9 pool that can block it.
In one day you secured both proleague and individual league wins.
- This is the first time it’s happened. There have been times in the past where I had to play in both the proleague and individual league but I never won both. Because of this, I feel even happier. Today in the proleague I was in great condition, but because there was a lot of traffic and I became car sick, by the time I reached the game center I had a headache. Even now my head hurts but I think I was able to win with luck.
What is your goal for your first MSL?
- My goal for now is the Ro16. My first goal was qualifying for the MSL, and since I’ve fulfilled that goal, I will slowly step by step move forward.
Last words you want to say?
- Ever since the past, Forgg always teased me. Even while we were on the same team, he teased me saying I never reached the group selections, and he said if I qualified this time he would pick me. If Forgg picks me I believe the Ro16 will be a smooth ride (laughs). Although I lost to Forgg a lot in practice, seeing as how Forgg didn’t even play in our last match against KTF, it seems he’s in a bit of a slump so I’m very confident.
Also, whether it’s the proleague or individual league, all the fans are so incredibly encouraging. I believe by finally reaching the group selection, I’ve redeemed a least a bit of their expectations, and even in the Ro16 I will show great performances.
Original Korean Interview:
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- 처음으로 MSL에 진출한 소감은
▲ 이번에는 정말 올라가고 싶었는데 얼떨떨하다. 처음이라 얼떨떨하지만 이제부터 시작인 것 같다.
- 전진 배럭, 벙커 위치가 정말 좋았는데
▲ 두 달 전부터 내가 연구한 전략이다. 원래 프로리그에서 사용하려고 했는데 데스티네이션에서 저그가 출전하지 않았다. 그리고 개인리그 예선에서는 5시가 걸리는 바람에 사용하지 못했다. 개인리그 진출을 위해서 아꼈던 빌드를 꺼냈고 제발 11시가 걸리길 바랐다.
- 전략을 발견하게 된 계기가 있다면
▲ (이)제동이가 스타리그 결승전 준비를 할 때 신추풍령에서 제동이 앞마당 뒷편에 8배럭을 했다가 오버로드에 걸리는 바람에 그냥 띄웠던 적이 있다. 예전에 이성은 선수가 미네랄 뒤에 배럭을 내리고 서플라이로 가렸던 전략이 생각나서 응용한 것이다.
- 오늘 전략이 상대가 12드론 앞마당 멀티를 할 경우에는 어떤지
▲ 상대가 12드론 앞마당을 해도 배럭은 무조건 내린다. 그리고 마린이 생산되면 2기까지 배럭 안쪽으로 생산되기 때문에 상관없다. 막을 방법은 9스포닝풀 밖에 없다.
- 하루에 프로리그와 개인리그 모두 승리를 거뒀는데
▲ 처음인 것 같다. 예전에도 하루에 동시에 리그에 출전한 적이 있었는데 모두 이긴 적은 없다. 그래서 더 기분이 좋다. 오늘 프로리그에서 컨디션이 굉장히 좋았는데 차도 많이 막히고 멀미를 하는 바람에 경기장에 다시 올 때까지 머리가 아팠다. 지금도 머리가 아픈데 운이 좋아서 이긴 것 같다.
- 첫 MSL인데 목표는
▲ 일단 목표는 16강이다. 처음 목표는 MSL 진출이었는데 목표를 이뤘으니 이제 차근차근 쌓아나갈 생각이다.
- 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말이 있다면
▲ (박)지수가 예전부터 계속 놀렸다. 우리 팀에 있을 때도 개인리그 조지명식 못해봤다고 놀렸는데 이번에 올라오면 나를 찍는다고 하더라. 지수가 나를 찍는다면 순조로운 16강이 될 것 같다(웃음). 연습 때는 지수에게 많이 졌었지만, 지수가 지난번 우리와의 경기에도 출전하지 않은 것을 보니 많이 위축된 것 같고 자신이 있다.
그리고 프로리그나 개인리그 모두 팬 여러분들이 너무 많은 응원을 보내 주신다. 이제야 예선전을 뚫고 본선에 올라 기대에 조금이나마 부응한 것 같고, 본선에서도 좋은 모습 보여드리겠다.
Lol at Skyhigh taunting Iris... hahaha.
Potential Forgg vs. Hiya?
Not perfect -- feedback welcome and encouraged!!!