Hi, I'm a fan of Broodwar, not working for AfreecaTV. I just wanted to share this news
plz understand my poor translation. thanks.
Original from: http://bj.afreecatv.com/afstar1/post/50674613
아프리카TV ASL 담당자입니다.
Hello, this is a editor of AfreecaTV Starcraft League, ASL.
ASL 시즌9 진행에 앞서 신맵 쇼케이스를 진행하려 합니다.
Before starting ASL season 9, we are going to have a showcase for the new maps.
신맵 5종은 공모전 1위, 2위 맵과 기존 스타1 전문 맵 제작자분들의 맵으로 구성 하였습니다.
We brought 5 brandnew maps, two from map contest 1st and 2nd winners, and three from former professional map makers' new stuffs.
가볍게 맵을 소개하고 플레이하는 이번 쇼케이스는 그동안 맵 테스트 토너먼트를 진행하였던 이영한 선수가 진행하게 됩니다.
This showcase will be hosted by Lee Young-han(Shine), who has been hosting a map test tournament.
자세한 내용은 아래 이미지 참고 부탁드립니다.
For details, plaese check the image below.
In brief,
5 new maps: Escalade, Polypoid, HorizonLunarColony, AlphaCentauri, InnerCoven
All matches by 3vs3 Team melee.
- T vs P : 1st January, 7pm (Korean Standard Time)
- P vs Z : 2nd January, 7pm (KST)
- T vs Z : 3rd January, 7pm (KST)
T: Flash, Last, Light Z: Zero, Action, Calm P: Stork, Best, Snow
Stream will be on Shine. http://bj.afreecatv.com/lyh8808
Map download : https://bit.ly/2tUZbkD or blogattach.naver.net
team melee ohhh should be fun
On December 30 2019 14:02 IvaNioX2 wrote: when?
13th jan?
Map test (3 on 3 team melee) match -> on 1st, 2nd, 3rd Jan
after then, final versions of those maps will be released -> on 13th Jan. It's not sure how many maps from those five will be on ASL 9
Map #4 is an interesting update on FS. 4 center bases instead of 1 big midd base should make for better games, gotta see how everything else plays out tho.
Inner Coven! I vote for it somewhere...i don't remember where tho.... I played on it , but it's a hard map for someone like me, who plays non stop on FS haha
What happened to Karma?
some weird maps over here..
#3 , #2 and #5 are looking quite good.
The maps look great. I am HYPED! :D
United Kingdom12021 Posts
On December 30 2019 16:44 TT1 wrote: Map #4 is an interesting update on FS. 4 center bases instead of 1 big midd base should make for better games, gotta see how everything else plays out tho.
I'm finding it difficult to understand other than the fact there's 3 bases in each corner how this map is anything like FS. Care to explain?
While I like the fact that there are some new standard four player maps for a change, I feel underwhelmed by the fact that it is three of them at once. Some 2/3p map would have been nice.
I like Alpha Cantauri. Horizon Lunar Colony has some serious issues with the layout/spacing, it's an interesting take on diagonal axial symmetry ("Python layout").
These maps seem to be really good and high quality. I'm looking forward to watch games on them.
39489 Posts
I find it fascinating that the league is happy to have the event hosted on a 3rd party stream channel. I guess they're incentivized to have many separate channels continue to be successful since as the stream provider their #1 priority is long term health of the platform.
That they do not need to pay professional casters might be a reason.
Haha team melee, should be fun to watch
Imagine if team melee was more spectator-friendly during the KESPA days, maybe it would have been included in PL.
No 2 or even 3p maps? Awesome, more macro awaits S9! I wanna hope FlaSh will broke his promise and play, always interesting to see what he comes up with, especially on Freakling's map.
On December 31 2019 07:20 outscar wrote: No 2 or even 3p maps? Awesome, more macro awaits S9! I wanna hope FlaSh will broke his promise and play, always interesting to see what he comes up with, especially on Freakling's map.
how many good 2p/3p maps can u think of tho? they're very hard to balance
Definitely not harder than Horizon Lunar Colony… Most of the most recent, standard macro focussed 3p maps seem pretty well balanced. I think there are plenty of good 2p maps. Some of them, particularly the older ones, suffer from lack of resources and weird map split properties, but overall there have been lots of very successful ones over the course of the scene.
On December 31 2019 08:04 Freakling wrote: Definitely not harder than Horizon Lunar Colony… Most of the most recent, standard macro focussed 3p maps seem pretty well balanced. I think there are plenty of good 2p maps. Some of them, particularly the older ones, suffer from lack of resources and weird map split properties, but overall there have been lots of very successful ones over the course of the scene.
Only Sylphid for recent 3p maps. 2p maps there's a few but they all have similar traits (z being weakest in split map scenarios, t vs p on 2p maps depends mostly on the pathing/layout). Personally my fav 2p maps is Blue Storm and Overwatch. Anyways, it goes without saying that 4p maps are much easier to balance, that's my main point.