On October 06 2011 14:23 baubo wrote: I don't have access to youtube, but just to be sure, are people talking about OSL semi-finals Iris vs Savior game 5 on Neo Arknoid? Because I just watched it for the first time and it really wasn't much of a comeback. In fact, for most of the game I thought Savior was ahead or even. So I feel I must have the wrong game here.
Here's the right VOD :
But as your pointing to the right game, and that there is only another game between the two on this map, which Iris won, this must have been the one. In case you indeed saw the right one : + Show Spoiler +
Lol, wtf, sAviOr is way behind from the moment he does nothing with his mutas to the moment he successfully defends his 4th and denies Iris'. Being on equal bases with Terran with MnMs permantly attacking your drones is not exactly what I'd call even in ZvT... I'd say it qualifies as very very far behind. In fact, I still don't really get how he won the game... Edit: plus the number of vessels Iris had at some point...
Yep. That was the game I watched.
I preface the following by saying I didn't start watching pro BW until after Savior began to slump. I'm also not a Savior fan. In fact I guess you can put me in the group of people who dislike Savior because his fanboys are so annoying.
So it's weird that I am now actually defending Savior and the absolute brilliance that is his ZvT style that changed ZvT MU forever. Because I cannot fathom this statement from you.
I feel the above statement is blasphemy against everything that Savior stood for. Because it misses the core of his build stood for: which is delay the terran push. And Savior not only managed to do that, he did more than that. Now I only saw the game once, so I might be wrong on the details, but I saw that Savior overall made about a control group of mutas, maybe a couple more for the ones he lost. He picked off some marines. He picked off some workers. Maybe 10 of each? Maybe a little less, not that it's important either way. He also picked off a depot for good measure. OTOH, Iris made quite a few turrets. More turrets than terrans normally make against a zerg that never had more than a control group of mutas. What's more is that savior didn't even make lings. Normally you need a group of lings for surrounds if the terran poke his head out. But because the map was so muta friendly, savior didn't have to make lings for almost the entire game(except as defiler food).
Now let's look at the tech timing. Modern TvZ is generally built around the 3-tank, 1-SV push that aims to give terran map control before defiler comes out. If defiler's late, terran generally wins. If defiler's on time, terran sits in front of the base to keep zerg in his base. What about that game? Iris didn't make tanks because he went pure SK terran. Even so, his first mnm group with I believe one SV reached Savior's base AFTER swarm came out. Although somehow savior screwed up and had no lurkers under those swarm.
I don't know how you can say those mutas didn't do anything. It did everything Savior's mutas are designed to do. If it weren't for the one-base muta timing, you can use that game as a textbook on how ZvT should be played in the early game. Savior went 3-base very early, didn't waste larva on lings, didn't even have to make extra lurkers to defend the 3rd due to the map, and was able to tech to defilers without any hinderance from terran. Iris played very timid and allowed Savior to develop quickly and easily. Before Savior's mind fart where he somehow forgot to put lurkers in position under swarm, I thought Savior was massively ahead at that point in the game.
The rest of the game was action-packed, but it never really swayed away from the winner. A few notes below. + Show Spoiler +
1. Iris' 3rd didn't last long. And when Savior dropped it, he also dropped the CC which really hurt Iris' economy. 2. Iris never scouted savior's 4th. It was an extra base savior had the entire time. Hidden expos(although it wasn't hidden so much as Iris never bothered to scout) change the game beyond providing extra economy. They also prevent players from making the correct decisions. Iris' pressure was indeed correct facing 3 bases. But not correct when facing 4. He kept thinking Savior should not have enough units and/or economy to keep defending, but he was wrong. Horribly wrong the entire time. 3. Iris' vessel play was horrible in that game. They barely did anything, especially when it comes to limiting defilers. And once there was plague, they were useless because savior went hydra/lurker. 4. Iris' play, while it looks awesome, was not very cost-effective. MnM loses to hive-tech zerg in terms of attrition. Vessels are the key to SK terran because it's the only way to effectively kill high gas units like lurkers and defilers. 5. Drops for the most part didn't do much damage. Not sure why Iris went for them. Given how close together the 3 zerg bases are, it's pretty easy to divert forces among the bases to fend off harass. 6. Iris never expanded. Well, he's berserker and that's always been his style, so I don't fault him. But he never utilized his aggression as a way to expand. If he had another expansion somewhere far, where savior couldn't drop easily, he probably would've won.
Look. I liked the game. It was nice, and now that Savior fanboyism is no longer prevalent at TL, I can appreciate more and more about Savior's greatness. If this was just about great classic games, I'd definitely recommend it. But as a "comeback"? Not really IMO.
On October 07 2011 05:31 vinautomatic wrote: well all u guys are listing korean games
im going with cyrax vs elky 100psi vs 200psi comeback patch 1.06 after 1st wcg -__-
That's because 9.9/10 times they play strictly better.
Also, if it's not listed here Boxer VS either FBH or FlaSh....it was easily the best dropship heavy game I've seen to date and it really was a comeback defined by harass and good drops.
On October 07 2011 06:23 Release wrote: Does anyone know the game where some polish guy had like an archon and an arbiter and played for like 2 hours with only that?
Uhhh, Dunaj vs some other polish protoss are the WCG Poland qualifiers? i think
I think it was int he pimpest player video series for back then, but im not positive
On October 07 2011 06:23 Release wrote: Does anyone know the game where some polish guy had like an archon and an arbiter and played for like 2 hours with only that?
Uhhh, Dunaj vs some other polish protoss are the WCG Poland qualifiers? i think
I think it was int he pimpest player video series for back then, but im not positive
On October 07 2011 06:23 Release wrote: Does anyone know the game where some polish guy had like an archon and an arbiter and played for like 2 hours with only that?
Uhhh, Dunaj vs some other polish protoss are the WCG Poland qualifiers? i think
I think it was int he pimpest player video series for back then, but im not positive
yes it was the name of the replay was dunaj tactics
The best comeback is to come back with a god damned sandwich...Yeaaaah!!!
Appreciate all the links, i can't really come up with good comeback game from my head at this moment. Damn i wanna watch all of these now, unfortunately won't have time until tomorrow.
I felt it was more of a comeback for his career since it was his first victory in over 3 1/2 years and it was against arguably the best player at that time. A real "feel good" moment.
Look. I liked the game. It was nice, and now that Savior fanboyism is no longer prevalent at TL, I can appreciate more and more about Savior's greatness. If this was just about great classic games, I'd definitely recommend it. But as a "comeback"? Not really IMO.
To the death.
It was definitely a high pressure game 5, but I almost agree at this point with it not being a comeback, solely because sAviOr's gameplay was so far ahead of his opponents that he basically won at defiler tech barring powerful enemy attack timings. Still my favorite game of all time though, just for the energy of the game and the general BW scene when we were watching it back in 2007.
In terms of a comeback,
On October 06 2011 22:03 Neo7 wrote: Surprise this one wasn't posted. BoxeR vs Pusan @ So1 Semi-Finals (massive comeback on the brink of being 3:0'd)