United States4549 Posts
My god I got chills reading this. Yellow <3 "I hope the new generation can bring Esports to a whole new level. I hope one day when I meet others I can say proudly, "I was once there"." - optimism and hope for esports despite the fact that he's now stepping out of it, no regrets, gratitude for those who were there for him, just awesome.
Thank you so much for translating <3
On June 27 2011 00:51 mprs wrote: Q: What was the response of your parents when you decided to retire? A: I think they respect my decision. Although initially there was more disapproval than approval, but they trust my choice now.
Oh how the cultures have changed.
Getting flak from the parents for quitting pro-gaming.
You know, he might have been referring to when he first entered pro-gaming. Besides, Starcraft is now an acceptable career, considering how one can gain star status and earn lots of money from ads. Cultures don't change, parents in general are as success-minded as ever.
If Yellow ever switches to SC2.....I don't know what to want tbh.
Ah Yellow...
I wish him all the best. He's provided us with some fond memories as well that I don't think I'll ever forget.
I don't necessarily think he's done with pro gaming in general. Hope to see him in a few months time!
<3 yellOw
Good luck Yellow to whatever he decides to do! Ahahaha Boxer always knowing when to take advantage of openings. I find it amusing that his most memorable moments were coming in second. xD
P.S. He looks a lot like an older version on Seungri with that suit and hairstyle. :o
what a handsome guy.. need some sc2 ballers as handsome as yellow
The interview and the retirement ceremony were really moving. I hope we'll see YellOw in the future, wherever his path may be. It doesn't necessarily have to be SC2, although SlayerS_YellOw would sound awesome.
Best of luck to Yellow. I hope he finds something that suits his wishes for the future
Such a classy and distinctive people, these old school progamers.
Eternal respect to Hong Jin Ho, for everything, and it's really jumped out at me why I love this guy:
"I won't regret my 20's " He does what he loves and loves what he does, there's nothing more powerful or respectable.
Korean culture is weird, why do they ask a 30 year old man what his parents think about him quitting his job!
It would be lame him he switched. I'd like him in a role on a team. The game is NOT dead we don't need all our legends moving over for the sake of it just cause it's easier mechanic game. Kids will get great and overtake all the old guys in SC2 as well anyway.
On June 27 2011 23:11 Slaytilost wrote: Korean culture is weird, why do they ask a 30 year old man what his parents think about him quitting his job! Extended families, bro! They still care about their son.
this mellowed me out a lot. so sad to see him go but it seems right for him. I would love to see yellow in SC2. this is like... a legendary gladiator stepping out of the ring. people are cheering but everyone is sad they wont see him anymore
Yellow is such a boss! I hope he does go to SlayerS in Sc2! Very good interview, thanks for translating!!
On June 26 2011 08:46 Grobyc wrote:You shall not be forgotten YellOw  (that's a fucking awesome smiley)
ktSlayerS_Yellow... i see the future man.
Damn that picture of yellow, LIKE A BOSS!