Trollface hydra!
In a dual interview on the 23rd with Fantasy of SKT, Hydra revealed that, "One of my eyes can only see object's outlines, and I can't do lasik or anything on it. I play with one eye."
Under these circumstances, he's not only won a personal championship, but takes on the burden of ace player on his team. Fantasy and the others were astounded at this. Because of a childhood accident in which his left eye was damaged by broken glass, Hydra's left cornea has taken TERRIBLE TERRIBLE DAMAGE. [T/N: some liberties taken here with the translation, of course]. Though undergoing surgery, his eye was unable to recover, and can only see outlines, finding it difficult to distinguish between objects. Things on the left side of his body are often not visible to him, and as such is often thought to be ignoring others. With a practically blind left eye, Hydra worked much harder with his right eye to get accustomed to everyday life. But relying solely upon one eye has caused his right eye's vision to deteriorate as well. Because it's hard for him to see the minimap clearly, Hydra decided to wear a contact lens in his right eye, and his StarCraft skills took a step up afterwards.
He never talked about this before simply because there was no need to. The fact that he's blind in one eye came out in the interview as the topic went to conscription. Hydra said, "this isn't anything to show off - if I just went around on this without anyone asking me it would feel a bit weird so I just kept it to myself." He's been able to live life and play StarCraft with one eye, winning a championship due to his honest personality. It is said that Hydra takes in and accepts all instruction from coaches without any complaint, using break time to work on aspects of his game that he himself finds inadequate.
"To be honest, it's definitely hard to play StarCraft with only one eye. But I feel that overcoming all odds to accomplish my dream is happiness. I have to work harder than other players if I wish to pull ahead, so I'll work even harder. To be the best pro player, I'll give it all I've got."
Source: wfbrood (originally DES)
[T/N: I disliked Hydra for fucking over Bisu last MSL, but mad props to him for what he's been able to go through and accomplish]
Wow, that's really surprising. I had no idea. But that just makes my respect for him go up even higher. Go Hydra!!
He can get an eyepatch and become the true piratezerg
he should get aan eyepatch and become the pirate zerg for realz.
still mad respect to him for still being able to do well,lol at trollface.
Holy shit. I take back everything bad I ever said about him.
wow, must be hard to live with no depth perception :C
does this mean he doesnt have to do military service?
On June 24 2011 12:48 Legatus Lanius wrote: does this mean he doesnt have to do military service?
no,he'd probably get some sort of public service job like Nal_Ra is a middle school teacher(not enitrely sure)
On June 24 2011 12:40 wassbix wrote: He can get an eyepatch and become the true piratezerg Wait, it all makes sense now. Hwaseung Oz can't win a Proleague championship because Piratezerg has been playing for CJ!
Good on Hydra. He doesn't let a little thing like blindness distract him from winning an MSL gold. Tons of respect for his attitude.
United States5582 Posts
*Throws back head triumphantly with a smug smile on face* What'd I tell ya guys, what'd I tell ya. Hydra's a hard-working boy, what can I say? His results speak for himself. You know you work hard when you win a MSL championship, but winning a championship with one eye only and through sheer effort alone? It's more than just a mere accomplishment.
YEEEAHHHHH HYDRAAAAA KEEP ON TRUCKING, MY BOY. Always proud of ya, my fellow birthday-sharer! |D
Side note: Lmfao, the Korean netizens are ASTOUNDED by this information and now semi-revering him. Shin Dong Won indeed.
Wow mad respect. Even more respect because he's never said anything about it.
Just... wow. And what an attitude. Not saying a thing to anyone because he didnt feel there was no need to, that deserves great respect.
Hydra. I didn't really care for you before but... What a beast.
what i want to know is: how did his eye get damaged by SHRAPNEL? sketchy shit there
wow i have such mad respect for him now. i always found him to be a fluke but man, that is really some huge effort and devotion.
I still don't like you that much Hydra, but god damnit, I respect you. 
Seriously though, mad props.
United States5582 Posts
On June 24 2011 13:04 thestool91 wrote: what i want to know is: how did his eye get damaged by SHRAPNEL? sketchy shit there It's actually glass instead of shrapnel that damaged his eye. Poor Hydra. :'(
Flash should learn a thing or two from hydra.