VOD Part 1: http://www.livestream.com/thebluewolf/video?clipId=pla_d0bf890c-6d0a-410b-87ee-0a00f300b2c0
VOD Part 2: http://www.livestream.com/thebluewolf/video?clipId=pla_46cee5ab-d4b3-4e20-832e-c238999a819c
Complete Game List (Hours:Minutes:Seconds):: + Show Spoiler + VOD 1:
Pillars VS Bluewolf - 00:13:25
Whear VS Bluewolf - 00:31:10
Whear VS Wizard - 00:51:35
Day[9] VS Bluewolf - 01:13:25
Day[9] VS Bluewolf (2nd game) - 01:35:00
Oem)Ret VS Bluewolf - 01:57:30
Dreame VS Wizard - 02:14:05
Grrr.. VS Wizard - 02:43:55
Rekrul VS Wizard - 03:04:30
VOD 2:
LJT and Solisto VS Bluewolf and Whear - 00:04:00
Tsunami VS Bluewolf - 00:46:15
NewbieMcNasty VS Wizard - 00:56:10
Tasteless VS Bluewolf (3 games) - 01:42:30
This event is for the streaming of a bunch of old games I found burned on a CD that took place from 2001 - 2002. These 700+ games were from various online tournaments occurring during this era that I had competed in and show how the state of the USA scene at that time. For more background information and VODs of the original events, please see: BW Nostalgia #2 and BW Nostalgia #1. From the past two livestream events, there were several top gamers left out:
- Pillars (WCGC 2000 USA winner, balance designer for Starcraft 2 for awhile)
- Whear (CompUSA online winner, 3 time WCG grand finals qualifier)
- Dreame (top Zerg player, mentioned in Day[9] daily #100)
- Tsunami (top Zerg player, known for writing popular Zerg strategies)
- LJT (In my opinion, the best American 2v2 player of the 2001 era)
- Etc!
I thought I would do one to rectify this oversight. So. I'll do a stream again after the end of TSL3's third/fourth place match (which then should then start at about: Saturday, May 14 8:30pm GMT (GMT+00:00)). The format is slightly different this time as it will be more structured, and besides games including the above players, I'll throw in one more game against Day[9] and one more against Tasteless. Finally, I'll show off a few of the cheeses that existed at this time that worked back then but which became completely unfeasible as skill levels improved.
Sadly, this does seem to be another solo cast as I have been unable to locate someone else from this timeframe to co-cast. If you played during this era and would be interested in casting, please let me know! If you have any suggestions for this iteration of the event, feel free to post them below.
nice. love to see this reappear, was auctally thinking about the events last night and hoping they would come back. guess they are!
I wish i was a part of the sc scene back then. Would love to co-cast these games. unfortunely i only came into th bw scene in 2010
These are amazing! I can't wait to watch.
Watched bwnost 1 and 2 6 times now cant wait for a new one
This is awesome. I can't wait!
Looking much forward to this!
Thanks a lot for doing these - The other episodes were great!
The last one was awesome. Looking forward to this.
So sweet, can't wait to tune in to this!
For those interested, a rough alpha schedule of the games I'll be doing. It is highly subject to change and I'll likely throw in one "user vote" game somewhere in this (undecided where yet), but it should help one figure out when they might need to tune in to catch a certain player. There will likely be 1-2 more games added on the end of this as well.
+ Show Spoiler +Game 1: Bluewolf VS Pillars on Showdown for CompUSA ladder. Game 2: Bluewolf VS Whear for Mr.FixItOnline ladder Game 3: Wizard VS Whear for CompUSA ladder Game 4: Bluewolf VS Day[9] Game 5: Bluewolf VS Day[9] for Mr. FixItOnline Tournament Bracket. This is THE game mentioned from 25:35 to 25:55 of the Day[9] daily #100. I believe he talks about the entire event from about 24:45 to 27:00. Game 6: Wizard VS Dreame Game 7: Wizard VS Rekrul Game 8: 2v2 game. Likely against LJT but possibly the one against Testie/Brave. Game 9: Bluewolf VS Tsunami for CompUSA ladder. Game 10-13: Bluewolf VS Tasteless
I'm so jelly of those who were introduced to SC back then.
Thanks for bringing it to those of us who were not lucky enough to be around back then, and for letting all of us relive the days of glory.
holy fuuuuuuck I am so gonna watch this Just 2 questions? WHEN!? WHERE!? I need this as much as my daily astma drugs
Sweet, the previous BW Nostalgias were totally awesome, I can't wait to watch another episode :-D
LJT was the best non-pro 2v2 player for like the decade
Oh man this will be a joy to watch, hope that i can remember about it.
lol omg this is gonna be a blast !!!!!! Cant wait !!!
I love these. I was no where near "top" level back in the this time but I was pretty good at rushing for the mutalisks to end the game off one base lol.
Ask day9 to co cast with you, I am sure he would help out an old school player preach the joys of early day BW.
Could be fun and very interesting, i will have a look