Micro/Macro - Page 2
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United States33093 Posts
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Netherlands680 Posts
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Poland302 Posts
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Sweden28 Posts
It depends a lot on your definition, if macro is defined as quickly being able to switch from battlefield to unit production/building supply then terran or zerg is probably the hardest.. but if it's defined as making decisions in for instance when to go expand (and where) then protoss is no more easier than zerg or terran i guess (contrary to what everyone here says) | ||
United States12224 Posts
Toss is therefore totally reliant on surprise attacks (psi raids, carriers, arbiter recall/stasising a push) to defeat a good Terran, and precision storming to defeat a good Zerg. That's my take on it anyway. | ||
Liberia4948 Posts
ya nazgul went 30-10 or so vs zerg in wgtour 2 seasons ago by using only precision storming. ya nazgul raped jinnam with precision storm. toss dominates at newbie level and is dominated at pro level therefore blah blah more garbage etc etc! | ||
Canada4309 Posts
And I agree with everything in Casper's first post on this topic. | ||
Canada4309 Posts
Some people are dumb so I'll spell it out: B o x e r - - - - R u l e s - - - - A t - - - - M a c r o Understand? I recommend you watch some Boxer replays ( one of the best examples being the famous Boxer vs Chungsang game ) then talk about this using the knowledge you acquire. | ||
United States45 Posts
Most Micro Intensive: Terran Toss Zerg -A note on the Toss. I think that a bit more micro from top Toss players would see a few more Toss victories. Plus some more diversity/misdirection in attack. I saw one of the Boxer/Naz reps where Boxer dropped 2 tanks on the nat, another in the main, and ran vults in the front. Naz managed it well, but, still... You see Zerg hit w/ muta, drops, and a frontal all at the same time too. But not very often do you see a Toss frontal/sair/temp drop or whatever at the same time. Most Macro Intensive: Zerg Toss Terran Might just be my old school bones, but it's just the way I feel. | ||
United States19 Posts
1.Terran (tvz makes it this) 2.Protoss 3.Zerg Hardest macro 1.Terran 2.Zerg 3.Protoss I'm a toss player btw!! | ||
1798 Posts
and as for the original thread Hardest micro: terran zerg toss Hardest macro: terran toss zerg | ||
United States2878 Posts
The reason I think Zerg has the hardest micro is because Muta Harassment and Zling harrassment is actually pretty tough. More tough then just rushing in with M&M's, or M&M dropping. Plus most terrans just pull siege moves, they load lots of siege tanks outside the zergs base, blast away the sunkens, sit their M&M army right by the tanks to slaughter any zerglings, plus have a few SV to irr the lurks. The zerg actually has to use some micro to rush out and defend. And when you get into late game, talking about 40 mins into it. Zerg starts to get defilers, and ultras. Defiler believe it or not does take some good micro. I agree in some situations terran has probably a harder time microing, but overall, zerg has it the hardest. Toss is just almost the same as terran, but they do have to micro storm properly, all Terran has to do is use irr, and let it kill off the unit itself. | ||
United States150 Posts
To overt logic- you cant honestly think that professial protoss players dont micro a TON...and the reason you dont see temp drop sair and frontal at the same time is because they all take a ton of MICRO and you cant micro 3 seperate attacks at the same time unless your the fastest bw player out there...thanks for contradicting yourself. | ||
United States1277 Posts
zerg has the easiest macro because it has has larva that can build up thus saving time & you dont have to check your hatchs to see if a larva is sitting around. terran is the hardest to macro imo because like people before me said the units build faster then protoss & zerg has the ability of saving up larva. Rahvin have you ever played terran at a decent level? micro m&m vs lurkers or vults on goons with mines or dropship micro its alot harder then you think. anyway for original post for micro 1.terran 2.protoss 3.zerg for macro 1.terran 2.protoss 3.zerg | ||
United States81 Posts
But, my favorite macro party is JJu. I just finished a watching a rep of JJu v XellOs[yG]. It was amazing how xellos played but the way that JJu won the game with amazing macro was just awesome. Handspeed is very important in playing micro/macro. | ||
United States150 Posts
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Netherlands681 Posts
Hardest micro: 1 Zerg/Terran/Protoss Hardest macro: 1 Zerg 3 Terran/Protoss Everyone can micro better with 1 race than the other. It's all about what u like. If u like storming shit outta zerg, u'll get good in pvz. If u like seeing rines getting raped 5 at the same time, u'll a get good zvt, if u like overwhelming units from every direction u'll get a good zvp. If u got potential not to mess any unit up. U'll get good zvz etc. etc. I'm a toss player btw. Zerg's macro is the hardest tho, cause they got hatches all over the map. All those rally points make u go insane. Well that is if u use every one of them, which is already hard enough. | ||
United States8 Posts
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Germany520 Posts
On October 01 2007 10:15 j03xy00n wrote: y didnt ne1 put iloveoov as best macro thot he was the best Maybe 'coz this thread is 4 fucking years old? | ||
United States7395 Posts
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