Soulkey, Zero
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Q: Thoughts on your win today?
>Soulkey: Before today, the team and I were both on 2 game losing streaks. Today I knew I had to win, but I felt my health was slightly poor, so I was a bit worried. But the game went better than expected, and lady luck was on my side, so I was very happy today.
>Zero: Because the team was on a 2 game losing streak, I felt today's match was extremely important. It's good that I clinched the match.
Q: Zero, you lost game 3 to another Zerg.
>Zero: I was already in a 2 game losing streak, but I've had a 9 game losing streak before, so I wasn't too worried. I feel that things like 2 game losing streaks can be broken at any time, so I didn't care about it so much.
Q: Soulkey, you've lost your last 2 ZvPs.
>Soulkey: Even though I'm nub, my opponents have been strong too. I have great ambitions, though. Although my recent losses have been regrettable, it won't impact me greatly.
Q: Soulkey, you also had the experience from the last Ace match.
>Soulkey: Even though the team trusted me that much, I ended up losing, and for that I'm really sorry. But I'm glad that the team puts this much trust in me. In the future, I'll do even better.
Q: Soulkey, you seem to have a history with Snow.
>Soulkey: I'm not as good as him; Snow is pretty good. I don't pick my opponents, so meeting Snow repeatedly is pretty cool. I'll be facing him in the OSL too, so this time I'll definitely conquer him.
Q: Soulkey, today you played a macro game with Sea.
>Soulkey: It wasn't so much the maps as my grasp of ZvT. Next time we play KT, I hope to face up against Flash, but it doesn't really matter who I play. [T/N unsure of that last part]
Q: Zero, you finally won an Ace match.
>Zero: Last season, my record in ace matches was abysmal, which was one factor that caused us to miss the playoffs. Even though I was anxious today, it's good that I ended my ace match losing streak.
Q: Zero, you faced Light in the Ace match.
>Zero: Today I lost a ZvZ, so I hoped to play another race in the ace match. Once I learned my ace match opponent was a T, I was very happy.
Q: Zero, you chose to use Lurkers.
>Zero: Every time I went mutas, it felt like the T had an easy time. So on Icarus, I decided to go for quick lurkers. Drops were good, but I've had bad experiences with them in other matches. I guess those times my strength was poor. I knew in the Ace match I could face that again, so I hoped just to avoid making mistakes. But I wasn't going to play ZvZ but rather ZvT, so I thought that even if I slipped up I could make up for it with strong macro. [T/N a bit unsure]
Q: Zero, it seems that the responsibility of the Ace match is heavier.
>Zero: Last year, I did really badly in ace matches, which was disappointing. I now think that even if I lose an earlier game in the match, the ace is a must-win.
Q: Anything else?
>Soulkey: I broke my 2 game losing streak, which is awesome. I'll work hard to make this into a winning streak.
>Zero: Really and flying have fully adjusted to our team. Really has finally shown his true colors. I believed him at first to be very pure and kind-hearted, but once I got familiar I discovered he was extremely manly. I hope he can explain it himself in his interview. Really manly. (haha) [T/N this is disturbing, but perhaps only because i also translated the interview where Zero said flying was gay... also, i'm not 100% certain if he means "manly" in that sense]
Really, flying
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Q: It's the first win for you (Flying) since switching teams. Thoughts and feelings?
>Really: Flying's wins and losses have nothing to do with me. (haha) jk. To be honest, I really hope flying can win a lot. If he goes on a win streak, I'll feel bad. [T/N what?]
>Flying: All of my teammates have won already, but I still hadn't, so I was worried. I feel like today's win was a miracle.
Q: Really, it looks like your condition still isn't too good.
>Really: Before I switched teams, I didn't play much, so my condition is lousy. But right now I'm working very hard, and I'm enjoying it. I'm confident, and I feel like I can start doing well.
Q: Flying, were you nervous for your appearance?
>Flying: Very much so. Even though my team required a P to go up, I worked hard to make sure I didn't make impetuous judgments during the game like last time. [T/N that's mostly literal translation since I'm not sure what he's talking about]. In the opening, I was harassed while trying to expand, but it's good that I won eventually.
Q: Flying, you usually go up on Central Plains, so it seems that PvP has become important.
>Flying: I'm very confident in my PvP, but I don't feel quite used to playing in televised matches yet. I feel like it's an obstacle for me. Adjusting to the new team is no problem, but adjusting to playing televised is still an issue.
Q: Flying, you've been on a streak of losing from good situations.
>Flying: I'm just too nervous. I got an advantage in the early game, but I got impatient because I thought it was a very large advantage. I need to fix that. Today I wanted to play cautiously, and the game generally went according to plan, although while I was being harassed I was a bit unsettled. To be honest, I'm always worried about slipping up in the early game.
Q: Really, out of your 3 wins, 2 have been TvZ.
>Really: I'm getting better; how could I not, when I'm practicing with the Woongjin Zergs? I've learned a lot since I arrived. I've been constantly discovering new things while practicing with them.
Q: Really, how was the game?
>Really: My opponent was Hyun, but I kinda like him. I've chatted with him, and he says he overthought it. He expected me to cheese because I chose to fast expand.
Q: Really, so you chose to take the 1 o'clock quickly.
>Really: If I had chosen to take the 2 o'clock, it would have been tough to defend. There was also a mental war. I felt confident that if the 1 o'clock wasn't attacked, I would win.
Q: At Woongjin, have you guys finally tasted victory?
>Really: Yes, and it tastes great. Winning together with my teammates is awesome. I hope we get this often.
>Flying: I've only gotten 1 win. I hope I can taste victory more often in the future.
Q: Flying, do you interact with free a lot?
>Flying: If I have any questions, I often ask him. If we can become mutual beneficiaries, that would be excellent. Free seemed very happy to see me arrive, but I don't know if he was being honest about that (haha).
Q: Anything else?
>Flying: I've been upset recently because of my 2 losses, but now that I've got a win under my belt, I can feel less pressured. I'll play better from now on.
[T/N I wonder why Really has no comment]
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