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You advanced to the Ro4 after 4 seasons.
-My condition hasn’t been great, and it’s been hard preparing. I’ve been slumping, but today was Parent’s Day, and both my parents and my relatives were watching my game, so I prepared extra hard.
You were down 0-1.
-Odd Eye is the hardest map. When I saw that Odd Eye was the second map, I thought that I had to win the first game. When I was down, I felt at a disadvantage, so I decided I had to win all three of the last games. I had some good luck in the games and won in the end.
The game on Triathlon left a deep impression.
-Terran often likes to use strange builds on this map, and I saw the SCV hidden at 12 o’clock in the beginning. Even though I got nuked, the overall game was still in my favor, so I thought I could end it with Recall. If Hiya had killed the Arbiter at my natural it would’ve been difficult. The Arbiter survived also helped my Recalling.
We saw a struggle in the last game.
-I played according to Hiya’s style. Recently, I’ve often improvised based on the in-game situation, and I’ve been doing pretty well. But maybe because I was too nervous, I had a lot of mistakes. But the Gateways came in at a good time, and I defended the timing all-in, so it was fine.
Your next opponent is Flash.
-Even though it’s kind of inappropriate to discuss the maps here, I still have to ay I think the OGN maps are better. On Odd Eye I feel extra pressure. I saw yesterday’s OSL, and Flash played very well. I’m very clear that I’m the underdog, but I think playing with pressure will make it interesting. I think with my style, I can play even more interesting games than the ones with Hiya today.
Last words?
-I’ve been very busy lately and I haven’t gone home, so I gave my parents a lot of nutritional stuff. I felt really bad, and I must reevaluate. I need to care about them more, and I need to work on being a better son later. Also, today is a particular fan’s birthday, I want to say happy birthday. I also want to say that you shouldn’t think about receiving gifts on your birthday, but should think about getting something for your parents.
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![[image loading]](http://fomos.kr/board/news/1273317924_1.jpg)
Over the past three seasons, this is your fifth time in the Ro4.
-I seem to often be able to get into the Ro4 of MSL. Last season I was the champion, so I need to get some results consistent with a champion. My drive to win is the same as always. If I win this time, I can get a lot, but I seem to be on route to meeting a strong opponent. This reminds me of Avalon MSL, the games should be very interesting.
You really did become powerful after May.
-I don’t think I can say that yet. After I sat down for the game today, before it started, I suddenly thought “can I really advance with 2 wins?” Last interview, I said that I hoped to get all wins in May, and so far it’s going well. If I could advance today with 2 wins, then I should be able to continue my good momentum in SPL and MSL.
You’re going to play Calm.
-It should be very interesting. I’m excited for the semifinals, so I’m excited for both preparing and for the actual game. I think this feeling will help my condition, and I’m fully confident. My loss in the Avalon MSL’s semifinals left a deep impression on me, and this will be another motivator for me. I’m also happy because Calm is a powerful player who’s fully qualified for the Ro4. I would often be impressed watching Calm’s game, and I think I can learn a lot from him. [T/N: Jaedong admits to Calm’s awesomeness! “Clam”ers go die kay? ^_^]
You exhibited the strong offensive capabilities of Mutalisks on Triathlon. Were you afraid of the Turrets and Valkyries at all?
-I think it was a war of attrition, so as long as I didn’t make any serious errors with micro, with a lot more resources, I just played according to what I planned. I was in this situation a lot during practice.
Mech seems to no longer be a threat to Jaedong.
-I remembered something that Yarnc said. It’s been a while, so it’s a bit fuzzy, but it was something like “Mech should be saved for Protoss.” I feel the same way, and I’m fully confident. Good management and macro is the key.
The last game was very one-sided.
-I was very lucky, because I had a good spawn position and I managed to find the lack of defense in my opponent’s base.
Flash said he would like to meet you in the finals.
-Of course I would like to meet Flash in the finals too. Even though I really want to, I need to focus on the semifinals first. Of course I would occasionally fantasize about getting in the finals, and hoping that the opponent would be Flash. But before I win the semifinals I need to dispel these thoughts. My opponent in the semifinals is no scrub, so I need to focus.
Flash has been dominating lately, thoughts?
-Of course I’ve been pressured. But you can’t go on dwelling on this kind of stuff. Flash is very good, but I just need to focus and do my own thing. As long as I play games I can be proud off, nothing else really matters. But of course, I still want this championship.
Last words?
-My teammates helped me a lot in preparing for this game, I’m thankful and I’m gonna treat them to a good meal. Also, even though it’s not good to think like this, only having to prepare for SPL and MSL is much easier. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this relaxed. But the OSL preliminaries are soon, so I’m still ambitious and want to do well in both individual leagues. I hope to once again exhibit dominance in the OSL. In SPL, my team won two difficult games, and we’ll continue preparing well for the later games, and strive for a three win streak. Also, fans gave us a bunch of fruit and drinks before the game, so I want to thank them and tell them I ate it all.
Interview from fomos.kr, images from fomos and Daily ESports