1. a type of German song, especially of the Romantic period, typically for solo voice with piano accompaniment.
The Lied of PhiL the Benevolent
Once upon a time in a land that was yet unclaimed, where the frontier stretched as far as the eye could see, the pioneers created titles and realms for the people so that they would live in a harmonious hierarchical society that the feudal lords of Europe, Japan, and Kong Qiu (Confucius) would have been proud of. The history books tell us of the tyrannical overlord Bureaucrats, the mid level management Administrators, the nouveau riche Reviewers, the hard working Editors and the “what am I doing?” Users.
However as time passed the few Reviewers there were either got promoted to Administrators or faded into the annals of history. This is where the hero of our tale, PhiLtheFisH, comes in. He set out on a quest to once again find the heroes of the realm, the people who had protected children and helped fair maidens cross puddles in the road. And these are the people he, together with his brethren, has found and decided to bestow laurels of praise and responsibility upon.
Heroes of the realm
Besides a ton of edits he has contributed to the wiki in various other ways. We got to know him mostly when he campaigned for the correct licensing and attribution of images. He has since employed bots to great effect to correct common spelling errors and removed images that were lacking in copyright information or rights. He has also worked hard on providing a

Editing since the end of 2011 he racked up a lot of edits mostly updating tournament results and respective player and team results pages. It took some time for us to notice him really, since his name included a _ at the end, so his achievements weren’t linked with his TL account properly, so he was already at a gold when he got into the Liquipedia Contributors forum. He also doesn't shy away from creating templates when he needs them.
He is responsible for the great countdowns we nowadays have on the wikis and for that alone he deserves recognition. He also helped with valuable input on things like the bracket contest tool and various other coding projects.
He is also one of the result updaters, with a massive amount of edits in his past. He played a major role in getting the Hearthstone wiki off the ground for which he was also awarded this beautiful golden Harrison Jones.
The man’s a machine with 10k edits and 3k reviews under his belt! A lot of his effort goes towards structuring results, keeping the wiki looking decent with things we call janitorial edits, updating templates and keeping results up to date. He is one of the cogs behind the curtain that keeps the clockwork well oiled and running smoothly.
He is a long time contributor doing various tasks on the wiki ranging from updating results to creating templates. Most notably he created two extensions for the wiki — one that allows us to presort a table whichever way we like, and the second to help us create team templates very quickly:

He is one of these people that makes sure that the tournament results on Liquipedia are updated instantly. Since June 2013 he has made made more than 13,000 edits, including 738 edits on

TLPD Staffer and BW writer who lives in the Live Report threads on TL has carried over his need for keeping everything up to date to Liquipedia, contributing to the BW, SC2, and Dota 2 wikis, and helping out with the card addition on HS, earning himself a Harrison Jones too. Allegedly a nemesis of KadaverBB.[citation needed] Could have something to do with their 3 letter abbreviated names (KAG vs KBB)?
Most notably he has created a tool which enables you to quickly create statistics pages for a given tournament (Original post, Newest version). He is active on the discussion forums and has done some template work. Aside from LP, he often does Proleague roster posts on and has created a cool tool for TLPD too.
Most people that contribute to the wiki have an edit to review ratio of about 10:1, there are a few who have as good as a 3:1 ratio. However AndaGalant completely breaks this with having a 3:10 ratio. With over 10,000 reviews he’s reviewed about as much as the next three people in the review rankings put together.
Aeroblaster keeps pretty much the entire “game-side” of LPD updated, be it patch changes, mechanics or new hero pages, there is a big chance that Aeroblaster has been there doing the tedious work of updating or creating the page.

KBB is a ban-machine, smiting the nonbelievers of the 10 Commandments of TL with righteous fury and diligent justice. We’re very glad that he found yet another passion for himself with the launch of Hearthstone, since he has been elemental to getting the Hearthstone wiki off the ground. For that he earned himself a Harrison Jones for his contribution. For whatever reason, he’s the Nemesis of KristofferAG.[citation needed]
He has been heavily involved in organizing teams on LP2. He focuses mostly on non-premier teams that wouldn’t be updated otherwise. Besides that he has been one of the most active participants in forum discussions.
In his 13 month of editing Liquipedia it seems like he is drawn mostly to keep results on German tournaments updated (about 1000 of the edits he's done is on pages with "Germany" in the title), as well as filling in missing information on player pages. He also helps out fixing templates and “frankencoding” new ones when it necessary.
Starting back in 2011, he is one of the few dedicated Brood War historians we have. Being calm and understanding in nature he is easy to collaborate with. He’s also Brood War Staff on TL.
Newly granted privileges
So we will promote the people listed above to the group "Reviewer" and while doing this also change around the different permissions the different groups have. The changes are as follows:
Stable settings
Stable settings describe which revision of a page will be displayed to the public. By default the most recently reviewed version will be chosen, however this is not always the best choice. For live tournaments we often like to display the most recent revision regardless of whether it was reviewed or not. The length of time for this change to be in effect is also possible to set and should be used so that after the tournament is over, a revision will be required to be reviewed again before being publicly displayed. This change will allow the reviewers to do exactly that.
Editing protected pages
Actually, until recently, all editors were allowed to edit protected pages due to a mistake in the settings. This has been changed now and only reviewers (or higher) are allowed to edit protected pages.
Other changes
All editors have now the permission to move a page without leaving a redirect. This is particularly helpful if you made a typo in the title, now you can just move it to the right place without leaving a page which has to be deleted by an admin. Make sure not to leave any red links behind when moving an established pages, leaving a redirect is probably the right choice.