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TeamLiquid's 100 Greatest PC Games of ALL TIME
Based on the controversy generated by PC gamers awful (really terrible) top 100 list recently, it was suggested that the well-educated, 150 IQ, but modest PC gaming master race might have some good ideas about what would constitute a good top 100 list. And I thought, that sounds like a find idea, somebody should get on that. So I did! This thread is to vote upon your person top 10 PC games of ALL TIME. You are beholden to no set of rules or restrictions, but only your judgement. Influential, funnest to play now, hidden gems. Do your best! Or worst, it's your dime.
Rules are as follows: 1. I will tabulate results by hand when voting closes one week from today at midnight US Pacific time, Friday August 2nd. (if anybody wants to help, pm me, help is more than welcome) 2. One vote per user 3. To ensure no multiple voting, accounts must be created prior to July of 2013. 4. List your top 10 in order. Your #1 is worth 10 points overall, your #10 is worth 1 point, and all the inbetweens. 5. One game per line in your post, numbered. Descriptions and explanations of your choices are appreciated but not required. 6. Feel free to to discuss, critize, argue, promote your own views, etc. Please just make it clear when your post is a vote. 7. Votes are for a single game, not a series of games. Expansions and episodes (looking at you HL2) can be considered a single game. 8. Do not edit your vote. I will be tallying votes throughout the voting period, so when your vote is put into this thread, it is final!
As an example I will begin with my own vote: 1. Starcraft: Brood War The game that launched national sport in Korea. A game with perfect balance, graphics that disprove the notion that newer is better, and personality dripping from every unit. A masterpiece, clearly. 2. Portal A proof that short and sweet can make a game great. Certainly the play time isn't much, but per time of playing, i've never had as much fun with a game as Portal 3. Bioshock Infinite Perhaps playing it recently has colored my viewpoint, but Bioshock Infinite is the most fun I've had with my PC in ages. I'd tried playing through many various single player games, to no avail, deciding that perhaps the problem was that I just didn't care for single player any more! This game I took a chance on, and it lulled me out of that thought, it engaged me through and through with it's beautiful locale and wonderful gameplay based around that locale (yay skylines). I frankly prefered the pace(faster) and locale (and watching that locale get torn to pieces before your eyes) to the original in retrospect. 4. Civilization II The thousands of hours of my life I'll never get back. I liked the original, but this improved upon it in every way. I felt like Civ 3 and beyond somewhere along the lines lost track of the elements that really counted (although alpha centauri was also great). I've probably wasted 100 hours of my life on the World War II scenario alone. 5. League of Legends League of legends has transitioned into what Brood War used to be. It eats my time, keeps me company. The champions are well polished and put together, the feedback is viscereal and on point. Dota fans gonna hate, but I like it more. 6. Dota Credit is however due to the original. All-stars consumed by days back in the day, while making me feel like a bad person because I'd rather play DotA than ladder Warcraft 3. It's a true testament when a mod (really, no more than a map) for a game comes to overshine the game that spawned it and create a whole new genre. 7. SimCity 2000 The high point of simulation games in my mind. SimCity made the leap into 3 dimensions with panache, nifty new elements, and a great sense of style. I never quite got tired of watching aliens blow up Los Angeles or New York, then reloading and doing it all over again. A great example of what a sandbox can be. 8. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic My favorite RPG I've ever played. Yes I've played Baulder's Gate. I just love Star Wars, and this game is definitely the best video game adaption, which rather than attempting to tie itself down to the movies is it's own property with it's own vision of the star wars universe, one which is compelling and fun to be in. The combat system is intuitive and addicting and building a light saber is just a fun concept. Too bad the sequel sucked 9. Counter-strike 1.6 Speaking of mods which overshadow the game they are from. Sure everybody has fond memories of half-life, but who spent all kind of time playing half-life versus the hours whiled away in counter-strike. This game proves that dedication to the basics, sounds, weapon control, graphic indications, and concept can make a great game. 10. Grim Fandango What would a best of list be without at least one pretentious left field pick. In seriousness though, Grim Fandango is a game with characters that I doubt I shall forget. Frankly, I found the puzzle aspect of the game tedious and random, so I played through with a guide telling me where to go every step. Even with that flaw, the setting, music, characters and plot were certainly in my top 10 best gaming experiences.
Now get to voting, and may the best games win!
1. Half Life 1 An era defining game, it had depth, challenge, it was way ahead of its time, and it is almost single handedly the reason current shooters function the way they do.
2. The Secret of Monkey Island (Monkey Island 1) An incredible classic, full of brilliant humour and frustrating puzzle solving. This was one of the first games I ever played on PC when I was much younger, and I think it still holds strong to this day.
3. Baldur's Gate 2 Not much really needs to be said about this. Perhaps I'm a touch young, but I think this massively dwarfs Baldur's Gate 1.
4. Saints Row: The Third It's like a company remembered what games are meant to be about in an age of brown shooters. Vice City was always far and away my favourite GTA, things got far too serious after that. For me SR3 is the sequel to Vice City, and 8 billion times better and more fun!
5. Dragon Age: Origins. The most engrossed I've ever got in a single player RPG. I think the combat is a little subpar, but the atmosphere, characters and story are the best I've personally experienced.
6. Portal What needs to be said? 
7. Monkey Island 2 Similar to MI:1, a masterpiece on a larger scale.
8. World of Warcraft I know this might get some hate, but WoW took a lot of my life and despite being "generally quit", I've played vanilla through to Mists varying amounts each expansion, with the majority of it being during WotLK. I know it steals and stole a lot of its ideas, but Blizzard knows what sells, and nothing that has been a genre defining game for so many years ought to be left off this list.
9. League of Legends It has almost 30 million unique global players weekly, is fun, has the biggest esports scene (despite not being a great spectator game) and is the one game I always default to when I'm bored.
10. C'Thulu Saves the World A hidden masterpiece IMO, especially playing the Director's Cut version with the hidden notes throughout. I don't think it's actually top 10 material, but is EASILY good enough to fit on a Top 100 list.
1. Brood War 2. World of Warcraft 3. Starcraft 2 4. DotA 5. Baldur's Gate 6. Rome: Total War 7. Unreal Tournament 8. Diablo 9. Portal 10. Age of Empires II
edit: nvm, what I thought is exactly what is happening, people put BW first because they are incredibly biased in its favor.
On July 27 2013 09:17 docvoc wrote: edit: nvm, what I thought is exactly what is happening, people put BW first because they are incredibly biased in its favor.
That's the point of the poll. You list your top 10 games. Sorry you didn't understand the OP?
On July 27 2013 09:18 Infernal_dream wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 09:17 docvoc wrote: edit: nvm, what I thought is exactly what is happening, people put BW first because they are incredibly biased in its favor. That's the point of the poll. You list your top 10 games. Sorry you didn't understand the OP?
On July 27 2013 05:30 GeneralStan wrote: Based on the controversy generated by PC gamers awful (really terrible) top 100 list recently, it was suggested that the well-educated, 150 IQ, but modest PC gaming master race might have some good ideas about what would constitute a good top 100 list.
It frustrates me when people replace one biased list with another under the guise of it being somehow better. I understood the OP perfectly. It's not worth it though, this is something for fun, and it's not going to be published like PCgamer's is, so there's no point in me being a debby-downer.
1. Bioshock: the most well-put together game I've ever seen. The gameplay meshes with the game's themes and setting beautifully, it actually makes you think, it has the sickest plot twist, and the ending is even coherent (suck it, Infinite lovers). 2. Starcraft 2: I didn't really play Brood War unfortunately, but SC2 is my favorite RTS. 3. Rome: Total War: sick history nerd chills all day long. 4. KotOR: If they had made this game instead of the prequels I would have been so happy. 5. Portal 6. Red Alert 2 7. Command and Conquer Generals: this game knows how to do lasers pretty well. 8. Skyrim: It's some of the most fun I've had in an open-world setting. 9. Age of Mythology: cyclops' fighting hydras and trolls is a pretty good concept for a game. 10. Portal 2: it's still pretty funny, even if its not as good as the original.
On July 27 2013 09:36 docvoc wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 09:18 Infernal_dream wrote:On July 27 2013 09:17 docvoc wrote: edit: nvm, what I thought is exactly what is happening, people put BW first because they are incredibly biased in its favor. That's the point of the poll. You list your top 10 games. Sorry you didn't understand the OP? Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 05:30 GeneralStan wrote: Based on the controversy generated by PC gamers awful (really terrible) top 100 list recently, it was suggested that the well-educated, 150 IQ, but modest PC gaming master race might have some good ideas about what would constitute a good top 100 list. It frustrates me when people replace one biased list with another under the guise of it being somehow better. I understood the OP perfectly. It's not worth it though, this is something for fun, and it's not going to be published like PCgamer's is, so there's no point in me being a debby-downer. It wouldn't be hard to come up with a better list. The PC Gamer one has Broodwar at #81 while DayZ is #45 and Batman Arkham Asylum is at #65. Having everyone here put their 10 favourite games down is likely to come up with something a little more accurate. Admittedly it'd have a Blizz/RTS bias but it's still going to be better than PC Gamer's.
Some of the other ridiculous shit on their 'greatest of all time' list:
Skyrim at #1 L4D2 #9 Diablo III at #96. Diablo II & I unranked. Dragon Age > Baldurs Gate II Supreme Commander 58 spots ahead of Brood War
United Kingdom14103 Posts
My personal, totally biased, list:
- Warcraft 3 (either expansion)
- Counter Strike: 1 -> 1.6
- Diablo II (with or without expansion)
- Quake 3: Arena
- DotA (wc3 + DotA 2)
- AoE II
- Starcraft: Brood War
- C&C RA:2
- TES: Oblivion
- Starcraft 2
Edit: Moved RA: 2 and AoE II above Oblivion and SC2 Edit2: Swapped AoE II and SC: BW
My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad (yeah yeah it is originally for NES) 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2
On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2
CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that
On July 27 2013 10:38 GeneralStan wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2 CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that  Haha. Perhaps the disclaimer should be that it is #1 because of realism, whereas SC is actually the superior game.
On July 27 2013 10:42 aegisabcde wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 10:38 GeneralStan wrote:On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2 CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that  Haha. Perhaps the disclaimer should be that it is #1 because of realism, whereas SC is actually the superior game. The questions here is which game has the more realistic overlords. I vote Starcraft.
1. Dota/Dota2 2. Vampire: The masquerade - Bloodlines 3. Half Life 1 4. Warcraft 3 5. Monster Girl Quest 6. World of warcraft 7. Bastion 8. Monster Girl Quest 9. Portal 10. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.
Note:This isn't my actual top 10, but just use it as though it was. These were just 10 games i love that i listed in the order that i remembered them in.
Edit: Changed because i derped and added two non-PC games because i played them emulated on my PC.
On July 27 2013 10:44 T0MORR0W wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 10:42 aegisabcde wrote:On July 27 2013 10:38 GeneralStan wrote:On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2 CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that  Haha. Perhaps the disclaimer should be that it is #1 because of realism, whereas SC is actually the superior game. The questions here is which game has the more realistic overlords. I vote Starcraft. Considering that a twin-barreled tank makes less sense mechanically, I would rather bet on an overlord-like organism existing somewhere in the universe.
On July 27 2013 10:53 aegisabcde wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 10:44 T0MORR0W wrote:On July 27 2013 10:42 aegisabcde wrote:On July 27 2013 10:38 GeneralStan wrote:On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2 CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that  Haha. Perhaps the disclaimer should be that it is #1 because of realism, whereas SC is actually the superior game. The questions here is which game has the more realistic overlords. I vote Starcraft. Considering that a twin-barreled tank makes less sense mechanically, I would rather bet on an overlord-like organism existing somewhere in the universe. You forgot about the double barrel gatling cannon on top.
On July 27 2013 10:58 T0MORR0W wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 10:53 aegisabcde wrote:On July 27 2013 10:44 T0MORR0W wrote:On July 27 2013 10:42 aegisabcde wrote:On July 27 2013 10:38 GeneralStan wrote:On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2 CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that  Haha. Perhaps the disclaimer should be that it is #1 because of realism, whereas SC is actually the superior game. The questions here is which game has the more realistic overlords. I vote Starcraft. Considering that a twin-barreled tank makes less sense mechanically, I would rather bet on an overlord-like organism existing somewhere in the universe. You forgot about the double barrel gatling cannon on top. Now what if you are GLA Dr. Thrax, captured a China factory, and put toxin rebels inside a bunker housed on an overlord? Then you would have an even less realistic toxin-lord.
On July 27 2013 10:51 Unleashing wrote: 1. Dota/Dota2 2. Vampire: The masquerade - Bloodlines 3. Half Life 1 4. Warcraft 3 5. Monster Girl Quest 6. Pokémon Yellow 7. Bastion 8. Monster Girl Quest 9. Ratchet & Clank 10. The Elder SCrolls III: Morrowind.
Note:This isn't my actual top 10, but just use it as though it was. These were just 10 games i love that i listed in the order that i remembered them in.
I'm afraid titles that have not been released on the PC are not available options.
On July 27 2013 11:01 aegisabcde wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2013 10:58 T0MORR0W wrote:On July 27 2013 10:53 aegisabcde wrote:On July 27 2013 10:44 T0MORR0W wrote:On July 27 2013 10:42 aegisabcde wrote:On July 27 2013 10:38 GeneralStan wrote:On July 27 2013 10:35 aegisabcde wrote: My biased list:
1. C&C Generals 2. StarCraft 1 3. Age of Empires 2 4. Age of Empires 3 5. Battletoad 6. Battlefield 3 7. Rollercoaster Tycoon 8. Heroes of Might and Magic 3 9. Red Alert 2 10. Diablo 2 CC Generals above Starcraft? You're liable to catch a little flak for that  Haha. Perhaps the disclaimer should be that it is #1 because of realism, whereas SC is actually the superior game. The questions here is which game has the more realistic overlords. I vote Starcraft. Considering that a twin-barreled tank makes less sense mechanically, I would rather bet on an overlord-like organism existing somewhere in the universe. You forgot about the double barrel gatling cannon on top. Now what if you are GLA Dr. Thrax, captured a China factory, and put toxin rebels inside a bunker housed on an overlord? Then you would have an even less realistic toxin-lord. Unfortunately, though, even that gigantic tank can have its driver sniped out and captured by a Prince Kassad using a Jarmen Kell. It can then be made permanently invisible and surrounded by invisible angry mobs and filled with invisible rocket launchers.
1. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne 2. StarCraft: Brood War 3. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction 4. Civilization IV 5. RollerCoaster Tycoon 6. Civilization III 7. Rainbow Six 8. Portal 9. League of Legends 10. Starcraft II