I came across this thread detailing all the nicknames of SC2 units in Chinese, some were quite amusing. Here I have translated it for my TL brethren:
Here are the Terran names:
SCV - 农民: Farmer. This name is the same for harvesters of all races.
Marine - 机枪: Machine gun (self-explanatory), 枪兵: Rifleman
Marauder - 光头: Bald guy. This is a reference to Dustin Browder whom the marauder is supposed to resemble.
Reaper - 收割者: Reaper/harvester, 死神: Death god.
Ghost - 鬼兵: Ghost soldier, 鬼子: Ghost (this is a derogatory reference to the Japanese from the WW2 days), 狗屎特: Direct translation of the pronunciation "ghost". Chinese words mean "dog shit special".
Hellion - 火车: Fire car.
Siege tank - 坦克: Tank
Thor - 雷神: Thunder god, 高达: Gundam, 守门人: Goalkeeper (maybe because he is not very mobile).
Viking - 维京: Viking, 变形金刚: Transformer.
Medivac - 运输机: Transporter, 医生姐姐: Doctor elder sis (seems to have mild sexual connotations).
Raven - 渡鸦: Raven
Banshee - 女妖: Female demon, 阿凡达: Avatar (because it resembles the ship in Avatar).
Battlecruiser - 大和: Yamato. 吉祥物: Mascot. Mascot is a title given to the least useful units of each race.
Hellbat: 火车侠: Fire car-man. Note: 侠 is a suffix given to most superheroes in Chinese, e.g. Spideman is 蜘蛛侠 (蜘蛛 is Spider) and Ironman is 钢铁侠 (钢铁 is iron/steel).
Widow mine - 寡妇雷: Widow mine.
If you guys are interested I will continue with the Zerg and Protoss names.
I know the nickname for zerglings is 狗狗 or doggys/dogs, and mutalisks are 飞龙 or dragons if memory serves.
dog shit special, hahahah. Ghosts will never be the same for me.
On July 16 2013 21:27 targ wrote: If you guys are interested I will continue with the Zerg and Protoss names. i am interested.
Hahaha I really like the marauder nickname! xD
I thought that this was really funny!
Was the Marauder meant to be Dustin Browder? I thought the hero Goliath was him.
The Marauder is the new black guy since the SCV became white in SC2.
If you guys are interested I will continue with the Zerg and Protoss names.
Please continue.
Hellion - 火车: Fire car.
this also means train in chinese !
Great thread! /vote to continue with other races!
I know my dad would use 白鬼 and 黑鬼 everyday!
Russian Federation325 Posts
Why are there multiple names for some units?
On July 16 2013 22:09 laegoose wrote: Why are there multiple names for some units?
they're nicknames, like mommacore/ mommaship
This is hilarious. Would love to see the Protoss ones.
Somewhat off-topic is there a resource for well-casted games in Chinese? Thanks.
Please continue with all the units and races if possible 
So Carrier is the mascot? or Mothership? :D
Zerg has no mascot hahaha
Wonder what zerg mascot is, Protoss mascot is carrier I suppose though it should be mothership, carrier has some uses actually
That was a great share! Please continue with the Protoss and Zerg units.
I love this! Please do Zerg and Protoss units as well
United States8476 Posts
I was actually looking for something like this when I went to China for interviews. Please do the others!
Would be very nice if you could continue this. Would make it a lot easier to try to understand Starcraft casts in chinese