The Mountainhome of Nishraluk was starting to see the pains of a long war against the local goblin clans. Its mines were running bare of flux stone, severely crippling our steel production. I was summoned by the king a month or so before our journey.
He told us that which we already knew - The Winds of Iron clan needed to establish a second fortress, and with it a new way to replenish our soldiers and civilian dwarves with new and fresh metals. The Goblin war was looking bleak, Nishraluk was the last standing fortress of our clan, and with the Goblins routinely holding back their attacks during winter, it was the perfect time to embark. He had established a location in a relatively far off location. He entrusted us with a map, drawn up by his own most skilled scouts and cartographers.
The journey didn't seem too terrible at the time. Head north from the Mountainhome through the Humble Plain of Abysses - which honestly sounds a lot worse than it actually was, a pleasant shrub land that our own Nishraluk was settled in. We had the option of passing through the human settlement of Thorazemel, however we decided that passing along the west side would take us to our new home Northwest of Nishraluk much sooner, albeit a little less safe. Passing along the west brought us through the Cunning Forests, and then into the fabled Lesser Spines. A very dark and sinister band of the forest, no one is really sure what has turned this evil place. We camped in the safety of the Cunning Forests before charging through the sinister badlands at the first glimpse of sunlight. This brought us into the Swift Steppes, a hilly shrub land that was scorching hot. I believe we went through almost a third of our ale supply in this area alone, as it was quite vast and traveling above ground puts a dwarf into a thirst like you wouldn't believe!
We finally made it to our destination, a large and mighty mountain range known as the Whiskered Axe. Very appropriate for a dwarven caravan! We were heading to the base of the largest mountain in this range, and here at the base of the Tower of Hollows, we set to begin our new lives. At the base was a rather hot savanna, however initial surveying found that the wildlife was rather tame, which means we didn't have to worry about dying of exhaustion running from violent wildlife.
It was here that we founded our new Mountainhome, called Uristgamil Alud Datan. I believe it means "Daggertrust, the brother of Iron" in human tongue. My crew of six was chosen at an assembly held in the courtyard of the King's personal estate. It was a difficult decision, I wish I could have taken more than seven, however we were only provisioned with minimal supplies and I did not want us to run out of food before we even made it to our destination. Anyhow, a bit on the settlers.
My name is Toren Urmimled. At the time I was nothing more than a proficient miner. I was just about seventy when we embarked, The year was 253, I had quite a head of hair back then! As you see now, it's all fallen out. Stress of running an expedition I tell you!
I recall being quite strong and good with social interaction, I made friends easily and the nobility took kindly to me, despite being a lowly miner. This is how the King had come to find me. Thankfully we had a good doctor with us, as I seem to always get sick when I go outdoors. I'm starting to think that being born in the Timber month has made me fond of being outside! I used to chuckle as other dwarves cursed and spat at the rain in the Statue garden, and they would all retreat inside while I stood and enjoyed the tranquility...ah, I reminisce. I would promptly volunteer myself to go out woodcutting whenever an extra hand was needed!
The first person I chose to come with me was Arb Tumamkubuk. He and I grew fond of the Obsidian mines together, and shortly after became good friends. When he showed up to volunteer, I didn't hesitate in bringing him along. *chuckle* Arb had been working in the Militia making weapons and armor, however his memory served him well. I swear he could remember every second of his seventy-five years of life! I fondly remember joking with him about remembering how to use a pick. Arb was a perfect fit for our expedition, as long as the stress of a new settlement didn't get to his head - he never handled stress well.
Second to join the expedition was a ladydwarf by the name of Haemonculus Rithzamerib. Many of the nobles in the upper city of Nishraluk regarded her as a master carpenter. When presented with the opportunity to head up our Woodworking industry, she immediately jumped at the offer. She was very confident and I believe her dabbling work in with the Nobles - who would obviously prefer fancy stone - left her wanting. She was young, at a mere fifty nine years of age! However, her time spent in the upper city left her with a rather refined taste, and at times she seemed much older and more experienced than all of us, a trait I envy much. She would make an inspiring leader, and if I found myself incapable, I knew who I was appointing. A man can respect a woman who's built her life around handling wood. *cackle*
I kid, I kid.
Next came Neggy Atiskadol. A seventy two year old ladydwarf that was highly regarded as a skilled mason, architect, and had been known to dabble in a mechanism here and there in her spare time. I admit, she was a little...erm...different. Mind you, we were all dwarves here, however this one was like a dwarf made out of steel. Near indestructible, she was. I didn't tell her at the time, but I picked her up as an emergency militia captain, in case the goblins found out of our new Mountainhome before we were settled in. Her mechanic skills were another driving factor, as a trapped entrance is a non-deathtrap entrance!
Carpola Uzolulol came at the recommendation of Haemonculus, a many-talented craftsdwarf. He was the youngest of the expedition, a mere fifty five years of age! Age does not always tell skill or experience, however, and in talking with Haemonculus and seeing his own work, I was more than happy to have him along. When I asked if he knew how to make crossbow bolts, he told me he did, which made him even more beneficial. A very strong dwarf, in the back of my mind I had placed him in the militia if things got ugly. I didn't tell him that at the time, though, as that may have frightened them off. I imagine they had to know of the dangers, with the Goblin war and all. He had a bit of an explosive personality. When he got mad, he got REALLY mad. Otherwise, he was one of the friendliest dwarves in the entire fortress. I'll never have that one figured out.
Ushrir Giginnomal, or Hazely as she preferred, was my favorite brewer back at home. I was extremely pleased to see her volunteering to come along, as it meant all of my favorite ale came along with us! She was always quite patient, I imagine you have to be when brewing beer for thirsty dwarves, and I don't think I ever saw that woman get angry even once. She had apparently been growing a little tired of the local brewery, and was spending her time fishing, as she kept a rod with her now! Fish and booze, all in one delightful package! How could a dwarf say no to that? As she went to pack her things, I went to choose our last dwarf.
Being the industrious dwarf that I am, I often times forget that there's more important things than business. Did you notice what I hadn't picked out at this point? Aye, a farmer! Poor Hazely would go crazy trying to brew beer for everyone, AND fish for us all. I approached Urist Edemkashez, someone who worked at the same tavern as Hazely. He introduced himself as Tnkted, so that's the name we stuck with. Not the greatest cook in the world, but he knew how to manage a farm, and that was what was important at the time. Again, better to bring friends of other dwarves than to bring someone who is subjectively skilled over another! He was young as well, sixty years old, but he proved to be a smart dwarf. Very resourceful, however, he was so forgetful that I had to remind him three times that he was coming with during the last few days of our preparations. Makes me wonder how he remembers to maintain a field of crops. I almost thought I made a mistake, however he proved that I was correct in my judgment, or lack thereof.
And that brings us to today. Arb has found a sturdy entrance off of a small cove in the crotch of a river - provided he doesn't get eaten by an alligator on his way back, he should already be started on digging. He and I did an initial survey, and it appears that our King's men live up to their name. This mountain is chock full of coal and lignite! Arb is yelling at me to stop sitting on my bum and give him a hand, and I think we are going to settle in quite nicely in our new fortress. Here's hoping we do our King proud.