Wow, thanks! I was hoping someone would do it this time too :D (yes yes I'm very lazy :p)
Lol the game length for all the july zerg games are like 35 minutes combined.
thx yo very manner i appreciate it ^.^;; u sir make the big bad internet easier for newbs like me
THANK YOU! I was just looking for those, since I can't watch MLG this weekend due to exams =( Woo now I get to see Idra crush MC xD
omg..... you are so fucking awsome......... this come fromt he bottom of my heart.....i appreaciate what you have done for us here. save me time and easy to find the games i want. tytytyty
Thanks! saves me a lot of time!
United States996 Posts
OMG, HuK commented on my blog. My life is COMPLETE! (Well almost, I just need Tyler, iNcontroL, TLO, IdrA and few others )
On topic: If it gets popular I promise I'll try to find a way to categorize the replays somewhat. What format do you think would be the best? Would this directory tree work?
- Pools
- Open Bracket
- Winners R1
- Winners R2
- ...
- Losers R1
- ...
- Championship Bracket
- Winners R1
- Winners R2
- ...
- Losers R1
- ...
France1887 Posts
thanks man! keep it up :D
If you categorize that you are an even biggest hero! Thanks for your hard work. Always appreciated.
Ty so very much! I missed the IdrA game due to a rookie mistake of watching Tastosis and not understanding they wouldn't cover IdrA.. I couldn't navigate the VOD section on MLGs site and this is so great :D ty.
If you do this every day I might love you forever, especially since i won't be able to watch MLG this time around,.. =[
Great job!
This is amazing, thank you so much
Well, I've just finished my disgustingly brute-force download script. It's running as I type this post. As soon all replays download, I'll update the OP with a new replay pack. If some replays would be missing in the package even though they are on the MLG website, please let me know, I'll try to fix such bugs.
oh my god, thank you so much for this xoxoxoxo
Updated the pack with some fresh replays. I'll try to do it throughout the night as I watch the streams. I will fall asleep on my keyboard eventually though, so do not be mad if the set is somewhat not up to date. As soon as I wake up there will be more